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RE: Open Source Contribution- Suggestion for Activity Diary Android App To Adding Some Features.

in #utopian-io7 years ago

Thanks for your proposals. I, as the author of the app ActivityDiary, did not recognize your suggestions so far, because you only published them here, but not on the projects development platform - github. To make your contribution worth something for the project you wanted to contribute, you should probably first search the existing tickets to ensure you do not submit duplicates, and afterwards create a ticket for each suggestion. Also if you have trouble with the speed I would consider that a bug - one such issue I remember, that was fixed some version(s) ago. So please also state exactly which version you used when recognizing bad performance.

Also can you explain the difference between the suggestions 2 and 5? Both are about adding a icon the the activity.

6 - is already implemented, as exporting should be possible to any SAF-provider, can you double check that?

7 - I don't see the benefit of having a special protection. If someone has control over my phone, the ActivityDiary is one of the least problems. Or can you give me some examples of app for Calendar, E-Mail, Social Media access etc. where there is a specific security protection within the app?

Anyhow, I think it is better to discuss those details in the ticketing system of the project, to also include the non-utopian-contributors in the discussion.