When I was exploring Google Playstore, I found an excellent Open Source app to play music on your mobile phone. read Bio Source
- Opensource and adfree (GPLv3)
- Support for all common audio formats (MP3, OGG, FLAC, PCM)
- Tag based and folder based navigation
- Support for android playlists
- Gapless playback for OGG and FLAC (requires Android >= 4.1) and Replay Gain support
However, previous logos do not really reflect improvements to Vanilla Music, I'll make it look better than before.
Original And Proposal Logo

Color Variations

Color Used
- 00aeef,
- fff200,
- ed1c24,
- 00a14b,
- 908f8f,

Font used
I used Arial Regular fonts
you can download it here
Benefits / Improvements
the idea that I get this time comes from the letter "V", I make it look more cool with a combination of meaningful circles like the record is being played. The blue color I chose because the taskbar in the application is supportive. I created this logo by using a triangle that I finally combined in a circle. You can change the shape, size and color as you wish. I have attached it in an editable file, Hope you like this logo
This time i used aplication from Adobe. That is Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.
Proof Of Work


How do you think?
Google Drive: ALL FILE
Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
Good job @ybreza
Proof that dude wkwkwk
Nice work bro @ybreza
love you bro
@ybreza kikuk kikuk kejar target haha
Wkwkwkwk icah kuh bang, i tolak saboh, dua boh kuculok lim uronyo hahahaha @jaldesign
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Idk that the repository wrong, i think i have checked it out. Btw sorry for my Mistakes, i'll try it again with other apps. Soon! @radudangratian
water siram fire