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RE: Running state-of-the-art particle physics research on Steem - a status report after 3 months

in #utopian-io7 years ago

well , you people in #steemstem are probably community pillar ichibin (#1) to represent what can be done if people put their minds to it for real ... i wonder if there's any way to just give processing power ? like the distributed stuff you have with SETI and the folding and genome project ? my windows pc is mainly unused all night or i just turn on some clicker games to get achievements while i'm trying to keep my head together for some scripting ... because i dont think i'm at the level to do LHC research yet , certainly not at the structural level lol

great work, truly


here, for instance, to get information on the main ones.There are several '@home' project around the LHC as well, where anyone can help. You can have a look

great , still BOINC :) , that should be fairly straightforward, i could run it on a low setting, i dont wanna burn my only decent gpu lol but since its sitting there when its on i might as well...

have you ever considered co-operation with Valve , i mean

"idle" games have been a thing for a while now, its stuff that doesnt require much attention and plays itself , i'm sure if someone from LHC/Cern stepped up to the lord of sales, the allmighty and unholy Gaben , a free-to-download idle game with steam achievements that runs a bit of decentralized computing (distributed sorry) on the side would be greenlit in about 1 millisecond lol, + a banner on "partnership" and "proud to announce" and all that ... free advertising for the girls and boys, more gpu for you boys and girls :)

its a bit above my braingrade to make an attempt at that myself but seeing as you have access to programmers who help decipher your data one of those shouldnt be too hard (the likes of time clickers or idle champions of the forgotten realms, idling to rule the gods or crusaders of the lost idols or such, plenty of examples, games that just run while you're not watching, including the much wanted steam achievements for that feeling of achievement on the daily lol)

just ...
an idea :D ... i only seem to get those for what might get me something in the long run (time travel or FTL-drives so i can move to proxima centauri in this case hahah)

[edit] :p
actually as i was in the shower right after (please dont have a visual on that haha) i thought :
you could even make it educational in a way , a bit like NASA's moonbase simulator i once played on steam, also free to download.
cool stuff but after a while i stopped from frustration , the first problem is the cables and pipes getting damaged (from impact by micro meteorites or whats it called) and you have to run around like crazy in zero g (heh) to fix it before you choke to death (and freeze maybe ? and maybe that pressure thing too) but my first idea was to put them underground in small dug tunnels, like irrigation channels a bit (could cover them up with rubble, no need for extra material , all the moonrocks are right there, right, and if you pour moon-concrete on it its hard to fix cos you have to break it open so just a little tunnel with a pile of rubble on top would more than protect from those micro-impacts)
but it didnt have that option , lol, so i just had to keep running the timer and i got frustrated with it because my solution was better (mini ego-trip ) for once:)
but in your case the game would be completely 2d and use as little resources as possible so the slider can use as many as left and anyone wants to share, +education
for free, triple whammy , i'm gonna eat
bon appétit