When I was exploring Google Playstore, I found an excellent Open Source app to use for connecting user to an OpenVPN server . read Bio Source
However, previous logos do not really reflect improvements to VPN, I'll make it look better than ever by adding some shapes that involve improvements to VPN
Original And Proposal Logo

Color Variations

Color Used
- 00aeef, 231e1e, ffffff
- fff200, 231e1e, ffffff
- ed1c24, 231e1e, ffffff
- 00a14b, 231e1e, ffffff
- 908f8f, 231e1e, ffffff
The reason I choose orange color because I follow the color theme that is owned by the previous logo, but the orange color that I created for this logo is very good when viewed. With a flat and illegant design makes the logo very reflective of the meaning of a VPN

Font used
I used Arial Regular fonts
you can download it here
Benefits / Improvements
The idea I get when designing the Openvpn logo comes from the application's functionality. VPNs can safeguard the user's internet network by means of the functionality of the application, and then VPN can also access a website that is blocked by government and mobile network operators
Because of these two things, I concluded to make a shield of a shape, and then shield it I tried to combine it with the shape of the keyhole. Which means the network generated by OpenVPN Server will protect and open any gaps that prevent you from doing eploration on the Internet
When designing something, I always use software from Adobe, Adobe Photoshop. This time I use Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.
Proof Of Work


How do you think?
Google Drive: ALL FILE
Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
@ybreza, No matter approved or not, I upvote and support you.
Nice design, good luck.
I support you by upvote
Have a good weekend
Gak lagi sakit kan dit? :v @adit9, kutau ini bukan bot wkwkwk
Hahaha... Biar dibantu approve 😹
Oman dit, makasih banyak dit wkwkwkwk, sini sini sini ku peluk @adit27
Mantap that.@ybreza nyan nyan ban bengeh haha
Mita raseuki harus beungeh bang, payah ta peurajin droteh kalinyo wkwkwkwkwk :v
utang jeulame hana abeh lom hahahahahahaa @jaldesign
hotaba :) 😂
Hotajak bang ken hotaba wkwkwk @fial
Please provide all version in PDF and EPS, not just symbol.
Done sir, you can check it on PDF and EPS Folders, sorry for my mistake! ;) @andrejcibik
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Thanks Mod @andrejcibik