ThanksHi @nilfanif, I've added a vector file that can be edited with the file name "NEW Logo CPUS Printing PSD", And I also have created a folder for PSD format, you can check.
your .eps file is not editable, inside it just some cliping masked raster images. you did't make it with vector based program. the project owner won't be able to edit your logo if they choose to use it. they can't change the color or resize it without losing quality.
I suggest you to use vector based program such as Adobe Iluustrator or Corel Draw to make a logo.
To make a Logo editing, since I'm using adobe photoshop, the app developer can edit using the PSD file. I see in point 8 "Graphic Rules" allows using PSD Files. I am grateful for your suggestion, next time I will make a logo with the software you suggest. Give me a chance!!Thanks for the information @nilfanif,
ThanksHi @nilfanif, I've added a vector file that can be edited with the file name "NEW Logo CPUS Printing PSD", And I also have created a folder for PSD format, you can check.
.psd is not a vector file format.
ThanksHi @nilfanif, I've added the format file (.eps)
your .eps file is not editable, inside it just some cliping masked raster images. you did't make it with vector based program. the project owner won't be able to edit your logo if they choose to use it. they can't change the color or resize it without losing quality.
I suggest you to use vector based program such as Adobe Iluustrator or Corel Draw to make a logo.
To make a Logo editing, since I'm using adobe photoshop, the app developer can edit using the PSD file. I see in point 8 "Graphic Rules" allows using PSD Files. I am grateful for your suggestion, next time I will make a logo with the software you suggest. Give me a chance!!Thanks for the information @nilfanif,
Yes, that's why I don't reject your contribution.
right now we are encouraging logo contribution to be delivered in vector format.
You've made a good logo, but providing your logo in .psd is not as flexible as .svg .eps or .pdf.
I am waiting for good reply from you :).Thank you very much for the information @nilfanif. I will make changes in my next contribution.