Task Request : Fast-Reply needs a logo !
Fast-Reply is a project by @roxane and @oroger which helps the Community Leaders, Influencers, and all the others Steemians with an every day huge amount of comments to reply faster than ever. The tool looks like an inbox wich helps to be more focus when replying to comments from the community.
If you want to know more about the project, please read the announcement post.
This task request is specifically for the logo design of Fast-reply.
We don't have at the moment any color scheme for Fast-Reply. Feel free to suggest one.
We don't have a specific idea about the logo, feel free to unleash your creativity. You can be inspired by the actual logo. We really like the idea of it. We also love minimalist design.
Send us 3 logos :
- one logo (just the icon)
- one logo with the icon + texte (Fast-Reply)
- one logo with the icon + text and tagline (Fast-Reply, Waiting no more)
- Each logo should also have a variant with word "beta" clearly readable.
The logo should be provided in .SVG and .PNG format as well as a downloadable and editable .AI or .PSD file (called vector format).
Sizes needed :
For the online format, the size should be small (100KB-200KB max).
- For the favicons:
- 192 px x 192 px
- For the favicons:
Please, send us an horizontal and a vertical version of the logo
- For horizontal Layout (L x H) :
- 250 px x 150 px
- 400 px x 100 px
- For square layout :
- 400 px x 400 px
- All texts should be legible with high enough contrast.
- Make sure your design will work well in both light and dark theme (night mode).
- Making multiple variations and different designs will greatly improve your chance to be selected as winner. Also, please make sure your post (formating, process, construction) is well presented.
- Create a graphic chart with all the detail of the colors/ fonts / etc used.
By participating in this task request you allow us to edit and make changes on your logo later on.
Please, follow the Utopian Rules to be eligible.
The deadline for this task request is: 4th June 2018 Midnight (UTC+2).
All the entries will be evaluate and we will select one of them. The selection will be annouced by 6th June 2018.
Don't hesitate to contact me on Discord if you have any questions : Roxane#6172
Hello everyone, Hello dear Graphics Designers!
You are all very talented and you have all put a lot of energy to create the most beautiful and the most adapted logo to our Fast Reply Tool
We really enjoyed to speak with most of you in DM to try to create the best logo for the tool. It wasn't easy.
We think that we have found the perfect logo (24hours before the deadline) this morning so please, stop working on the logo of Fast Reply and start to post your post contribution. Please DM the link of your post via Discord so I can reward you for the time, energy and creativity you have spent for us.
@moenawar, @jbeguna04, @mecj, @tobaloidee, @midun, @solomon507, @auliausu, @ziq, @loydjayme25, @happydaddyfr, @baa.steemit, @podanrj, @mayowadavid and all I have forgot to mention and all the ones that contacted me by Discord only.
Thanks again,
Roxane & Olivier
Upvoted for visibility
Hello @roxane. Is it means that other new contributor can not post their submission anymore?
No you still can...
But you have few hours left so I would not recommand you to do it (since I have spent a loooot of time talking with people in DM to do exactly what I wanted ;-))
Please, you can already have a look at our other TR (a logo for our website).
Only the names above can post a contribution?
I sent my post link on your discord channel, thank you. Best regards Moenawar :)
Thank you for your cooperation and patience having our consultations about your TR. Good luck to your project
Best regards!
I would like to contribute with this task request, this is my entry

Best regards, Moenawar.
Thank you indeed.
Here are my final result :)

My post link https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@moenawar/fast-reply-logo-proposal-task-request
Greetings, This is my proposal for your project. Suggestions is always accepted and thank you for time

Best regards!
Thanks for the logos, and for contacting me on DM. I will follow the conversation over there :)
Hope you like it!
we got a lot of them, even on Discord, so, now we have to make a choice.
hi @roxane here's my proposed design draft. favicon-logotypes (w & w/o beta)
concept: reply arrow symbol with fast dots forming a message(mail) shape. inside it is the upvote symbol. I prepared 2 color versions which is visible in light/dark background. please tell me if you have some modifications in mind. Thanks!
*pls open image in new tab to enlarge.Ty!
Thanks again,
hi @roxane I already messaged you in discord and will wait for your thoughts and ideas. Thanks!
finished my modification @roxane and already sent you in discord DM :)
here's my contribution to the great project of yours @roxane
Thanks so much for this task which i really enjoyed working with..Best regards! :)
This my contribution Link, Thanks
You are welcome. :) I'am glad to contribute to your task request.
Thanks for your time. It's not really what I am looking for (it's too sharp and not enough minimalistic).
Feel free to contact me on Discord to discuss about it.
Hello, thanks. Made some new design.

I hope this meet your expectation
Hi @roxane @oroger here my logo contribution, notify me if you want me to make a more detailed publication of my proposal. Thank you for the opportunity.
this is a good one!
Thanks for your time and making this logo and also reaching me out on Discord. I have sent you all my tought about it on Discord and some suggestions to modify it ;)
Thanks again,
Hi @roxane here the modification of my proposal as discussed in private (Discord) selecting the color you indicated (orange) and adjust a little more ways to get out of the oval that is in the previous proposal. notify me if you want me to make a more detailed publication of my proposal. Thank you for the opportunity.
now we have to select one entry, and we got a plenty of them really great !
Thanks for making the change so now I can see what it looks like with the orange, I prefer :)
best regardhi @roxane, this is my short presentations, notify me if you want me to make a more detailed publication of my proposal
But it's not exactly what I am looking for.
Can we get in touch throught Discord ?
Thank a lot for the time already taken for it !
Hi Roxane, my entry, link https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@ivannewgate89/proposal-logo-for-fast-reply, thanks
here is my contribution for FAST-REPLY
hopefully useful for your projecthello @roxane
My Contribution
Here I present my contribution within the link can see more details of it if you want a change do not hesitate to say, greetings ...

Hello. here is my contribution, I hope you like it.

Hi @roxane. this is my contribution. Hope you like it. https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@fajri.jauhari93/logo-design-contribution-for-fast-reply
you're welcome @roxane
Good day @roxane and @oroger here is my design proposal. Feel free to suggest any changes you want. Thank you. https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@baa.steemit/logo-proposal-for-fast-reply
Thanks for the logos and the chat on Discord for all the comments about it.
This task request is now open.
You've got a tiny but misleading typo in there, you wrote "not open" instead of "now open" !
Hello. I didn't received any reply from you. Is there any problem?
Good day ! @roxane @oroger , this will be my design for Fast-Reply Project.
Let's get in touch by Discord so we can discuss more !
How about this one ? @roxane
my updated design, i have to make a post now. thanks @roxane
My pleasure to work on your project, and also i have submitted my design for Comprendre on TR comment section.
@ragepeanut, awesome note there! I also think it's necessary that error is corrected ASAP.
Hi @roxane, this is my design logo for you, hope you like it. I know that you've got the logo you're looking for, but I've made it long before you decide on the logo. So, I still will post it, unfortunately if it is not displayed hehe
@Roxane i'm on it
Great ! Tell me when you have finished the design or if you need any advices when starting ! Let's communicate by chat !
Thank you for this opportunity
thanks so great
Does “one logo (just the icon)” version needs a “beta” tag too or just the ones with text?
All the three logos I have asked needs to have one with the word " beta " written on it ;-)
Thanks for clearance. 😇
Thanks for contributing on Utopian.
We’re already looking forward to your next task request!Hey @roxane
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I am interested in this please check my contribution https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@yanyankaryana/logo-design-for-fast-reply
Thanks for your contribution, we will come back as soon as we have made our choice.
i don't know if this is your account i have not been getting any response since yesterday
May I ? :)
Lage orgil
Hi @roxane This is my logo design for Fast-Reply
Link Post :
My contribution
hy. i post my logo here https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@bazla/fast-reply-logo-design
Custom Logo Design for Fast-Reply
Hello, this is my logo contribution for Fast-Reply @roxane :)