Forget, for just a moment, all the "evidence" on both sides of the argument.
Google can keep their "truth" to themselves; I have sufficient intellectual capacity to examine the issues and determine what the "truth" is.
"Governments" can keep their frickin' hands off of and their noses out of my family concerns. I don't need any "rulers" who know better than I do sticking needles in my children.
"The number of people accepting vaccinations in the UK is falling and the government care about us so much they are concerned about this trend."
Actually, it the pharmaceutical giants that care so much about their profits that they use the "Ministry of Truth" to propagandize sheeple to complain about "unvaccinated" children. Disgusting! 😄😇😄
It's not only your children that are affected by your decision not to vaccinate.
Ideally, other people and their children will learn that they need not bow to a renegade state and the minions under its sway. Perhaps they will learn that health comes from natural sources, not from multi-billion dollar drug companies.
I don't think you got what I was saying. I was criticising your decision, not supporting you. By not vaccinating your children, you expose other children who are too young for vaccination to potentially deadly diseases.
Oh, I got what you're saying alright, @vaelin, and I reject it outright.
You have evidently "bought into" the propaganda that big pharma is pushing. Your assertion is actually backwards; it is the vaccinated children who put others at risk.
Not that children raised on whole, healthy foods have that much to fear, as they are by design strong and naturally immune to disease.
I hope that by reading articles like this and interacting in comments, you'll realize that you've been duped. However, if you and your children wish to live in fear of us, kindly just keep your distance and we'll keep ours.
People used to eat all sorts of healthy food prior to the industrial revolution, but polio still existed. Do you know what eradicated polio in the West? Vaccinations.
Medicine carries risks. You can cherry pick isolated examples of serious adverse events, however there is clear evidence of the overwhelming benefit of vaccination.
That site you linked to is really poor quality stuff. The Weston A Price Foundation is not a credible source of information.
That's quite debatable; do you know this to be true from direct personal knowledge? What is your "credible source of information" for your statement, and how is it funded and motivated?
Along with the advent of the polio vaccine, there was a simultaneous great improvement in sanitation and general public health. The actual impact of vaccination in isolation is questionable, although mass media propaganda would paint such as an absolute.
Feel free to continue vaccinating yourself and your loved ones, I will not interfere with you and I ask you to extend to me the same courtesy.
It is because I can "cherry pick isolated examples of serious adverse events" that I consider the risk far worse than any supposed benefit, and thus I and my family will continue to abstain. I choose not to play the vaccination version of "Russian roulette."