@utopian-io announced new system which named "proofread". Just to prevent possible abuse, i was working on to make suggestion about the rules.
To be in the proofreading team, you must be well known by the community and be asserted to possess the skills needed to get the job done properly. There is some requirements to be in this team;
- A minimum of 50 accepted contributions in the specific language.
- A thorough crosscheck by the moderators/supervisors who speaks that specific language
Applications will be handed to specific supervisors for processing. If the team of utopian believes that the user can provide proofreading, the user will be available to post proofread contribution to the utopian platform.
This category is only meant for proofreading done on crowdin for the projects. belonging to the steem blockchain (or the projects utopian work with).
A minimum of 500 words per proofread contribution must be done.
Corrections to the translated strings must be made and reported in the post.
Only proofreading on the Crowdin platform is accepted.
Your Crowdin Account must match your Steem/Utopian account.
Explanation of post must be in English
*** Template to submit to utopian in order to be rewarded in proofread category ***
- Title of post
Needs to be clear. Which project? Language? - Detailed explanation of the work provided
How many corrections were made by proofreader? Does source strings needs fixing?
Is there any contact with manager or owner of the project? - Examples of strings proofread by user
Screenshots and examples must be in the post with proper explanation.
Proofread users must be enabled by the utopian supervisors in order to submit contribution into the system.
By this way of gathering proofread contributions we may block the possible scam by contributors.
There will not be tons of unreviewed posts which can make us busy as hell!
Process of electing users as proofread will be handed by utopian moderators/supervisors to get a clean result for the persons who is capable of.
Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
Hello, first of all, compliments for upgrading the translation section. I have two questions:
while translating, I often encounter words that do not exist in my mother tongue. Example: render - I fully understand what it means, but this translation is not or would be in a few words.
The next issue arises when it is already translated from another language into English, and when you translate it again, there is often confusion.
And the second question: the translation requires 1000 words, for "proofread" is, as I see, a request of 500 words. So is there still 1000 requests, of which 500 confirmed words?
Hello @zagec. I can only explain the second question of yours because the first question is not a problem of mine at all.
Translations requires 1000 words yes, but for proofread this is a suggestion of mine to make it 500 words to get an upvote from the
Community will give a decision what must be done in this category for the future i suppose. Thanks for your questions. Best wishes!
Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.
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Hey @omeratagun I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!
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