A new independent research about kids' health was made, and the results again proved the connection between the vaccination and its negative influence on kids' brain.
Mikhail Svatkovskiy (PhD, osteopath, chief medical officer of the medical center) informed about the goals and the results of the research maby by this center with the help of the local department of the education.
The idea was born after the investigation of kids 4-10 years. The doctors paid attention to the fact that there were almost no healthy children in their center.
The official statistics says that in Russia (and in the worls the situiation isn't better) only 5% of kids are born healthy. So the investigation had the goal to prove or deny this statistics.
Kids from 3 schools and colleges were taken under the investigation of neurologists, orthopedists and traumatologists (age of kids was about 8). Their feet and posture were the main subject of the investigation.
Because these are the most common complaints of all parents: the kid has the wrong feet position, he can't sit for a long time, he can't concentrate his attention, he keeps his back in the wrong position etc.
The results were sad: only 4% of kids were healthy.
All the rest has numerous complaints about fatigue, hyperexcitability, poor sleep, headaches, increased sweating etc.
They all are common for the condition of brain intoxication with heavy metals.
Where can these metals come to our body from?! The answer is shocking for many parents - from vaccines.
Any postion of the vaccine includes at least 3 kind of heavy metals:
salts of mercury, which are 20 times more toxic than mercury itself,
These ingridients just kill the brains of people, moreover - kids.
In 1867 in England the mandatory vaccintation was adopted. All people who rejected were punished. The vaccination covered 97% of population from 2 to 50 during the nest 4 years.
In 1871 in England the greatest smallpox epidemic was fixed!
More than 45,000 people died.
Before the year 1900 the oncological diseases were fixed very rarely, nowadays they have the second place in the frequency among all world diseases.
The number of kids sick with autism is much greater in the coutnries with mandatory vaccination fixed in the laws than in the countries where this choice is free. (https://1796web.com/vaccines/diseases/japan.htm)
There is a direct relationship between the number of vaccinations against hepatitis B and the number of cases of diabetes mellitus (https://1796web.com/vaccines/diseases/coulter2.htm)
Even if the kid is born healthy, so he has all chances to grow healthy, but then he gets some vaccines, and he starts to be sick very often with different diseases. Is there no connection?
Where did his health disappear? Why does not his immunity work?
All doctors do NOT connect vaccination with all changes of the health conditions of kids. And it's not strange: they're interested in the number of vaccinated kids, it's their order, their work, their goal. The Big Pharma needs patients...And it gets them, an endless flow.
Parents want children to have a nice and right posture, to keep their backs straight, do not slouch, walk in the right way, keep their feet right etc. But they should understand that they can do it only when they ARE ABLE to do it. If their body doensn't have enough resources, a kid will never be able to foloow these rules!
The position of feet and of the body itself (the posture) is connected and determined by brain signals to muscles to keep the back and the feet in the right position, but if the brain is poisoned and hurted, it can't do all it must do.
A boy is sitting at the school lesson, and he can't just sit! He is moving all the time, he can't fix his position. The teacher scolds and shouts, he can't get the information and study well.
A bad boy? No! It's not his wish to behave like this, in the most cases he does want, but he CAN'T!
His brain is hurted by heavy metals too much, it can't send a signal to muscles to keep calm and fix the position for a long time because it needs definite efforts. It just tries to save itself by constant moving - it's a way of detoxification.
But doctors again don't see any connection, and make new diagnosis for these poor kids, and treat them with more and more poison medcines...
The same situation is with kids' weakness and disability to make all physical exercises they should be able to make at their age.
A trainer can shout on them thinking they are just lazy,but it can be the same - the brain is poisoned with toxines, and it can't control all body muscles, especially with loading. Kids don't lie, they are really tired, and they really can not cover these requirments!
Our brain is the main "chief" of our body, and if it feels bad, a person can't be healthy and strong.
In the ancient times doctors got their awards, honour and salaries only when the emperor was healthy, if he got sick, the doctor was killed!
A perfect motivation!
Medicine was directed to the saving of the health! And now it's just endless treatment.
Nowadays doctor get their salaries due tot he number of sick people they "treat". So are they interested in their good health and strong immunity?
They get bonuses and awards for covering the vaccination calendar and vaccination plans, making parents vaccinate their kids. So are they interested in the real truth about vaccination, or do they care about babies whom they hurt?
Моя родственница врач-генетик, д.м.н., занимается редкими болезнями у детей. Она подтверждает, что причиной аутизма всё чаще становятся прививки.
The translation of the comment
@galca says that her relative is a doctor in genetics, she works with rare children diseases, and she proves that vaccines cause autism more and more!
Great coverage of vaccines - it is amazing how little testing there is for flu vaccines before they are distributed to the public.
I like your summary at the end: "Money rules the world. And it rules medicine as well." True true...
Great article. Thanks for sharing. I have been against vaccines for years even before there was documentation to support my personal feelings. It seems like they are only getting worse despite the stance against them rather than better, if that is even a possibility. "Money rules this world" sums it all up though.
I would not define things black and white in this issue. The fact is that vaccines saved millions of lives. But there is other side of medal. The money. Farmaceutical companies in a pursuit for money surely don't take every possible research to make vaccine safe for everyone because it makes it very expensive. Other problem is also that often third world countries get vaccines with very badbqualizy on very high prices. But still, i think the vaccines are the best way to fight deseases so far. Vaccines and prevention of course