I'm using this browser extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/utopian/enodmgbbodkljcmenikaolnohjmlghcb
and it shows "This post has received a score of 0." here, which usually means a rejected submission.
However, looking at the score sheet's URL, it's actually "4-1-1-1-6-1-1-3-1-". Since the lower the better, the apparently-worst ones are:
- 4: Only single design was provided.
- 6: The project is new or hasn't been popular. The number of the repository's stars and forks is less than 20.
- 3: Medium. The contribution consists of some complex elements, shapes and/or effects made by the contributor.
I suppose the last one, 3, is not that bad, judging from the description. However, the first (4) and especially the second (6) could cause a automatic rejection. Just guessing though. I personally wouldn't consider a "new" or "unpopular" project to be a rejecting condition, but who knows..
If I look from the questionnaire, this contribution not the worse. It has get better 'score' than my other contributions that usually being voted. It make me feel confused.