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RE: pyCoin logo contribution

in #utopian-io7 years ago

Well, this is weird you've just said, we should change it to 99designs concept, which only the best one gets the price, yet you are giving upvote to whoever makes his best?
You can take a look to have a sense of how graphics mods doing such a great job with eliminating good and bad design. ecxuse the interface. Just to get a quick idea..

And this is not a fantastic example to get rid of graphics or change how it works. It's just one in 1000.

I've seen many absurd samples, like a great logo not accepted at github because they didn't want to change their 4 year old branding which was very very bad and old. And a simple circle gets accepted to just to refresh the project.

I'm not telling it's the best approach but without getting into it, don't change the rules out of nowhere.


The clue of it all is simple. The curent rules are the rules. So when a mod does what andre does and invents rules and blatently lie. We do not agree. With the 99design it would be the best that gets rewarded. Scipio gave me a upvote for my efforts wich is nice of him. And has nothing to do with utopian. I did however had a long talk with him. And i partialy agree with him.

Unlike other mods he was straight forward and explained his point of view. Most graph mods spill out bs reasons and afterwards dont explain why.

You are the only one who speaks "bs", if you have a calculator add up contribution count divide it to mod count at reasanable working hour, mods aren't tutors neither teachers, however they are trying their best to give feedback and lead users. But most of users doesn't even care, like you said "it's soft rules who cares soft rules". Soft rules for newcomers or new rule changes to adapt to it. Not to abuse all the time. Do you even know I did search at least 1-4 hour to find a plagiarised content? and how many did I found? 1 hour for a contribution at least. mean if I work for 6 hours I can only review 6 content a day.
These things already been discussed and it's improving day by day.
And you already had the chance to pitch your design to project owner, and always welcomed if you get an approval from there. If you are not happy with mods decisions you could go that way but no, you knew you won't get accepted there too, this is not your first case.

It would be a shame if they decide to change things based on your contributions and complains.

Wow great explenation. You know what the issue is. I speak my thoughts and i speak reason. When there is bs i say there is bs. If you dont like that, that is your problem. The system like it is now does not work.

I couldn’t care less at this moment.

Then why make a comment like that?