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RE: Slatwall English-Turkish Translate

in #utopian-io7 years ago

Your contribution cannot be approved because it does not follow the Utopian Rules.

  • Since there are also untranslatables your words count can be under the minimum if i count it but project is already %100 translated i will not point that as a reason.
  • As Utopian we try to help with contributing to open source projects so we need to be carefull with our contributions and be professional with it but i didn't see that at your work. Almost all strings has lower cases this means your contribution quality is much much lover than we expected. I would like to ask to you for removing translated strings or correct them.
  • You used also machine translations in your work without correcting them even in long strings. If you don't know what a word means please try to search synonym of if. Because "Order Origin" is not "Mensei Siparis" . Try to find it out.
  • I have collect some proofs here below please take a look;




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