yea that's fair enough some people misunderstand what i'm doing is trying to convince people to buy the token and if you believe that ubi projects work on speculation then that's a misunderstanding of it but i'll just leave you with this statement and listen half the world opts for ubi you're maybe on the half that doesn't.. not a problem it's several billion people on the planet that will lol.
however i'll leave you a question.. you don't have to answer it.. or research it that's entirely up to you as i said i don't deal in willfull ignorance and i'm quite efficient at who's willfully ignorant but let me leave you with this.
i would say one of the most difficult things to do is create a project.. a coin and then have people take their hard earned money and part ways with it to give to someones made up project.
Even homeless peddlers on the street can barely get peoples money lol. so if you believe you can go create a coin and have buyers easily then i know those people have no idea how to start projects or how to create one.
now with all that said.. i wonder if you believe people have taken their hard earned money of their own volition and put it in both my projects?
i wonder if you believe that smart investors.. have taken their money and put it in my projects? I'd like you to be careful with your answer and as the purchases are on the blockchain. i'm sure you could if you wanted go through every transaction of who bought what
now you may determine those who bought into my projects if there were any are not very smart.. then you may look at some of their blogs and some of their knowledge base of investing in crypto and our economy and you may be surprised to see some of those people bought stake in my projects.
Now if i can go out and convince people to do that.. i'm not saying i do or can.. but if i can it's a public record on the chain. let's say you find it's people smarter than you that have invested money they value and have earned in projects i created i wonder would you then feel some type of humility for thinking anybody in our project would need your value or support? that if people have invested money there has to be something there they believe in.. whether it's deflation.. speculation or they believe in ubi projects it's all on an individual basis with them but here's my point in conclusion
if you believe your lack of comprehension has anything to do with others understanding of the project then i think you may be insulting all those guys much smarter than you that do have stake with their own hard earned money in our projects but again a security is not a currency those are different things.. unregistered illegal securities that promise value from the work of others is a violation of securities laws .. currencies like bitcoin are not.. because there is no business in bitcoin per se in the mechanism of bitcoin itself beyond it being a currency that is going to promise you any value you just use it or you don't. so yea you're not able to understand those points but that's okay as long as you know that it's many people with a great deal more money than you that have bought thousands of dollars in a project on this chain that i created from my brain.. so as long as you get that i have no problem with your opinions or ignorance but what you don't know can hurt you ... so ubi systems when they come into full effect many of these crypto projects you all have won't stand up to them or work.. 21st century is not 20th century.. people not going to be creating new businesses and profiteering from them.. it's going to be limited ip owned machines and companies creating most of the products with consume without human labor. anyway the resources i've provided about ubi and ubi coins if anyone is in dark about that it's based on a purely willful ignorance and i personally don't care whether they are interested or not i've already looked at the statistics globally who are.. so it's trivial to worry about one person and keep in mind others read these posts not just you. so none of what i write is directed at one person
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