Can the potential of Utopian advance cutting-edge science?

in #utopian7 years ago (edited)

Particle physics is currently living an exciting time. The discovery of a Higgs boson 5-6 years ago corresponds to one of the long-waited physics objectives of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, as explained for instance here.

Today, a few years later, the Run 2 of the LHC will be ongoing for a few extra months, and after a long shutdown, operations will (normally) restart in 2021 for a third run of data taking. The results to be collected in the next years hence promise a greater understanding not only of the Standard Model of particle physics, but also of what lies beyond it. I recall that it is pretty clear that something must lie beyond the Standard Model.

[image credits: Pixabay (CC0)]

Today, no compelling evidence for any phenomenon beyond the Standard Model has been seen, even if the LHC collaborations have tried to dig a signal out of hundreds (and most probably thousands) different search strategies.

As a result, more and more severe constraints are imposed on many classes of theories extending the Standard Model. However, those constraints are often imposed in well-defined (and often popular) contexts, which introduces strong biases.

There are however a plethora of theories that deserve to be tested and there is not enough experimental resources to try out all possible theoretical options. This is where theorists can play a role through the analysis of LHC collision simulations in new particle physics theories and the assessment of the impact of the existing analyses on these theories.


A few years ago, I have decided to tackle this problem that is strongly connected to the preservation of the results of the LHC experiments. My vision (that is actually shared by others as well) is that one wants to be able to confront, even in 5 or 10 years from now, any theory to LHC data.

With a handful of collaborators, we have developed a generic framework in which many LHC analyses can be reimplemented, so that their results can be quickly compared to predictions of any model. Even at that time, we already pushed for a totally open source choice where anyone can contribute in a very simple way by adding new LHC analyses to our database.

However, for some reasons, physicists are very happy in using existing codes, but the majority of them often prefers to avoid to implement anything. People are therefore needed to make this plan working!

This is where both Utopian and SteemSTEM (and thus Steem) could potentially come into the game.


Yes, you read it right. I assume that there are people here who would be interested in contributing to state-of-the-art science and in helping us to advance our understanding on how the universe works.

Maybe ambitious, but doable!

[image credits: homemade]

Why am I assuming this? Because the tasks that must be addressed are not incredibly complicated (the framework is there). They consist in:

  • reading (and understanding; I will help for this) an LHC experimental paper;
  • implementing the corresponding analysis in an existing C++-based framework;
  • validating the implementation.

This last point is actually the toughest, as things rarely work from the first try.

This requires some basic knowledge in particle physics (this part I can help) as well as some knowledge in C++ (I assume some C++ developers lie around here ^^).

Would anyone be interested in giving it a try? This could be a funny (okay physics is actually always funny!) and novel way to contribute to particle physics research from the outside.

Note that I have already some vague ideas about how to implement this project in practice, but the first step is to probe whether there are interested people.

Maybe not everyone can be a particle physicist, but I am confident that people from outside can actually contribute to particle physics in a significant way.


I can only say I would be super excited to see such projects gaining traction on Utopian. You have my full support!

Thanks a lot for the support! This project would make my 2018. Just creating a precedent could yield so many future options... Let's dream! :D

I have my eyes on it. Both of the physical and the mental eye :D
The idea is great and I do have someone who knows both physics and programming at an expert level.
Just let me see if he would be interested in joining Steemit. In the meantime, you are stuck with me and the others that might help you in a way or the other.
Have a good and relaxed weekend!

By stuck with you, does it mean you are in? Great, I am adding you to the list then! And your friend will be allowed to join anytime later. No worries!

He is a new father, he will not be joining anytime soon :(
If i can help you, than yes. Add me, and even if i can't help you, I will find you someone who can.

Let's see! More from me on this by the end of this week :)

In the meantime, you are on my list!

Interesting.. this could be potentially a PhD project!

That is a bit too small for a PhD project, but this could be part of it in the aim of using the codes to do some actual physics analysis out of it (which is something one could possibly imagine as a follow up project, but we are very far from there ;) ).

Let your ideas be fruitful. Many steemians like me are ready to be part in this endeavour in possible ways if needed. All the best!

So you are in? Does it mean I have two candidates? :D

But I don't know in what way I can be of any help. I don't even know the basics of c++. But if there is anything that I can do, I will.

Okidooki. I am adding your name to my list :)

I have couple of years of C++ commercial experience - how can I help? Is there some Github project out there I can contribute to?

Things are not yet at the Github stage, but this will come at some point. With you I have now 5 interested people and there will be a follow-up (at some point next week). Please stay tuned :)

PS: I am adding your name to my list of potential contributors ^^

Okk!! I have actually been learning C++ for the last two months. Maybe I'll need some more training but I'll give my best!
Hopefully I could get to understand those LHC papers. But it would be an honor to, in a way, contribute to particle physics.

Excellent! This is really great. Thanks for wanting to give it a try. As I said, I am here to help for the physics part.

We have thus three participants so far!!

Great, I can't wait to get started!

I see it as an opportunity to learn a lot about one of my many passions in life: physics!

Let's try to work hard so that you could contribute to current research in physics then! More from me very soon :)

Yes, I'll do it.

I'll be waiting for any good news!

As a Utopian moderator and a physics student, I am really glad to see the news. I'm not an expert C++ developer but I would like to see if I can contribute on this project.

At the end of the day, I will provide plenty of examples. Therefore, even if one is not expert, one will have possibilities to contribute anyways. I add you on the list :)

I know C++, I was going to do my website in C++ but there are no APIs for interacting with the steem blockchain or RPC nodes. So, Python because the language to use. I love operator overloading and templates.

Here, the idea is to develop a code that is independent from the steem blockchain, but where the blockchain is used, through utopian, to open the door of science to external c++ developers. i guess this is a slightly different problem.

Do you want to give it a try? :D

Do you have a paper to share that an undergrad in Mathematics can understand? Are there scientists with lots of Steem power?

Do you have a paper to share that an undergrad in Mathematics can understand?

This will come later. Not a paper itself, but enough material in posts for anyone to understand what is going on. Bu I first need to design them ;)

Are there scientists with lots of Steem power?

Please check the @steemstem project :)

wow amazing stuff @lemouth!
it's been almost 11 years since i've written anything in C++, but if i can help somewhere i'll be more than happy to :)

Hi @mcfarhat! A long time we haven't chatted ^^

Coding is like biking. One never forgets (and one is always kind of ashamed of what has been developed in the past). I am adding your name to my list! More from me soonish!

If you build your application on #BOINC then the huge power of team #Gridcoin can potentially process the data for you. We already do work for CERN on the ATLAS project.

Thanks for the suggestion. I am however not so sure about how #BOINC cool help here, at least for now. We so not need any CPU power at the moment. Assuming we undergo a full physics project in the future, although this will be a theory project and not an ATLAS/CMS one, this could be considered. But I cannot see this before a few months from now. Anyways, I am keeping the idea in a corner of my head. Thanks for proposing it ;)

OK I wasn't sure from your post if it was feasible, you would need to design the application to take advantage of parallel processing if it's to be suitable for BOINCing.
Good luck

This is fine. I need to find some motivation (and time) to parallelize my framework ;)

you might be over-estimating the ability of most people to get into the framework needed but i'm always excited to see the basics of reality explained to those who simply live them

i think basic galileo, plato and the concept of uncertainty should be translated to kindergarten concepts in a way , alas im not too good at that

im not particularly comfortable with human spawn

i DO believe all science is basically particle physics

because that is the quantum at which we are stuck

no one has dug deeper so far and some (as usual) consider the latest discovery the last discovery and proceed with the perception to build an image of reality

but basically, all is particles, psychology is particle physics ... economy is particle physics, its simply beyond the point of understanding (or omega) to process that amount of data

give it a read if you think im being mystic because i'm not

you're doing some great work here, but you might consider an extra layer because what you consider to be self-evident is not to a lot

you might be over-estimating the ability of most people to get into the framework needed but i'm always excited to see the basics of reality explained to those who simply live them

Maybe, but at least it is worthy to give it a try. The fact that I worked hard in the past to make a developer-friendly framework may help. At the end of the day, it is just a matter of understanding what to code (which may be tricky, but as I said, if we don't try we will never know :p )

i think basic galileo, plato and the concept of uncertainty should be translated to kindergarten concepts in a way , alas im not too good at that

This is possible. I explained the very very basic of general relativity, classical mechanics and quantum mechanics to my son when he was 6. Okay, this was not very deep, but at least he got some grasps about it (and re-explain things to his friends at a science exhibition we were visiting!).

but basically, all is particles, psychology is particle physics ... economy is particle physics, its simply beyond the point of understanding (or omega) to process that amount of data

I don't think so. Particle physics works within its domain of application and one does not need to rely on it to explain things for which other formulations are easier and work. It is moreover often impossible to follow billions of elementary particles at the macroscopic level (which is why classical physics for instance, is still very very valid).

you're doing some great work here, but you might consider an extra layer because what you consider to be self-evident is not to a lot

I am dealing with the general public for more than 10 years... I am well aware of this. Maybe I am dreaming here, but we won't know if we won't try :)

Hi @lemouth. I would love to participate on this. It sounds very exciting and interesting. I usually use python but I know C++. I am an physics undergraduate about to graduate and this could even be my thesis project. Hope to contribute and see more details about it. What are the next steps?

Thanks for your nice offer to participate! For the moment, I am adding you to my list. I will write more about what to do in practice within the next few days.

I am an physics undergraduate about to graduate and this could even be my thesis project.

To know whether this is possible, I guess this may depend on your university. But of course, this could definitely be part of an undergraduate thesis! This was the thesis of one student of mine, from Paris, one year ago.

Sounds good. Would C qualify as well? C++ possible too.

The existing framework is in C++, however, I cannot imagine this blocking someone who knows C :) Should I add your name to the list of potential contributors? :)

Sure go ahead!

such a cool project. this is definitely an interesting way to gain more people onboard the utopian project. Super like!

Thanks! I hope people will join. I can already count on one person, which is something!

General relativity models reality as a manifold.
How does Quantum theory model it?

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To answer your question, merging general relativity with quantum mechanics is not an easy task, and is a hot topic of high-energy physics research today. However, we are far from having found anything satisfactory. I am not sure to have answered the question, but I am also not so sure to have fully understood it. Please give me more information :)

PS: Why upvoting your comment, that is not related to my post at all, that much? I have downvoted it because I disagree with giving it that much visibility. Please don't take it personally and note that I have not annihilated all the rewards, as I don't want to hide it totally (I just want to avoid having it trending).

It's actually possible. Practical/particle physics can find a comfortable position here. It will only take time.

Time that hopefully some are ready to take. I am ready to make this happening!

This all is so complicated. WOW

By working together, we can make this easy-ish. I am here to help for what concerns physics. Coding... well... I am looking for people who can code ;)

Glad to know that people who are not particle physicists can actually contribute towards particle physics.

P.S: I'm not an expert in C++, but I can talk with some cool programmers.

Nice initiative sir

Glad to know that people who are not particle physicists can actually contribute towards particle physics.

This is actually what I want to show... ;)

P.S: I'm not an expert in C++, but I can talk with some cool programmers.

Feel free to broadcast them my announcement! The more we are the better it is ^^

Sure I will sir

I failed my physics course....

Never too late to restart. Actually, the required physics basis are very limited (I already posted the required lecture notes on steem a while ago, here). What matters most is the C++ coding abilities.

Oh....coding is another headache 🤕 one

That sounds like a two for one? :D

Sure it is

Mehn! This project is mind blowing, I must say, kudos!

Thanks! Let's hope we will make it! I am confident in this :)

You are welcome
Since your imaginations are clear and you are confident about it, you will surely make it!
Your dreams are valid😉

Well, at some point, I need people to jump in. For that part, this is not on me :D

PS: I already have one potential candidate. ^^

You have a candidate, fantastic!
more people will buy in, am hopeful for you as well 😉

I have 4 names for the moment ^^

You see, am so happy for you💃💃
The numbers will increase in no time😉

Wow great idea! Indeed this project seems to have an obvious double advantage, a contribution to science and a high quality content for Utopian.

I really like the idea of having people who are not scientists but who have the skills to contribute.

Full support for this project !

Thanks for passing by! I am looking also forward to the output of the project. I don't know how long it will take, but if it works, this will create a huge precedent :)

Oh, this is a very exciting project, @lemouth! I don't have any C++ knowledge at all, but I just wanted to give my best wishes to the project. I really hope you are able to find someone who can help you with this!

I have a list of 6 names at the moment. This means 6 potential people and 6 chances to get to somewhere. Or maybe 1 chance to get 6 independent contributions which is even better :)

Thanks for passing by ^^

That's a good start!

This is a great idea! It could have uses well beyond particle physics!

Totally! We only need a precedent! And this is where I come in :)

Congratulations @lemouth!
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Haha! I have never noticed you were running this as well ^^

Your post is very good!

Now look me in the eye and Follow Me @cryptopay-blogYour post is very good

Lol! You made my day :D


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Thank You!


Lol. Samminator and spaminator almost sounds alike. Just noticing it :D

This is why spelling matters a lot ;)

Lol. Yes; you're right. I've figured that out :D

Its like your post

It is not "like my post", it is my post...

Haha... He might have meant 'He likes your Post'. English still is a barrier for laymen to get access to quality materials, be it science or whatever.

I think so too, but my stupid answer was really too tempting... :D

Muchos éxitos en tus metas, con el apoyo de muchos las cosas se pueden lograr, mis saludos, @lemouth.

Thanks for your wishes! And sorry for not answering in Spanish (I don't know Spanish but I know Deepl to help me understanding what you meant :) ).

Intresting work. Kudos to you.

Thanks! :)

i voted for you,and you might also vote me.

Just for your information, leaving the same comment to many many posts is actually considered as spam on this platform, and some people (not me today) may actually give flags for that.


Thanks! I was about to do it as well ;)