Can you refill the same visa card or do you have to get a new one each time? Just curious because getting a new card every time would make paying bills a pain. Still would work though. is now a thing, but most of my monthly bills aren’t listed yet since WV seems to not matter.
Yeah their product setup right now is just reselling gift cards essentially so each time you want more funds you have to buy another card and start with a new balance. I've been using the left over small amounts to pay bills like my internet that accepts custom balances.
Bitrefills product is very cool as well. I'm in the same boat where my mortgage company isn't listed yet but I can't wait for that to grow more. Right now @v4vapp is limited to just 100K sats so I didn't want to get anyone's hopes up they could pay their electric bills yet. 😃 It won't be long though!