Project Information
Project Name: esteem-mobileRepository:
Expected behaviour
The text should have been cleared, after clicking on clear button.
Actual behaviour
Here, when I clicked on the clear button, the text is not cleared.
How to reproduce
1-Download the application
2- Enter some text and clear it.
3- Go to feed, and try to post again.
4- See error(the text you have already cleared, will be still there)
Browser/App version: v2.1.0
Operating system: 7.1.2
Smartphone:redmi Note 4
bug tag on the issue seems to have been added by a bot which is not considered as a direct PO acknowledgment. I want to suggest that in a scenario like this, you should wait for a comment from the PO or any of the Project Maintainer.Hello, @peerzadaaabid. Unfortunately, this report is not valid for a utopian review since it did not clearly get acknowledged by the PO yet. The
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Thank you for your review, @knowledges! Keep up the good work!