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RE: Fast Reply: New and Responsive Interface

in #utopian-io7 years ago

Hey @mkt, we really like this improved version of the UI.

I did not knew this trick with the sliding panel to allow a different view in Mobile and desktop. I have to make some tests with this but in overall this seems to be a creative way allowing to use the tool on devices of any size.

Your replacement for the voting slider is indeed a good idea, still allowing fine grained control of the voting power to use while optimizing the screen real eastate.

The settings screen might require some changes in the future as more item will be added but for now this is perfectly usable. One details I found, I have a small mobile screen and I cannot see the last 2 items of the menu, is there a way to scroll on the menu ? (If not, no worries, we will reduce the menu size as there are some 'dev' features that do not really belong there (maybe moving those to the settings screen).

I went quickly through the code and I see you are using media queries to adapt to the targeted sizes, which is exactly what I expected. I will spend some more time on this to see how I can integrate this.

How should we proceed for the integration? I plan to create a dedicate branch to update the UI based on your code, I will probably have some small question, I guess we can continue this on discord ?


Hey @oroger! Thanks for your feedback! I'm sure there will be no issues with the final integration. I actually want to help with that too, as I told you. The settings screen is of course only a placeholder currently. The menus can be scrollable or we reduce them in a reasonable way. I'm a little bit busy with the frog over the next two days but let's continue with the details in discord.

Your help on integrating this is very welcome, I am also quite busy till Wednesday but I will already prepare a branch to upgrade to your design.

Thanks for the support !

You're welcome! :)