I've released Cryptocomparex 0.1, an open source Elixir/Erlang client for cryptocompare API. Cryptocomparex provides access to historical daily, hourly and minute OHLCVs for multiple exchanges and aggregates. Also allows to query CryptoCompare API for coin list, exchanges list and other data.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding cryptocomparex
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:cryptocomparex, "~> 0.1.0"}
The docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/cryptocomparex.
Cryptocomparex github repo
Commit history for this release
Status and roadmap
Historical API
- [x] get_exchanges()
- [x] get_coin_list()
- [x] get_histo_daily_ohlcvs()
- [x] get_histo_hourly_ohlcvs()
- [x] get_histo_minute_ohlcvs()
- [x] get_histo_daily_avg()
- [ ] get_histo_ohlcvs_for_timestamp()
- [ ] get_histo_daily_volume()
- [ ] get_histo_hourly_volume()
Price API
- [ ] get_price_for_symbol()
- [ ] get_price_for_multiple_symbols()
- [ ] get_custom_avg()
Streaming API
- [ ] subs_watchlist()
- [ ] subs_by_pair()
- [ ] coins_general_info()
Docs and examples
iex> {:ok, %{body: body}} = Cryptocomparex.get_exchanges()
iex> is_map(body["Bitfinex"])
Coin list
iex> {:ok, %{body: %{data: data}}} = Cryptocomparex.get_coin_list()
iex> is_map(data["BTC"])
Historical OHLCVs data
Get open, high, low, close, volumefrom and volumeto from the daily historical data.The values are based on 00:00 GMT time.It uses BTC conversion if data is not available because the coin is not trading in the specified currency.
- try_conversion If set to false, it will try to get only direct trading values
- fsym REQUIRED The cryptocurrency symbol of interest [Max character length: 10]
- tsym REQUIRED The currency symbol to convert into [Max character length: 10]
- e The exchange to obtain data from (our aggregated average - CCCAGG - by default) [Max character length: 30]
- aggregate Time period to aggregate the data over (for daily it's days, for hourly it's hours and for minute histo it's minutes)
- limit The number of data points to return
- all_data Returns all data (only available on histo day)
- to_ts Last unix timestamp to return data for
- extraParams The name of your application (we recommend you send it) [Max character length: 50]
sign if set to true, the server will sign the requests (be default we don't sign them), this is useful for usage in smart contracts
iex> alias Cryptocomparex.HistoOhlcvsOpts
iex> opts = %HistoOhlcvsOpts{fsym: "BTC", tsym: "USD"}
iex> {:ok, %{body: body = %{data: data}}} = Cryptocomparex.get_histo_daily_ohlcvs(opts)
iex> {:ok, %{body: _body = %{data: _data}}} = Cryptocomparex.get_histo_hourly_ohlcvs(opts)
iex> {:ok, %{body: _body = %{data: _data}}} = Cryptocomparex.get_histo_minute_ohlcvs(opts)
iex> is_list(data) and is_float(hd(data).high)
Historical aggregated data
Get day average price. The values are based on hourly vwap data and the average can be calculated in different ways. It uses BTC conversion if data is not available because the coin is not trading in the specified currency. If tryConversion is set to false it will give you the direct data. If no toTS is given it will automatically do the current day. Also for different timezones use the UTCHourDiff param
The calculation types are:
HourVWAP - a VWAP of the hourly close price
MidHighLow - the average between the 24 H high and low.
VolFVolT - the total volume from / the total volume to (only avilable with tryConversion set to false so only for direct trades but the value should be the most accurate average day price)
- try_conversion If set to false, it will try to get only direct trading values
- fsym REQUIRED The cryptocurrency symbol of interest [Max character length: 10]
- tsym REQUIRED The currency symbol to convert into [Max character length: 10]
- e The exchange to obtain data from (our aggregated average - CCCAGG - by default) [Max character length: 30]
- avg_type Type of average to calculate (HourVWAP - a HourVWAP of hourly price, MidHighLow - the average between the 24 H high and low, VolFVolT - the total volume to / the total volume from) [Max character length: 30]
- UTC_hour_diff By deafult it does UTC, if you want a different time zone just pass the hour difference. For PST you would pass -8 for example.
- to_ts Last unix timestamp to return data for
- extra_params The name of your application (we recommend you send it) [Max character length: 50]
- sign If set to true, the server will sign the requests (be default we don't sign them), this is useful for usage in smart contracts
iex> {:ok, ndt} = NaiveDateTime.new(2018, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
iex> to_ts = ndt |> DateTime.from_naive!("Etc/UTC") |> DateTime.to_unix()
iex> opts = %{fsym: "BTC", tsym: "USD", to_ts: to_ts}
iex> {:ok, %{body: body}} = Cryptocomparex.get_histo_daily_avg(opts)
iex> is_map(body) and is_float(hd(data).high)
Thanks for the contribution, @ontofractal! The documentation for the added functions is great - keep up the good work!
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We’re already looking forward to your next contribution!Hey @ontofractal
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