I've proposed a new logo for Stanley that is open source app.
Stanley is an open source app for Android Developpers.
With it, you can explore packages installed on your device, read the package informations (permissions, features, activities, services, providers and receivers), export the package's manifest and explore the package's resources.
Proof of the Work
Benefits / Improvements
I think, the original logo is not represent the goal of the app.
I wanted to make a logo that fit the goals of the app.
I've make a </> symbol that represent the codes of packages, and a magnifier that represent exploring the codes.
Adobe Illustrator CC
Original files
Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
Your contribution cannot be approved because it does not follow the Utopian Rules.
where did this magnifier come and go?
I already found similar icons, please be more clear about your proof of work on your next contributions.
Also please be more precise,
this would be another reason to reject.
If you don't put enough time and effort, you just waste your time that you already spent.
You can contact us on Discord.
Hi @revilationer, this is very clear for a reason.