Greeting , I’d like to make a suggestion for receiving notifications for when your blog has been restemmed by another user, as well as when you are mentioned by other users in a blog or forum, Since I’ve started steem I’ve found out that I only can view my replies which I’ve been tagged in comments but not in posts and I’ve hardly been able to see where I have been tag in other peoples posts, I’m only able to view it in minnowboosters page, where they will only show you three of the most recent posts you where tagged in, and if you wish to view more than you have to pay for premium, which I don’t feel is a problem but I feel could be a good thing for steemit to have on their own website.
Examples :
Here is a post a guy had tagged me in to view his coins, if you see at the bottom he says @meilo1995 which is me
The guys had to post his post link under my comments because I didn’t know he had mentioned me in the post
on the image below, this is the reply I got for from him and it links to my post where he had commented and not to his post
Note: I don’t have any problem with miniwobooster, I’m still using them for the things they have to offer and I find them good.
only on minobooster am I able to view the posts that I was mentioned in but it’s only the recent threeand if I want to view more than I would have to pay for the premium to be able to see
over here i am only able to see the three recent resteems that I have on my posts, and I can again only see the three , and more if I pay for premium
What I would suggest is for them to show a tab that says notifications instead of replies that holds the notifications for mentions, resteems and replies but to make them separated from each other, I don’t feel they should do it under replies because of clutter. So to make it simpler I feel resteems and mentions should fit in to one and the comment and replies in to the other.
*I didn’t put the comments tab under the replies or under Notifications tab because it’s not feed back from the users
Kind regards and Thank you guys, be sure to inform me if there is anything else you would suggest or inform
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Cool cool buddy, It didn’t show those under “Found similar Contributions” but thank you
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I concur it needs to happen man, for not I just use GinaBot. She's the bomb.
Hahaha no problem and thanks pheli..will try GinaBot out