Did you know?

in #vaccines8 years ago

With the approval from @teamsteem i am re-posting this because comments don't have the steemit's new re-steem feature.

Did you know?

According to Merck ($MRK), the 2013 vaccines sales leader with $5.77 billion in revenue, and I quote directly from their website:

"Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain that occurs when a virus directly infects the brain or when a virus, vaccine, or something else triggers inflammation."

So according to the biggest manufacturer of vaccines, vaccines cause some encephalitis which cause some death.

Quote directly from John Hopkins University's website (one of the leading university in medicine):

"Brain inflammation a hallmark of autism, Johns Hopkins analysis shows"

How is it possible if vaccine can cause death through encephalitis that it couldn't cause autism which is less that death.

It's possible we aren't being deceived but if we aren't being deceived I would love to have an answer to the question above.

Thanks to anyone who will inquire. I've read many dozens of hours on vaccines if not hundreds and there are many questions I'm left unanswered.

I encourage anyone to reproduce this comment (integrally) anywhere they want on Steem exclusively and keep the reward for them if they make some. Just make sure to link to this very post or better directly to this comment.

Here is a link to reproduce this comment integrally. Copy; paste.

Vaccines: When You're Neither Really Pro or Anti-Vaxx


http://www.merckmanuals.com/home/brain,-spinal-cord,-and-nerve-disorders/brain-infections/encephalitis https://hub.jhu.edu/2014/12/15/autism-brain-inflammation/