Pharmaceutical giant Merck was ordered by a judge to prove the effectiveness of their controversial vaccine Gardasil. This was in response to information released by the World Health Organization's VigiAcess databse.
The information collected included reports of 85,329 adverse effects to HPV vaccination.
The report includes the following reactions to Gardasil:
Cardiac events (heart & artery issues)
Syncope (fainting)
The above are only the main reactions, the report also wrote of 37,699 cases of nervous system disorders.
Debilitating Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrom or POTS for short was documented 533 times as an adverse reaction and 389 people experienced sudden death.
A Trial Is Currently In Process In California
This case involves a 16-year-old girl with POTS, her family claim that a third dose of Gardasil caused their loved one's condition.
This nervous system disorder causes high heart rate when the affected person stands up (lasting for 10 minutes) and can only be relieved when the person lies back down.
The young woman that the case surrounded was perfectly healthy before her third vaccination. After doctors diagnosed their daughter with POTS, her family filed a case against Gardasil's manufacturer, Merck.
The family has accused Merck of fraud and deceit, negligent misrepresentation, use of a defective product (inadequate warnings), medical malpractice and medical battery. LINK
Profit Driven Industry Of Pain & Suffering
In one of my previous posts, I reported about how a flu vaccine was confirmed to be a cause spreading flu particles, thus creating more business for the original vaccine manufacturer.
This seems like a method that Merck might be using with their Gardasil vaccine.
The 16-year-old girl who went to court was diagnosed with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. This illness has 11 pharmaceutical cures, according to
It is very possible that Merck released Gardasil so they could in turn bring more business to the pharmaceutical industry.
Seriously endangering the people you were supposed to protect is not a problem if you only care about profits.
After all, a patient cured is a customer lost...
The Small Print Which Merck Failed To Include
There are quite a few important points that should have been provided with the Gardasil vaccine in order for people to make informed decisions on whether or not they should vaccinate.
The family with a 16-year-old with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome stated in court that Merck should have mentioned that Gardasil is not effective for individuals who are already infected with HPV and the immunity that would be given would only work for certain HPV strains.
In what can only be called an aggressive marketing effort, Merck fails to inform consumers that alternatives to vaccines exist to treat and avoid HPV.
Merck also decides they should not mention all adverse reactions, which includes ruining the lives of young girls.
Science Day Hearing
The judge in this case agreed to schedule a "Science Day Hearing" so the court could all better understand the science behind the Gardasil vaccine.
Both parties presented their view on the science behind the HPV vaccine
This was the first time that both sides of the argument could be given a chance to provide their up-to-date science studies on the safety and efficacy of this vaccine.
The Case Presented By The Injured Family
The family with a vaccine damage daughter had a very persuasive case to present. They informed the court that 130 HPV strains exist and only 15 to 18 of those strains are associated with cervical cancer.
This means that Gardasil does not prevent cancer. The next compelling argument was that the vaccine only inflames the immune system with aluminum to force it to respond to 4 HPV strains: 6, 11, 16 & 18.
The last part of the argument signifies that Gardasil does not even treat HPV properly.
The Case Presented By Merck
Merck's case was completely focused on criticizing the victim because of the length of time it took for doctors to diagnose the 16-year-old's condition.
Further into their case, Merck confronted SaneVax Inc, an organization which provides the general public with scientific facts behind vaccination safety.
When asked to present evidence of Gardasil's safety during manufacturing and pre-licensed vaccination trials, Merck showed the court post-marketed evidence from the CDC and FDA.
My Thoughts On This Trial
I was very happy to read about this trial because it was the first trial in which a vaccine-damaged individual and their family were allowed to present their own studies to a court to try and disprove a pharmaceutical corporation.
It is very brave for this family to be fighting Merck because it is a large company. Merck & Co, as of June of 2018, has a market cap of 160.6 billion and is within the top 50 largest public companies in America, according to Forbes.
I wish the family all the best luck in their plight against Merck. If no one questions the corporations which create our medicine who will?
The outcome of this case has not been determined yet, I will report on the verdict once it has been made.
Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Sources for images (that are not mine) are provided by clicking on the image itself.
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I went to the health department the other day to sign a Religious Exemption Form so my 2.5 year old kid can go to school without the school harassing me about his shot records. When I was at the health department, there were so many parents there with their kids getting their shots. The shots were free of course. The nurse gave me some papers explaining the dangers of not giving vaccines and just signed the form and that was it. Really not fond of vaccines and would like to stay away from them like the plague.
The world of medicine is gradually getting infected as people wit profit motive are going into business not minding the health implications
Most of these vaccines are poisonous. The human body is spectacular, in most cases it neutralizes the poison but some kids are never lucky and develop mild to serious life long conditions. I wonder who can finally prove this and lay all this to rest.
Same with GMO, the chemicals put in there sure make the fruits and veggies, even the meat last longer on the market shelves however they slowly kill you by giving you various diseases.
I really hope the family gets the justice they deserve and a lofty compensation, no amount of money can cure what happened to the child properly but it can provide some consolation.