Freedom From Injection

in #vaccine8 years ago

The Global Warming Scam and the Vaccine Scam intersect on at least two points. 

  1. They are both supported by shoddy and murky research
  2. They both agree that you must be jailed if you do not submit

Demanding Freedom From Injection based upon scientific and medical side effects only kicks the can down the road. They simply get more funding to fix the vaccine. When they fix it, you are then forced to come up with another excuse. Meanwhile, the unlucky people who are first in line to be experimented on, they get to find out about the new side effects.

The reason we MUST be free from mandatory injections has NOTHING to do with medical science. It has to do with the fact that we have been given Free Will by God. To interfere with our free choice (outside actual and perilous emergency) is to interfere with God. 

Fact is, vaccines short-circuit our natural immune systems. Pro-Vaxxers must be 100% sure that they are not harming even one child, otherwise what they propose is reprehensible experimentation upon unwitting subjects. If they are not 100% sure they could never harm even one person, then they must not vaccinate, else they are guilty of Eugenics: they are sacrificing (or weeding out) the weak so as to strengthen the strong.

Anti-Vaxxers are simply skeptical of Big Pharma's impossible claim that all vaccines are 100% harmless in the face of clear and documented damage. Laws that protect Big Pharma from vaccine liability are like laws that would permit an auto manufacturer to create cars without brakes, causing injury and death without consequences.


finally, someone who gets it. this is about individual natural rights to choose what we do with our own bodies.

if someone comes at me with their needle or their carbon tax, they had better be ready for me to defend myself by any and all means possible.

i have recently come across another danger in this. euthanasia is being promoted as an individual right, and so it is, but if it is put, positively, into law, then the individual is one incompetency hearing away from being put to death against their will. do you see? what do you think? i have been unable to find anyone who can even conceptualize this.

@prescottpaul, they will start to force vaccines in the next couple of years and I will fight to the death. I'm already a bad dad because my babies aren't vaccinated, but I love my boys unto the end.

Well! Your boys need a living dad. Let's be prudent. All evidence shows that for most people the autoimmune reaction happens when the body is weakened by stress or simple underdevelopment. That's why it's so dangerous to inject babies with this massive amount of mercury.

However, I more or less voluntarily had an MMR vaccine in 2012 so that I could be a teacher at a local school. It was a requirement. It didn't kill me, or even injure me as far as I can tell. That's not to say it's a good thing, by any means. What I'm saying is we need to play their game when we get cornered.

It's prudence. It's a Christian Virtue to be cool, calm and collected - and smart. You need to protect your kids and you need to be alive to do that. Eventually they might have to get injected, but you can delay that day until they are strong enough to laugh it off.

I realize it is offensive to be forced to do anything against your will, but occasionally in this life we have to bite the bullet and do things that are not pleasant. Like sometimes you have to shoot a horse. It offends our God-given sense of Justice. It's right that we don't like it, and it's also right that they have to force us - we don't do this willingly. However, when we force a showdown over principles, it's when we know we can win the fight.

Just because vaccines are pseudo science, and just because it is against my God-given human rights to be violated, and just because it quite likely is poisoning me and my family - that's not enough reason to become a murderer. Now , if it was cyanide, that's worth fighting. However, at some point your boys will be most likely out of danger, and at that point you can relax.

However, my ex-wife (civil union) was injected in her 20's and she had an immediate autoimmune reaction that shut down her liver and she was on prednisone for years after that. So, it can happen. My advice is to play the game as long as you can. There are ways to stall and delay. Please make use of all of them. Finally, as a last ditch you might consider moving, changing states or country or just changing names.

Thanks for writing this. I write about vaccines regularly.
Tip: Use the tag "vaccines" next time -- you will get more views.