This is my fourth also the last part contribution for this project (ancap-ch from-en), I used to translate from-en from English to Indonesian, begin from 98% to 100% (FINISH) and counted 1516 words from 11 strings.!
ancap-ch from-en
Anarcho-capitalism Channel or Ancap Channel/Chan for short; it's mostly about ethics, philosophy and economics.
This is called "from-en" because the original texts are and will be coming from the English language; later, also create "from-es", those who will come from Spanish language, and so on.
The project's intention (on crowdin), long term goal, is to translate lot's of articles and books of the subject into various languages; there's algo going to be websites to communities can develop, like facebook communities.
As this the last part of Indonesian Translation, I only can suggest u guys with other languages except Indonesian to join on this project.
Links related to the translation
Click on these links to see my proof of works :
ancap-ch from-en project in Crowdin
Project activity
My profile activity
Github Repository
Source Language
Translated Language
I translated to Indonesian for this project and it's current status 3922 words already translated (All strings/words translated 100%).
Number Of Words
I translated a total number of 1516 words for this last project.
Before from 87% from 93%
CC_BY_SA from 92% from 78% from 98% from 96% from 91% from 93% from 99% from 93% from 99%
After 100% 100%
CC_BY_SA 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% from 100% 100%
Some of my translations
This is what I mean when I say that this “opposite world <0>null zone</0>” is the most fundamental barrier to human happiness the world over.
- Inilah yang saya maksud ketika saya mengatakan bahwa "<0>zona</0> dunia yang berlawanan" adalah penghalang yang paling mendasar atas kebahagian manusia di seluruh dunia.
Even more strangely, if I am not a “policeman,” but I follow Bob to work, and do exactly what he does – I put on a costume, walk into the police station, and put a piece of cardboard into a punch clock – why, if I then do exactly what Bob does, I am completely and totally immoral, although Bob’s identical actions are completely and totally <0>moral</0>.
- Bahkan lebih aneh lagi, meskipun saya bukan seorang "polisi" tapi saya mengikuti Bob dalam bekerja dan melakukan apa yang dilakukannya, memakai seragam, masuk ke kantor polisi dan memasukkan kartu ke dalam jam absensi, Jika saya melakukan persis apa yang dilakukan oleh Bob, maka sepenuhnya saya benar-benar tidak bermoral meskipun tindakan identik yang dilakukan oleh Bob sepenuhnya <0>bermoral</0>.
Moreover, from an individualist perspective, the increased demand for money occurs with specific actors at specific times and places.
- Ditambah lagi, dari perspektif individualis, peningkatan permintaan akan uang terjadi dengan para pelaku tertentu pada waktu dan tempat yang spesifik.
Proofread Words
I don't have a proofread translation yet at the time.
Previous translation on the same project
My first project 671 words translated
My second project 1430 words translated
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Thank @rosatravels for ur times and approval :)
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