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RE: Is Being "Unvaxxed" a NAP Violation? (In other words, do unvaccinated individuals put others at risk?)

in #vaccines7 years ago

Interesting you were saying exactly what I was saying saying to comments that raised these questions not days ago, and I had just found this piece!

Someone tired to raise the problem of "those that cannot be vaccinated" and I pointed out shedding, someone brought forward the ever fallacious claim that safety studies have been done on vaccines by implying it, I asked them to source one vaccine safety study and because of the embarrassment of no such study, or anything that would suffice to a critical but reasonable person as "safety study", and I find myself constantly pointing out that for smallpox and measles the disease was declining way before vaccinations and when vaccinations were introduced it was so low that the damage of vaccines far outweighs the potenital the disease has, incidence of mortality for measles were 3 in 100,000 infected when vaccines were introduced, sometimes to top it off I tie in the fact that sv 40 cancer causing virus was purposefully placed into vaccines, and given as a vaccine for polio, which has hardly gone away, as the iron lungs have been replaced by smaller hand held, breathing devices, while the symptoms haven't gone away, they are simply characterized as Acute Flaccid Paralysis Syndrome.

This study is incredibly devastating to the method of how immunity happens or how vaccines give immunity, as the very function of predicting affinity for a certain antigen is impossible or extremely hard.