yea and it's nothing personal against you.. as i said my words are for a broad audience but also keep in mind just because you don't get it doesn't mean many others don't.. maybe many do.. so that's all i was trying to say and maybe its not for you to understand it. also you should consider i don't force anybody to engage.. everyone does that of their own volition.. i give my coins away free people who buy they do that of their own volition. i've never asked anybody once to buy our coins. i've never asked anybody to give me money to create the projects. never had to. So your failure to understand is just that.. yours"...but have i forced anybody to do anything. no i haven't and if a person mutes me i'm still going to come after them because in the evolution of our next economic system socially everyone has to be held accountable for their destruction of this world and our economy. i'm holding everyone accountable not just washington or the imf.. i'm holding you all responsible because you have been complicit.. no human ever had to accept the world as it was and we've changed it many times when we wanted. that's why i'm coming after you all and i will continue to do so. whether you understand or not.. you'll understand it's consequences in ignorance and knowledge. so your peers will hold courts to hold you accountable and democratically they will decide what should happen to you.. so its not going to be me it's going to be a democratic process but why should we excuse filth and lack of accountability and lack of being humane to citizens of the world for you guys greed and destructive qualities.. no society will judge you all accordingly whether you understand things or not. the system i'm speaking of is happening. those aren't my words or research but many people way smarter than me.. accept it what i'm talking about is going down
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