Oreo Music Player is an open source audio Player with material and stylish design, light structure with customizable themes. You will also get a personalized playlist that plays what you love.
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The fact that the the genre and recently added tab are missing on the Oreo player is the reason for this proposal. It allows users sort their songs by genre and the date which song was added. Many people have different types or genre of songs they prefer. This feature is to help users with countless number of songs on their devices to find their type of songs easily either by visiting the "genre" tab or "recently added" tab since various artistes are known for different genres.It also would help a third party user to find songs easily.
Mockups / Examples
On the first screen shot you can see these features are missing. The second screen shot shows where the suggested button should be designed on the oreo app.
Genre tab would help users sort of find their favorite genre of songs while the recent tab would help in finding songs that are recently added to the device. I am a lover of good music hence I download numerous songs daily that I cant even remember some of them by title or artiste name. The suggested features would make it easy for me and other users of course to find our favorite music.
The Oreo music player would be advanced to met standard as most other similar apps do have the suggested option.
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