I'm very excited and proud to introduce my newest project for the Steem-Ecosystem:
Steem Messenger (Beta)
Steem Messenger is the easiest way to communicate with other Steem users through the blockchain (on-chain) via transfers.
These messages (transfers) can be sent in plain text or in encrypted format (with your private memo-key).
The project is currently in beta, open-source and available for Windows, Mac & Linux on Github:
Releases: https://github.com/therealwolf42/steemmessenger/releases
Bug Reports: https://github.com/therealwolf42/steemmessenger/issues
Source Code: https://github.com/therealwolf42/steemmessenger
For Utopian: This also the initial release as previous development has been done on a private repository
Customized chat design - based on the look and feel of Discord.
Messages (transfers) can be sent in plain text and encrypted format.
The needed keys (active & memo) can be imported directly into the messenger or derived from the password, which are then saved in an encrypted format (with an encryption password) locally on the computer.
Incoming Messages are automatically fetched every x minutes (default: 10 minutes - can be customized) and also decrypted (if messenger is unlocked - more about that below)
The Messenger has to be unlocked in order to send any messages / decrypt new messages and will automatically lock itself after a period. (default 60 minutes - can be customized)
Notifications for new messages (currently not working on Linux)
Multiple accounts supported
Steem users can be blacklisted to block transfer spammers - additionally, Smartsteem.com is providing a global-blacklist consisting of known spammers & scammers.
Settings can be configured dynamically
Notification when a new version is available
Important: Beta Version
Steem Messenger is currently in Beta. While careful development and testing has been done - bugs should be expected. @therealwolf or smartsteem.com cannot be held liable for unknown issues, loss of funds (SBD & STEEM) or mistakes made by the user.
Now, since we have the important message above out of the way - let me show you what you prob. all have been waiting for:
The Messenger live in action!
Live : Sending Messages
As seen in the gif above - messaging is only possible when the wallet is unlocked and an active key imported. Encryption is only possible when the account's memo key has been imported as well.
Getting Started
Adding your first account to the messenger is really easy and takes only a minute.
The keys can be either imported directly or derived from your password. An encryption password has to be entered as well to unlock the wallet & decrypt your keys.
There are multiple functions on the main interface:
1.) Unlock / Lock the Messenger
2.) Open Settings
3.) Get newest messages (if new are available)
4.) Start new conversation with enter or a click on the arrow
5.) Hide all current and future messages from that user by putting him/her on the blacklist
6.) Send a transfer
Multiple Accounts
You are able to add multiple accounts to the Messenger.
While only one can be selected at a time - the data is saved locally for all your accounts.
You are able to choose your preferred RPC-Node.
I personally really like rpc.build.team.io but api.steemit.com is great as well. However, at the time of writing - api.steemit.com is causing small problems with the messenger - so I temporary disabled that option.
Users can be put on your individual blacklist.
I personally don't have any individual users on my blacklist, because all of those are already on smartsteem's global blacklist - so I just chose @samrg472 - who is of course no spammer!
These settings can be customized by you:
Use Smartsteem Blacklist
If you want to use the global blacklist consisting of spammers and scammers powered by Smartsteem.com
Default Encrypt Messages
If this setting is enabled - the encrypt checkbox is always checked by default.
Default Currency
Whether you want to use either SBD or STEEM as your preferred currency.
Update Interval
Every x minutes (10 by default) the messenger is checking for new messages. Minimum value is 1 minute.
Unlock Timeout
x minutes (60 by default) after unlocking of the messenger - it will be locked again and the decrypted keys will be reset.
Last Words
Honestly, I'm so excited to have finally finished the first version of the messenger.
I really hope that many of you will find it as useful as me.
And please keep in mind that it is still Beta - so bugs will arise. And if they do - let me know on Github through issues. (link is at the beginning of this post)
Also: I was able to work and focus nearly primarily on the messenger in the last few weeks due to the success of Smartsteem.com.
So I want to thank every vote-seller, delegator & vote-buyer / bidder for indirectly giving me the space & possibility to focus on a project - which has the primary goal of enhancing Steem and your experience with it!
Oh and if you believe that I bring value to Steem, then please vote for me as witness with a click on my signature below. (or with your favorite method).
Thank you!
While I applaud the development effort, I’m wondering why this is actually necessary.
You can currently send messages to anyone. You can encrypt those messages. You can receive and read those messages. They already require keys and a minimal 0.001 fee.
Why would anyone need to use this specific “Steem Messenger?” It has all of the same required functions as current wallet transfers...but does not improve the messaging system. It’s pretty much exactly the same, except you would now use another third-party app.
Am I missing something here?
Because it's a pain in the ... to use the Wallet transfers. The memo key isn't saved, because most users log in via their posting key and this results in encrypted messages not being automatically decrypted and encryption not working without a login with your memo-key.
And even if you login with your memo key to read those messages & encrypt - you still have to enter your active key afterwards.
So yes - I used the wallet in the past and it works, but it is simply too complicated, waste of time and insecure entering the keys so often.
Nevertheless, I appreciate your comment!
It’s really no more complicated or time consuming than logging into a third-party service and using it to send a message. And the security issue remains to be seen. I actually feel pretty secure not having my keys saved and only needing to use them when they’re necessary.
I use the existing wallet transfer functions all the time with no issues. Is this new service mainly for noobs? People who don’t know the simple features/functions of the current Steem wallet?
What do you mean with third-party-service?
You got to have them saved somewhere - otherwise how do you use them?
Your software is a "third-party service" (But so is Steemit, Busy and any other front-end, since the blockchain cannot be accessed without the use of such implementations).
I think that by this he meant easily accessible and always "active" (like when you use your browser's password manager to automatically input your password regardless of the user, and using cookies to keep the password wif logged in your session).
But with proper safety measures, this messenger would not be a security risk, I believe, and would instead make it much faster and safer to send and read transactions (especially if real-time notifs were enabled in the future).
The security aspects in general for the issue of typing versus storing, it can be secure enough considering the developer did use the appropriate encryption apis, selected the correct ciphers and use a sensitive / aggressive interation count on a key derivation function (KDF).
This proctects against phshing, if correctly implemented.
Also notice I'm not vetting this project, just expressing that is more or less the same about the cryptographycally-soundness, but on the phishing part, a definitive more secure apprach.
I'm on the final rounds of a new wallet development, and I'll publish a doc on how I've secure the keys, using a 6 digit pin code which is resistent to phishing, rainbow tables and other aspects.
The security of the secret-key exchange used by steem is another debate.
I honestly believe on a off-chain approach for the encrypted messages to live. storing numerous and numerous encrypted messages, potentially with the same content possible opens some window to crypto-analysis, but, the end result is not catastrophic, the worse case scenario, a given individual would be able to read encrypted messages.
Glad to extend this conversation further when possible.
Congrats @therealwolf on the project!
Hello @hernandev ! Maybe you'll want to check out the REAL Steem Messenger project, which is actually off chain based : https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@kingswisdom/steem-messenger-v0-0-3-private-beta-session-image-encryption-and-many-more
We work with a unique security protocol that i'll be unveiling this weekend ! Stay tuned for more infos on this !
Upvoted for visibility - it's bullshit when people steal names. I have no doubt the product is cool and well built...but for fucks sake be original people. Besides, I think off-chain solutions are better for this. Why force the chain to work this hard?
Well both these apps are pretty close together and Beta. Not like one has been out for 12 months haha
I think is a great idea
Hello @ats-david ! I agree with you, this application is just a better graphical UI to the steem wallet. We still need to give our active key in order to just send messages, which puts our account at risk. In addition, this is not the real Steem Messenger. Here is the REAL Steem Messenger project : https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@kingswisdom/steem-messenger-v0-0-3-private-beta-session-image-encryption-and-many-more
It is off chain, does not require your active permission, nor to access to your funds, it is scalable at ease, and truly unique by design.
I will unveil the security protocol used in Steem Messenger (the real one) this weekend. Stay tuned for more info on this.
Not to mention private messages were already introduced around the start of Steemit. The name of this invention is called steemit.chat.
I faced that problem sometimes too. You don't know who is authentic and who is not. Anyone can use any name on steemit.chat.
My name on Chat is the same as heerre. Plus, you can verify me on Keybase as well.
The goal never was to replace steem.chat. Rather to give an easy way to initiate contact and send messages via the blockchain and if needed afterwards - switching to other plattforms (steem.chat, discord) is always possible.
It's always good to have an alternate platform to steemit chat. As it has been down a lot of times in the last year.
And a lot of users are not on discord.
I was waiting for some service like yours for a long time. If this one works properly, I will not use discord and chat anymore!
how about the delays between sending a paid memo?
Steem creates a new block every 3 seconds
How can I encrypt my Memo? I couldn't figure out it yet.
This seems really interesting. Looking forward to seeing how it develops, will certainly give it a test.
Looking forward to seeing how my comment develops? How will you test it?
It's so that you can use a dedicated application that isn't cluttered with the rest of the functionality. I like my chat applications dedicated to preserve my sanity.
Three things would make this a killer app for me:
1.) No problem.
2.) Alert? Do you mean Notifications like this?
Or do you actually mean a mobile alert? And how? SMS?
3.) No problem. But also similar question as above regarding mobile alert.
Oh, I didn't realize this was a desktop app, I figured it was a web app, I didn't read the full post. If it were a web app you could request permission from the browser to create alerts. You could also have a wrapper app on Android that could do alerts. However as a desktop app I'm not sure it could serve this purpose.
The App is written with electron-js (chromium). So alerts are available. But I think what you mean are desktop notifications.
I can implemented something like this: https://github.com/mikaelbr/node-notifier
(Of course without the input - but you get what I mean)
I meant browser/mobile alerts, the kinds you get with Telegram. Desktop alerts work too.
Not sure if folks want to pay 1 Steem for every 1000 messages sent
There's also SBD. It wouldn't be a chat messenger, it would be an attention request service.
I'm working on a FCM version for my wallet app, that may useful for your app too.
Hey @therealwolf
We're already looking forward to your next contribution!
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@utopian-io right away
Yes, just figured out... Thank you @dj123 😎
lol why?
oh yeah welcome to Steemit @christabelle .... and come join us in @comedyopenmic / #comedyopenmic
Right away @dj123 thank you
Here is our discord server:
come join us there!
UTOPIAN is pretty cool
amazing work! just make sure messages are ALWAYS encrypted or then chat becomes public.. forever..
Messenger on top of the blockchain is the real game changer here. I found it absurb at first glance but after reading your response in the comment, I finally the get the real value here. Well, job well done @therealwolf congrats for making this. More option = More chances of winning🤩
One big problem I see with this, how does this affect the steem infrastructure?
As I can see it at the moment, steem has already a huge problem with the existing load. Doesn't that put even more load on it? I mean, let's consider mass adoption of this, this could simply double the load of the blockchain, and we already know that distributed ledgers which rely on bft never scale well.
You're right that mass adoption of the messenger could increase the load. But my understanding is that @ned wants to have mass adoption for Steem.
And in that case: changes to improve scalability have to be made anyway.
Of course, they want mass adoption, but since full-nodes are barely taking it at the moment already, this means they're nowhere close to that goal yet. Additionally, every scalability has a limit, and a chat service like that, considering mass adoption, could simply have 10 times the load of the blockchain itself.
Which means, with growing adoption it would have to scale 10 times better with this chat than they'd have to without.
We're using but a small percentage of the whole potential that this has. I read that we're using around 3% of the max load at the moment. The problem we've been having with bandwidth recently is due to people spamming the blockchain, but I think that it's been solved with a node update by most major witnesses.
Besides, the more people that join the blockchain, the higher the requirements will be for witnesses. They will have to adapt and the blockchain's capacity will increase correspondingly to the increase in users and activity.
I'm not talking about the blockchain itself, while that's not a problem now, this will definitely be one in the future, especially with chats like that spamming the blockchain. The problems I'm talking about are the full-nodes which are already at the tipping point of them not being able to catch up anymore (At the moment they're barely coming along with 500GB RAM). While the blockchain is an important part to be scalable, there are a lot of other components involved as well.
Damn, I didn't know that the nodes were in such a saddened state. Will the Witnesses be able to handle them if they put more RAM? Would it be affordable?
The Problem is not about the witness nodes, the problems are the full nodes.
The Steem devs have pointed out in their last post that they're working on something to improve the situation. But I guess a lot of things will need a rewrite until this system starts scaling better.
Hello @raycoms, maybe you should have a look to the REAL Steem Messenger : https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@kingswisdom/steem-messenger-v0-0-3-private-beta-session-image-encryption-and-many-more
Everything in Steem Messenger happens out of the blockchain, in a permissionned database. More on our security protocol this weekend.
WOW, great project! upvoted! Thanks for the hard work.
@therealwolf as a developer and witness you are doing amazing works for steemians your bot and your apps are good and user friendly
Wouldn’t it be better to select the other user’s public memo key for encrypting messages to that user? If that’s the case, I see users having to change their public memo key often ... still not a bad idea !!
Messages are encrypted (encoded) with your private memo key and the public memo-key of the recipient.@robertgenito
Messages can only be decrypted (decoded) with either your private memo-key or the private memo-key of the recipient.
Hmmmm, not like PGP where you can't decrypt it unless you have the recipient's private key. I'll have to research the difference in these encryption algorithms.
Search for Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
Where do we find the private Memo key? There is no option to reveal it in the Steemit wallet.
You can only derive your memo-key from your password.
Do you know of a steemit page that describes each different password and its significance with the Steem protocol? (I’m sure the white paper has this in great detail...)
Oooh thank you for clearing this up...makes sense.
Ignoring all the negative reviews about this, I completely support this work. I think it will be a good messenger. Once I ended up transferring to steemmarket instead of smartmarket and ended up in a loss. That day I was thinking a feature like this will be useful. Today you have made it possible.
And I don't think you will have to follow anyone to make a transfer to them. So as you mentioned it is pain in the .... Well a good feature. And this can also at a later point in time become a good messenger app becoming a competitor for other normal chatting messengers. Who knows. Necessity induces inventions. Great work @therealwolf.
Boom. This changes everything @therealwolf. :-D Your contributions to the STEEM Blockchain are truly remarkable. Using STEEM's wallet is a bit of a hassle as well all know. This makes it very simple, accurate and fast. I did not know if we could encrypt our messages as well. This feature is very useful for me. And if people are thinking that this to replace Steem.chat and Discord then I hope it will. :-)
The features listed here are not available on any other platform or messenger. I always send messages to users through wallet transfer in the memo when I can't find them on other apps. And at the same time I would want anyone to see those messages other than the receiver.
If someone thinks that these features are not useful to them, then this app is opensource, please suggest some additional features via @utopian-io to enhance this app and I am sure @therealwolf will be happy to implement the great ones. You will get rewarded too. :-D Cheers!
Thank you @hungryhustle!
Cool idea 😎 @therealwolf
I'm looking at https://github.com/therealwolf42/steemmessenger/releases
When I get home and want to install this on my Manjaro (Arch based) Linux box, I'm not sure what to do...
As far as the passwords, are they only stored (encrypted) on my local box? or am I giving you access to them through the program? I think I already know the answer, but I'm seeing a few comments where a bit of clarification would calm their nerves...
One more question. Is this program smart enough to know who I follow? I'm thinking maybe ajax could be used as I start typing someone's name, first checking to see if I follow them and then if not, choosing from the entire user name list of everyone on steemit? That list on the left in the above graphic of having a discussion, is that people I follow? Is that list customizable through your program?
The list on the left side are the conversations you have already in the past.
Currently, you have to check for yourself if the username is correct.
OK Thanks
Thank you!
Yes for windows you download the exe.
I personally don't run linux except for servers - and I've only tested it only ubuntu. Does one of the versions avaialble work on your linux machine?
Everything is stored locally - encrypted. Steem Messenger is not a service but a tool :)
Thanks for clarifying.
@muhammad32 righ away
this is so cool
People are increasingly using instant messengers as the fastest and easiest way to communicate in an environment where there is nothing superfluous. Now this way you can communicate not only with friends but also with brands, access to the most appropriate services, bypassing search engines and websites. I wish you good luck and the maximum possible activity in your messenger.
Excellent but functional novelties, I will be testing it soon, thanks for the contribution.
although I have read some of the hate replies and that why was this needed when there is steem.chat and discord I like it.
End of the day people will be the one to decide if they will use it or not.
SteemMessenger isn't supposed to be an alternative to steem.chat or discord, but merely another step in getting in contact with steem users.
Because: the best way to reach a specific account is via a transfer. And afterwards, a discussion can always go to steem.chat, discord or another plattform.
The goal was never to replace steem.chat. Rather to give an easy way to initiate contact and send messages through the chain of blocks and if necessary afterwards, it is always possible to switch to other platforms (steem.chat, discord).
Thank you for taking the time to create this application. This work and that of others like you is what makes this platform special. Reading the comments was also very educational. I will vote for you as witness and follow you.
Thank you @ therealwolf
great contribution it will make steemit more convient with real life.
El objetivo nunca fue reemplazar steem.chat. Más bien para dar una manera fácil de iniciar el contacto y enviar mensajes a través de la cadena de bloques y si es necesario después, siempre es posible cambiar a otras plataformas (steem.chat, discordia).
Thank for you,,
While I applaud the development effort, I’m wondering why this is actually necessary. You can currently send messages to anyone. You can encrypt those messages. You can receive and read those messages. They already require keys and a minimal 0.001 fee. Why would anyone need to use this specific “Steem Messenger?” It has all of the same required functions as current wallet transfers...but does not improve the messaging system. It’s pretty much exactly the same, except you would now use another third-party app. Am I missing something here?
cool function, it will be great progress, thanks for contribution for steemit
Thanx for research! :-)
This is great. This is exactly what steemit needs. A messenger program will make it so much easier to communicate on steemit. I will be downloading it for my computer. Hopefully you will be able to make it Android compatible in the future. That would be a great app.
Will we see a web app of this tool? I'm not really into third-party packages in my OC.
This looks like a very promising application for the STEEM blockchain. This gives me plenty of excitement for the future of the ecosystem. Thanks for the share and I appreciate your efforts! Resteem
I am a new user too; so are you trying to say wallet transfers are not encrypted? Also for each chat message I have to send 0.001 SBD, and enter password? I am just trying to understand the utility...
Many thanks!
Wallet transfers are not encrypted, indeed. If you go to https://steemit.com/@cryptosharon/transfers, for example, you'll be able to read all the memos that I have sent and that people have sent to me.
And yeap, or more SBD or STEEM.
edit: Screenshots from @therealwolf's wallet
Plain text message:
Encrypted message:
Thanks; but you will still be able to see person 1 send 2.383 SBD to person 2? Is that correct?
Indeed! The amounts cannot be encrypted, only the memos. Amount exchanges from account to account are always inevitably public.
I might be a real noob, but why would I use this instead of Steemit chat or Discord?
There are two main reasons:
1.) To start a conversation with a Steem Account.
Transfers are getting used by many Steem users but mostly without encryption. It's easier to get in touch with a Steem user through transfers (messages) rather than to try and find the steem.chat or discord name. And the messenger automatically decrypts and encrypts messages for you - so there is no reason to not use encrypted messages.
The conversation can of course be switched to another plattform like discord after the initial few messages.
2.) To easily send transfers to promote your posts e.g. Smartsteem.com
It's really simple to send transfers for promotion of your posts with the messenger. Smartsteem.com also supports encrypted memos by the way ;)
Those are external platforms with individual accounts and requirements (they also request more info than the Steem blockchain does). This is straight on the blockchain, so you should consider the pros of the blockchain as the pros of this messaging app:
Awesome APP!
Already gotta proposal for an update:
Public chatrooms
Chatroom could be created in form of a post on the blockchain. Each chat message represents a comment to the post.
Just attach some custom JSON information on each post and comment, in order to know what content belongs to your app.
+1 Good idea!
One problem with that implementation is that the person who started the chatroom/"post" would receive all the steem instead of it being shared. I think the previous on-chain chat for @dlive worked this way, which made sense for it to go to one person, but most group chats wouldn't work that way.
I wonder what @therealwolf thinks about this.
The reward on the chatroom post shouldn't be an issue, since the application could simply prevent it from beeing upvoted in the GUI.
I REALLY like the approach of the Mangosteem project.
Link: https://steemit.com/steem/@gokulnk/mangosteem-steem-powered-web-chat
In this app you could only upvote content in the chat itsself instead of the channel. I wonder why the project isn't online anymore - it had SO much potential, if you ask me!
If @therealwolf won't catch up and devolop for this usecase - I will anytime soon :)
wow awesome post or comment really tnx bro @roomservice
Please Stop - @mdfardushkhan100
You just said "awesome post" and in your your last 100 comments you used 43 phrases considered to be spam and you made this exact same comment 1 times. You've received 0 flags and you may see more on comments like these. These comments are the reason why your Steem Sincerity API classification scores are Spam: 55.20% and Bot: 4.60%
Please stop making comments like this and read the ways to avoid @pleasestop and earn the support of the community.
I hadn't heard of Mangosteem. Looks like the project is still alive but it has errors. The main JS file is still available:
I will look more into their approach. Thanks!
Wow, that's an amazing tool! It is one of the missing features users always complain about. And it is the first time I see someone implementing the memo key for encrypted messages. That is so awesome. I will test this baby right away. Well done!
Finally! Thanks!!
One of the most important and missing pieces on steemit
Wow I'm super impressed you came up with the time and effort to do this. You are very noble for going out of your way to help out the Steemit community. It's interesting that the messages are sent over the blockchain. Is there any way around sending .001 of SBD? I guess if you're sending messages back and forth you'll break even. What if you send multiple messages and start losing money. I know it's not very much and one thousand Steem messages = 1 Steem, but the idea of sending a message costing something might not sit well with people, because they can generally do it for free. Nevertheless, this is a great step in the advancement of Steemit! :)
Check out the REAL Steem Messenger : https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@kingswisdom/steem-messenger-v0-0-3-private-beta-session-image-encryption-and-many-more
No fee. No bandwidth limitation. No hassle. Pure security.
I'll be unveiling the security protocol this weekend, stay tuned for this announcement !
Quit the spamming.
Hello @leoplaw !
I don't seem to be spamming anything. @jfitmisc asked is there's any workaround for the 0.001 SBD fee, and i answered him. If you think this is spamming, please let me know why, I'll sure review my position on the matter
Because you have repeatedly posted a link to your competing messenger. Once is rude, multiple times is spam. Rather than encouraging people to try your messenger, you're turning them off.
Nice idea and business plan.
Good luck with the project :)
May I ask what method of encryption you're using?
Thank you for making this super lovely thing. I hope it takes off and becomes mainstream and has a lot of pull requests and becomes huge. <3
Hmmm, will it be able to listen to the blockchain in real time in the future?
Thank you @cryptosharon!
The encryption for the messages is via memo-key, so the same that Steemit uses.
And the encryption for the keys (to save them locally) is via a node crypto library - should be SHA 256 if I'm correct.
It gets every x minutes the updated account history from the blockchain and checks if there are any new ones in there.
I'll have to read the code to learn the specifics then. :) Thank you for answering.
I'm still curious about the second question. Do you think you'll program an automatic listener to the blockchain stream of events to be able to have real-time notifications of incoming messages?
Maybe a cooperation with gina could be implemented ;)
SHA 256 is hash and therefore asymmetric, I guess you encrypt it by some symmetric cypher. You should enforce strong passwords for the encryption because otherwise it might not be very safe.
You are right about the first part. Sha-256 is a hash function, but it's not symmetric encryption.
symmetric encryption dictates a given key
can be used to both transform plain text into cipher text and vice-versa.A hashing function cannot be reversed because it's a large to small key space function, meaning it's only one way, there's no reversing a hash, unless you try all possibilities until you get the result.
There are publica tables on some hashing algos, they are giant covering hashs for the most known combinations.
But, a SHA-256 as the name suggests generates a 256-bit output.
Since one bit can be represented with two distincts values (i.e. 0 and 1)
we have all the possible combinations being
which is a number I not even know the name.about the string password, that a myth that must fall at any cost.
Humans can NEVER produce strong passwords. It's up to the software engineers and cryptographers to move from a low entropy input to a large entropy input while balancing the computational recurrent cost.
Eloquently put ;)
Looks really cool. So great learning about all the APPS that are able to run on Steem.
The defaulting of the blacklist is huge. Wish we could use the blacklist on the normal wallet hah!
once again you have produced a great application for the steemit community. Thank you very much! this will be a useful tool to communicate with folks who aren't on discord or telegram.
Ok so let me understand this. You are effectively using the Steemit memo system to create a app for sending messages. Would that mean that any payout i receive would be shown in my messages on messenger?
Those that curate a lot have plenty of memo spam with "you received 0.001 SP" etc.
Does that mean that all messages i send via the messenger would be shown on my memo page effectively having no privacy in my conversation?
Not criticizing, just trying to understand it better. :D
Oh now i noticed. So you will encrypt any message sent, somehow making it unreadable on the steemit site? Right?
Everything you send via transfer and add to the memo field is public on the blockchain. The messenger simply displays it in a nice way.
You can encrypt a memo with the messenger, so only your recipient will see it.
Yeah, ok... That seems like a good addition. No other complaints from me. :D
Oh no wait... Raise the upvote percentage for smartsteem Wolfie.. :D hahaha
See ya round.
Nice work! Running locally looks good.
Great! You're using npm or yarn? And which node version?
Yarn I have nvm set to 8.9.4 now.
Ah ok. Because node 10.0 is giving out a warning which can be solved with a paramter. Will add that to the github guide.
I'm using node 10, so I'll be looking forward to that mysterious parameter.
First I was thinking, well why is that necessary and why the heck do we need our active key here.
But after reading it again it makes much more sense now and could be a great tool for the Steem blockchain. I'm curious where this project will go. Hopefully far beyond Beta!
One question:
It does have access to our Wallets right? That's why the active key?!
Hello @maxinpower !
Please check out the REAL Steem Messenger here : https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@kingswisdom/steem-messenger-v0-0-3-private-beta-session-image-encryption-and-many-more
No Active key needed. No transfer. Only pure security.
I will be announcing this weekend the security protocol of the real Steem Messenger, stay tuned for this :)
Exactly - the messenger sends transfers with your wallet.
Ok thanks for clarifying it. It might repel a few people though
You're using memos, there is no other way to send a memo on the blockchain than through your active key.
Otherwise, you'd have to use posts and comments and other such things.
That looks very interesting. Instead of the blacklist you should offer a minimum price for sending messages. Annoying users with an urge to communicate would simply pay the recipients for getting their messages/insults. I'd find that fair :-)
Regarding the update interval: Is it only possible to send a message every 60 seconds? I thought the duration is 20 seconds for posting content, or does that only apply for comments?
If the time limit was zero and you combine the chat function with DLive, you'd get yourself a nice live cam business. Not the kind of thing I would engage in, but surely a very profitable business. After all, users could pay their cam girl by simply sending a message while the girls (or also guys?) could charge a minimum price for their attention.
I would upvote you now, but my one Cent won't make much of a difference to the 775+$ you already got for the post :-)
It was not a simple project to develop and you worked hard to make it possible. But you must have to target new user of steemit to use this application because old steemit members will not appreciate your hard work and waste your time by asking meaning less questions. Everything is well explained in the post. I really appreciate your work. If anyone don't like this post and messenger i advice you to please just ignore this post but please do not discourage people. Thanks
Loving this. And the fact that all messages can be secured using the users private key makes it more secure than many other messeging apps (such as facebook)!
Always great to see people building on top of the Steem ecosystem.
WOW amazing project. I want use it.
hola amigo @therealwolf Mientras aplaudo el esfuerzo de desarrollo, me pregunto por qué esto es realmente necesario.
Actualmente puede enviar mensajes a cualquier persona. Puedes encriptar esos mensajes. Puede recibir y leer esos mensajes. Ya requieren claves y una tarifa mínima de 0.001.
¿Por qué alguien necesitaría usar este "Steem Messenger" específico? Tiene todas las mismas funciones requeridas que las transferencias de monedero actuales ... pero no mejora el sistema de mensajería. Es prácticamente lo mismo, excepto que ahora usaría otra aplicación de terceros.
¿Me estoy perdiendo de algo?
Thank for you sir,,
Very beautiful @therealwolf. This platform began to evolve. And I liked it provides encrypted messages. Can I translate this topic into Arabic? There are users of this platform of the Arabs will be happy with this program
Steem Messengert I'm very excited and proud too.
Great Stuff! Keep it up.
Yes messages could be send before already.... sometimes you just need to point out the obvious by creating an app for it.
Steemit has many options and it can get confusing, especially for beginners.
It is all about usability now, to reach mass adoption.
Steemit is really the best blockchain project out there..
This messanger is a great contribution.
Please make the cellphone app next. Then things will take off. Lets see if the Steem blockchain can handle the traffic......