In this moment I will share my web template for login and register form with modal/popup. This web template made with html and pure css for styling and jquery for trigger the popup with font awesome as icon template. The theme of this template inspired by flat style.
Here are the form designs:
Basic base web template
Login form template
Register form template
Filled form
As we can see it will have an effect when the input fields are highlighted the border color will be changed to show the active input fields.
File Structure
File structure for this template just using one html and there are 3 assets for styling. Here is the file structure:
- index.html - Main page
CSS - main.css - Main stylesheet
- font-awesome.css - Main icon
JS - jquery.min.js - Main js file
FONTS - FontAwesome .otf
- fontawesome-webfont.eot
- fontawesome-webfont.svg
- fontawesome-webfont.ttf
For the full experience you can visit this link:
Proof of work
Github repository: riyos94
Github proof:
Thank you
Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
Kencang bet.
Cuti atau apa ini? :-D
Cuti, cuma ketika ada waktu senggang harus di maksimalkan.
Soalny kategori development belum pernah kenak vote aku 😭
Hati-hati, Yo. :-D
Hati-hati knp @murez-nst
Nice :)
Thank you @andrixyz
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good post, nice .oh yeah