I am Promoting React JavaScript in Pakistan and India. React JavaScript is Free and Open Source framework. One of its usage to manage the view layers of Web and Mobile apps. It is also used to construct and maintain stateless user interfaces. It's a small and powerful library and its created by Jordan Walke in March 2013. The working method of React Javascript is it takes to input data and returns what to display.
I have targeted the audience of Pakistan and India.
Potential Reach
33, 000, 000
Male and Female
18 to 65+
I have created a facebook page for the promotion of open source projects and promoted React JavaScript.
People Reached
Here is a link to Page
Here is a link to Post
Campaign Result
I have run the campaign on facebook of React Js. More than 8800+ peoples are reached including Men and Women. 70 peoples like the promotion of the open source.
Percentage of peoples
17% Women and almost 83% Men are reached
Video Proof
I also have a video proof of my activity.
I have promoted the vide on Youtube also.
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There is a rule: "The contribution should not contain any clear attempt to profit solely from a commercial perspective"
And I consider this contribution as a clear attempt to profit solely from a commercial perspective.
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