Your contribution cannot be approved because it does not follow the Utopian Rules.
- Hello @apocz. Since i check your translations there is some issues you had been made. As far as i can see whole translations you made, copy paste from google.
- Sadly i will not approve your contribution, please next time avoid to use translators in any contribution. Best wishes!
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Hey, I'm polish and as far as I can tell these translations are correct and there's no grammatical errors that a machine translation would be full of. Just leaving this out there so it isn't OP's word against yours. For example, the realm translation is absolutely correct because the word for both domain and realm is domena in polish.
Hey @omeratagun, i've checked your evidence screenshots and I can tell you that calling my translations bad because I used google translator (or some other translator) and then trying to prove me otherwise by using a translator and showing that actually there are different words coming up only proves my point, that I didnt use translator of any sort.