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RE: --

in #utopian-io7 years ago

No sorry, your tutorial is about WSL at its core, not LibreOffice. LibreOffice was just an example how to install Linux apps on Windows. WSL - as it seems - is closed-source, so not Utopian material. I asked you to prove to me it is indeed Open Source software. And if not, if you cannot find a GitHub repo proving WSL is Open souce, although I like your post and continue to upvote it myself personally, I could not approve it as a Utopian moderator. So please, reply to me here with the proper repo, or agree for me to reject it...


It was a time when Utopian moderators give you options or advice to improve your contribution. You know perfectly what you are asking to me is not possible and you are not giving me help, insted your just give your opinion about a system you don't like. The tutorial speaks about several programs along with LibreOffice some of them open-source as LibreOffice. You by yourself approved the tutorial about installing a new office when you review it in the first time and now sudenly it has no worh for you. Maybe I made a mistake but you TOO. NO I don't agree with your decision but it doesn't matter, happily knowledge has not to do with your approval!

This is not fair of you:

  • I personally like WSL, you showed it to me first. I like the technology, and therefore I have personally upvoted your article
  • I made a mistake before - as a Utopian moderator following the rules for mistakingly assuming WSL was open source, which it now turns out is not
  • You could have checked both the Utopian rules and WSL on GitHub before posting yo Utopian.
  • Claiming that I do not give you options, nor give you advice is utterly wrong: I have alone spent 2 hours researching repos on WSL in order to get your post approved, and via commenting here and talking to you on Discord. I get $0.00 for that myself, which is fine, but if you now insult me as not being helpful, that makes me re-think how helpful I should be.

I take it you could not find proof WSL is indeed Open Source, so I also need to conclude this is not valid Utopian post (ref. no Open source) so I will now definitely reject this for a Utopia n upvote.

Sorry, I like your writing-style and I feel sorry as well I cannot give you the Utopian upvote. But please try to understand what I need to do to follow the rules. And I also hope to see more Open source contributions to Utopian form you, because again: I like your style personally. Peace...

Let me say this first, @Scipio, personally I think you are a person from which I can lern a lot of things, how I know, seeing your blog, you must know I discover utopian because I have a project of a web page, I'm learnig from the scratch, I consider you a person of respect and you know I was grateful of your first words commenting the post. So let's talk as adult persons. My intention was not to ofend you but expresing my point of view, as valid as yours, as I support your decision of not approving this post. Please let me tell you, I want to keep contributing, this is not my first post. The first I did a lot of work along side of the moderator to get it approved, as with this one when you told me, I spent hours trying to find that repo, that's our work. I proposse you the change of repo because I've seen it as a common practice in utopian, as changing categories. So I proposed you make a change to LibreOffice/core repo because is the other main program involved in the tutorial. I did try to find between users in the issues tab of the WSL, but then I thought the WSL interact and is deep related with windows system maybe that's the reason they only interact with developers and reporters via issues. I search for options but I don't know what else to do besides having this conversation. Why I felt not helped, in discord you used some smileys and words that I didn't know how to take but as you was laughting of me, that's the reason that I get confused; why if you did find valuable the post in the fist time simply send me to an impossible task, as you and me knew in that moment. Please understand this, I will not move in any direction this post because valuable people for me has commented and find it useful. Please, @Sipio we both must not make this personal. You need to do your responsability and so do I. Thanks for your attention and time for this post, and I'll be following you to learn more!!

not angry at you! ;-)
It is ok!@leveuf , don't worry! I am

But I cannot approve this post, because at the core it is about WSL, not LibreOffice (you could install a native Windows .exe auto-installer to a Windows machine, that is not what your post is about!).

Your post is about WSL, what it is for, how to use it: in essence, using Linux natively on a Windows 10 machine, without the need of VirtualBox guestOS. I upvoted your post personally because:
-a- you spent a lot of time writing a nice informative tutorial, which I like
-b- I never heard of WSL before, and thanks to you, I do now
-c- I never liked Microsoft for being so closed-source / market-driven, vendor-locking people to use all-things-Microsoft, but WSL is really cool! (I use Macs myself but nonetheless WSL is cool).

But it is not Open Source, therefore there is no GitHub repo and I may not accept it on Utopian! As the author, it is your job to find the right repo! Not mine, right? I just check to see if the repo is correct, that's all, and it cannot be correct, because it doesnt exist because WSL is not open source, it is Microsoft Closed Source software.

Do you understand the difference? I like your post, I like WSL, but I cannot approve it for Utopian!

Cheers, make new great Open Source tuts! Please do!

Thanks for all, @Scipio, I really apreciate your invitation and this experience!! The best for your projects!!