Project Details
Hi! I translated 1072 words on Magento 2 which is an open source project into Russian via Crowdin.
While I was searching in open source projects, I saw Magento 2 and it took my attention because Magento is the leading platform for commerce innovation. Besides, translation was enjoyable, I hope that it will be useful.
I added photos as a proof below.
Links related to the translation
While translating...
Source Language
The source language of the project is English, United States
Translated Language
I translated from English to Russian 1072 words.
Number Of Words
I translated 1072 words, which is equal to 2120-1048.
Previous translation on the same project
My previous translation: Magento 2 - Russian Translation (1048 words translated before)
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Too much Google Translator!
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Thank you! I am appreciated with your work.
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