Project Details
The project in which I participated with the translation (OWASP ZAP) is a security tool for web application. Particularly, in the part I translated they explained the different uses and commands of the tool includin how to act when an action unwanted occurs. I chose to translate this Project because of it's wide range of information, and I think others translaters should translate these files for this reason too.
Links related to the translation
Source Language
Translated Language
Number Of Words
1013 translated words in total.
Number of words translated on this contribution: 4165.
Proofread Words
All words still pending.
Previous translation on the same project
[Translation Number 1:] (
[Translation Number 2:] (
[Translation Number 3:] (
Number of words translated on the project before this report (if any): 3152
Examples of phrases translated into spanish:
- No permitir entradas de usuarios para controlar el origen de las referencias de ubicación de JavaScript.
- Un atacante controlando el valor de conjunto de caracteres del elemento es capaz de declarar UTF-7 y también capaz de incluir suficiente carga controlada por el usuario temprano en el documento HTML para tenerlo interpretado como UT-7. Al codificar su carga con UTF-7 el atacante es capaz de saltarse cualquier protección de servidor XSS e insertar guion en la página.
- La respuesta a la siguiente petición por HTTPS incluía un valor de atributo de acción de etiqueta de forma HTTP: {0} el contexto era: {1}
Here are some images of before an after translation
Before Translation:
After Translation:
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