Maybe, but vaccine immunity is weak at best compared to natural immunity, and it has never been maintained as such to provide immunity because the group is vaccinated rather poorly, but what's interesting about vaccines is that they have never been demonstrated efficacious, the background rate that disease was decreasing at before vaccination is faster than what vaccinations account for after it had been introduced, and it's not hard to see from those graphs that vaccination stalled or stopped complete immunity because of other factors that were already decreasing the incidence rates and the mortality rates for disease before vaccinations made it one grueling battle of numerous vaccination injuries and crimes, such as the SV40 cancer causing virus in Polio that was knowingly put there and spread to the people for the next decades, in promise that they will eradicate the disease, which haven't materialized at all. If you know how the pharma (p is silent) works and it's nasty business yet you believe that while they are nasty business they are also doing good somehow, possibly radiation for cancer, or chemotherapy, or vaccines, who are "preventiely" keeping us from being disease ridden.
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thank-you @baah !
As I am not a scientist I can't confirm how effective vaccines are. All I can do is take the assumption that the majority of scientists that say it works, are correct. That said, there still is a lot of corruption at hand by the shareholders, that rather surpress things coming out being a thread to their profits and credibility of the company. Yes, I do believe most scientists are honest, just not always the ones sponsoring them.
My point is. Scientists often get financed by the corporations promoting something. Seeing as how a big part of the pharma industry is profit driven, it seems logical to me to assume they would sponsor positive research for them to sell the product. If they were to put money in research like for example a possible cause of autism by vaccines, it wouldn't do them much good. So scientist won't have the chance to do research into these specific fields, cause there is no funds going into its research.