To Vaccinate or Not: Your Decision

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

To Vaccinate or Not: Your Decision

Hi Beautiful People, I'm a new Steemer and already love the feedback and support I'm receiving. I'll make an introduction post really soon. This piece below is a snippet of my family story of vaccine injury recovery. I'm in the final days of completing a book about our journey to epic health after my son was injured by the DTaP in 2006. So much more to share. Thank you for connecting and hope you enjoy!
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When I first became a mom, deciding whether or not to vaccinate my son was not in my realm of thinking. I didn't realize that I had a choice in the matter. I thought that being vaccinated meant being safe against disease. I decided to raise the healthiest, happiest child, and follow the best advice about how to do that. My son became vaccine injured when he was almost 2.

Parents are Vulnerable to Information from Experts

As a new mom, I put my trust in my mother and in my doctors, and chose really respectable physicians. I've always had an investigative brain and a distaste for the idea of authority. But, when it came to my child, I gave in and trusted -- reasoning that I couldn't possibly know more than a doctor. I had done zero research into what vaccines do to the body, their ingredients or any other key facts that parents NEED to know.

I feel that there is danger in intelligence without spiritual direction. The idea of using only tapping into one part of our brains. I was very knowledgable then, and I was full to the brim with false information provided by a one-sided source. We need to activate a whole-brain state when making decisions.

We can read books, websites and medical journals. We can talk to "experts" and those people with experiences, but if we don't take in the information with our whole brains, and really consider it with our whole selves -- we could be signing up for something that is false. The amount of research it would take to get to a true answer regarding the vaccine debate is quite lengthy. I've now been at this for 12 years and I'm still learning.

Please Think about This

How do you know what is true? How do you receive your information and discern truth? I know many people who have opted for vaccinations based on the "proof" they find coming from the vaccine makers and advocates.

Paul Offit, who speaks to the safety of vaccinations is a doctor who created a vaccine, patented a virus and cashes in each time our babies get a jab. Do you think he will tell you that vaccines are unsafe? He has said publicly that one can safely receive 10,000 vaccines at once.

And, many of my friends receive their vaccine recommendations from their trusted family physicians who themselves are not privy to the countless reputable sources of reported adverse effects and controversy. Doctors get their information from policy makers. Doctors who put their hearts into their work trust policy makers because there is a belief that studies are being carried out, and that our government would not advocate mandatory medicine that could harm us.

Often, there is the incorrect assumption that vaccines have undergone rigorous scientific screening including the gold-standard double-blind placebo testing required for all other pharmaceutical interventions. I know I believed that without question. However, in the simple case of the HPV vaccine, the placebo used had a strong aluminum adjuvant in it, and caused just as much death ill effects as vaccine itself. The placebo issues go even deeper than that with other vaccines as well, including researchers using rabbit's blood in a trial to downplay the effects of a virus.

When doctors search outside their own box, MANY of them discover another story. Doctors risk losing their jobs if they go against policy. How can we trust them for individual care? The answer is that they cannot be fully trusted because they are not doing the research themselves and they have too much on the line. In order to work in harmony with our good doctors, we need to do our own research and learn about our own bodies.

Parents get ostracized for questioning the efficacy and safety of what is required to be injected into our babies bodies. BUT DOCTORS get hung out to dry.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield, who set out to demonstrate the link between gut heath and autism (as per his findings with his own patients) lost his license and has been "proven" a quack because he found the vaccine connection and shared it. Even after the co-author of his work has been completely exonerated from the same charges. This doctor only asked that we look at the MMR connection to the gut problems present in the children with autism who he saw. He suggested we divide the jab into 3 parts, giving the patient one viral at a time. Although it appeared that this would decrease the negative side effects, they actually stopped producing the single virus vaccines. Makes me wonder why. And, he's not the only doctor ostracized. Some get it worse.

Too many holistic doctors who had knowledge of the detrimental nagalase enzyme present in vaccines that inhibits the essential immune compound GcMAF (Gc Macrophage Activating Factor), have been mysteriously murdered. Nagalase enzyme gets excreted by cancer cells and is also carried in viruses, like the ones in vaccines. GcMAF is essentially our bodies' natural defense mechanism again such an attack. These doctors were helping people recover from the nagalase attack through use of GcMAF. Their facilities were shut down, and then many of them, including Dr. Jefferey Bradstreet, began coming up dead. I won't go more into this, but you can trace many of the deaths to nagalase, GcMAF and vaccines.

So, if we want our doctors to really stick up for our individual health rights and needs, we need to stick up for them too. And, we need to take control of our health, and not place all of the responsibility on them.

We are constantly exposed to toxins, like fluoride in our water and glyphosate in our food supply, that shut off our intuitive decision-making abilities (pineal gland calcification), as well as most of our logical minds (brain swelling). It's a wonder we've made it this far. Our innate immune system which resides primarily in our guts is dominated by beneficial microbiome that morph to help compensate for and alleviate these toxins.

And, then there's the human spirit. We are kind of relentless at our core, aren't we? After all, we are only so passionate about this subject because it means the well-being of our babies. That's why I know we can wake up and create real health for our families beyond what vaccinations can do.

If you decide to vaccinate your children and yourself, may it be YOUR choice. One that feels right for your family and one that IS right for your family. But, may you also have all of the correct information before you decide.

In this reality, there are some people who try to convince us that certain ones of us have more power, wisdom and control over the rest. Therefore, if an authority figure highly recommends vaccination, we simply comply. The consequences for not following their suggestions are becoming more profound (mandatory vaccination in California with threats of SERIOUS repercussions) because people are waking up to the lies, walking in their own power and opting out of the forced attacks on our health. And, the false authorities like to keep the control flowing.

However, the consequences for following their suggestions are as serious as death or brain and body damage for our babies.

But, how can I call vaccinations attacks on our health? They are supposed to improve health, and are often touted as the greatest medical discovery EVER! How do I know that the science that backs up my decision is valid? I cannot validate any science for or against vaccination, as I have not been present in the labs, and I have not seen Their Evidence first-hand. Nor can you validate anything you don't know from first-hand experience. Please understand that.

We need to measure the science against our stories and understand that even our stories, if based on falsity are FALSE. We need to walk our stories though validation by opening up to the fact that we can be wrong. Then, practical experience trumps all -- at least for me. The stuff I'm sharing here makes sense to me because it works in my family and with my clients.

I was living a false story. But, I began awakening out of it the day I connected my son's vaccine injuries with his vaccines. Another mom helped me do that. Then, I had my son tested for toxins and got scientific validation that the toxins within his system are a direct correlation to the vaccines he had. Then, I was able to research and discover that his behavior and regression into autism was a direct reflection of the viruses and metal poisoning he had.

Detoxing my son from these vaccine-induced injuries helped bring him back to us. We have done further observation and research to find out why he expressed problems upon exposure to these toxic cocktails. Not everyone reacts like him.

But, that is not where our story ends. We have decided to take the power of our health into our own hands and find REAL IMMUNIZATION for threatening illnesses, and a balanced body, mind and spirit for thriving. I want a healthy family. Not just an unvaccinated family.

The last time my boy and I visited our Chicago, Lincoln Park, expensive, well-recommended pediatrician for injections..
There was a mother in the waiting room filling out paperwork and "coping" with her seemingly sick little boy-- who looked to be about three-years-old. It was 2005. I wheeled my stroller passed her, stopping for a brief moment and getting a sort of eerie feeling in my gut. But I wasn't sure how to define that feeling, so I kept moving along. I was so much more shy at that time. So much more reserved. I heard the mom read out loud the word "autism" from the paper. I have to admit, I couldn't help but focus on that word for a moment. And, I still recall it as if it JUST HAPPENED. But, it was seriously just a moment before I went up to the registration counter with my hefty stroller to give my name and reason for visit. The mayor's office had recently sent out a mass-mailing urging new parents to vaccinate their babies. It turns out that my son was a little late for a few of his injections. So, I got an appointment right away.

At registration, the nurse told me that my son would not be able to get all of the needed injections in that one visit because they were not covered by my insurance.

The Small Set of Occurrences that Followed Completely Changed My Life

I was baffled as to why my insurance company would not cover NEEDED immunizations. Would my child somehow become ill and perhaps die because I didn't have the right insurance? This couldn't be. We were paying top dollar for western medical care in those days. Then I was baffled by the fact that the nurse didn't seem to be bothered by the situation. Didn't she want my child to be vaccinated? Didn't she want him to be healthy?

I was getting a little fired up and asking what could be done.

"Well," she told me. "We do have a set of vaccines that we can give for free or for significant discounts when insurance doesn't cover them, but I'm not sure if you want to do that."

"Well, of course I do," I told her. "Why wouldn't I?" "Because sometimes they have different ingredients," she told me. "Wait, I said… are you saying that poor people get different vaccines?"

The woman didn't exactly answer me, but my head was spinning. Well, I wasn't going to sign up for those free vaccines then, I decided. Who knew what was in them?

I had her call my insurance company to solve the problem. In the end we were able to get 2 out of the 3 recommended shots. The nurse administering the shots took Dougie's weight and milestones beforehand. He was doing well for his age. She then said something about development and vaccines and that I didn't have to do them. "What?" I asked. Why wouldn't I want to create immunity for my child? What were these people suggesting?

I hadn't even inquired about the ingredients in the vaccines my son JUST received, even though the option was offered to me

I was so conditioned. And beginning to get confused. Confusion is a great step out of the conditioning. I was actually offended that these choices were offered to me. This is why I have a soft spot for my naysayers. It's hard to be told that everything you believe to be true is actually wrong.

My son did not regress into autism after that round of shots. He didn't get a fever either. I had given him Children's Motrin beforehand to prevent that. I really thought I was smart here. I thought ibuprofen was the safest choice due to my understanding that Tylenol (acetaminophen) blocks the necessary glutathione for your liver to detoxify poisons. I knew this because my father had liver illness and warned me of Tylenol (per his medical doctor) years before I became a mom.

I was always given the truth. I just didn't see it.

A few days after that vaccination set, we experienced Dougie's first upper respiratory infection. A virus! In fact, it was his first illness. He was about 16 months old. He got the Croup. And, we were right back at the same Lincoln Park, expensive pediatrician's office for steroids and more advice. This time the doctor shared that we should not use antibiotics unless he was in dire need. That confused me. She wanted to flush himof his virus naturally. But, she didn't tell me what natural alternatives existed. Only that the virus could just disappear.

I allowed my son to be vaccinated one final time. This time though the park district in our new suburban neighborhood. A nurse I knew HIGHLY RECOMMENDED the source. That was where she got her kids vaccinated.

I asked my husband to take Dougie for the shots. I was at work, and something in my gut felt wrong about it. But, instead of listening in and asking why I felt wrong -- I DID succumb to the fear that my son would die from a disease that.... well, to be honest, I wasn't even sure what they were vaccinating him for.

When I returned home from work, I experienced the worst day of my life up to that point. My baby was sitting on our over-sized green chair, staring into space, drooling. His eyes were not his. I can't explain what I saw. My baby was gone.

That night he reacted with high fever, seizures, staring into space and completely lost his developmental milestones that he'd reached up to that point. He no longer responded to his name or could make eye contact. His skin color changed to a pale yellow. He developed chronic diarrhea. The pain list goes on.

I continued to see no correlation between vaccinations and his regression. I did call a doctor after the shots and was told that the high fever and diarrhea was likely a normal reaction and to just care for him. It would go away. It didn't. I was playing catch-up as the health problems seemed to domino. And, we were at the doctor's office sometimes twice a week for an infection or the simple desire for a mother to have healing and answers for her baby. I saw 5 Chicago doctors during that time. It was not until I sought a Naturopath for my own illness (I had also become very sick at this time), that I saw other possibilities for him.

Vaccines may have been our trigger, but, I am of the belief that many other factors played a role in Dougie's illness. (Candida and strep which was passed down from me, the use of infant formula and the stopping of breast feeding, the use of oxytocin/pitocin and epidural during labor, the use of antibiotics during labor, my own stress during pregnancy, and of course, my son's own life path). But, that vaccines are a trigger for the toxic part of what we call autism that can be avoided easily. I also believe that without having vaccinated him, he would have never regressed into an illness that was eventually labeled as autism.

I have also come to believe that vaccines are 100% toxic and unnecessary. And I will no longer vaccinate myself or my children. More importantly, I want to share that I came to my choice because I first realized that I have a choice. And, when you are making a choice, it is only fair that you have as much valid information as possible. It took me years to come to this conclusion. I do not expect you to agree with my choice or my conclusion. I came to this after 11 years of research for more than five hours each day. I do not support dogma. Think for yourself. You couldn't possibly come to this conclusion unless you have seen what I have seen,

I share because what finally woke me up and helped me detoxify and heal my son were the stories and support from other families affected by vaccine poison. I've since read, studied and interviewed countless experts and first-hand sources who agree with my beliefs. But, to that I say… who cares? Who cares if people agree with me? Seriously… is science only valid if it's posted in the Huffington Post or seen on 20/20? Find the science that supports this. Look for yourself.

When my son was ill, I had no time to research whether or not vaccines triggered his poisoning. All I could do was know he had poison in his blood and begin the detoxification process. At that time, no doctor I saw knew anything about nagalase, or Lyme in the Hepatitis B shot. We didn't have all of the information we have now. But, we still healed.

There are plenty resources out there to define the reasons why you should vaccinate. And, I think they should be studied regardless of your final decision. If vaccines were created to promote our health and prevent illness, we must understand how to do this without them. Or, we must shift completely out of that paradigm -- which I finally did. It's a journey of awakening consciousness, and there are steps and realizations along the way. It certainly doesn't all have to come at once. For me, the growth continues.

You Have a Choice

When government regulations are put on things that seem to be intended for our health, it can be difficult to see the mind-control behind it. But, we do live in a free society and are free to choose what to put into our bodies. Vaccines are a touchy subject because we are often made to think that there is an immediate risk to our health if we do not accept these injections. But, please consider that even in terms of simple characteristics of individuality, not every single person can handle a vaccination. They may be allergic to some the ingredients, and there are exemptions for this. What happens to people who can have adverse reactions to an ingredient in a vaccine? Do these people have a higher risk of getting the illness because they don't get vaccinated? Do these people risk carrying the illness to others? We are now learning that there are other more serious factors that contribute to some people's intolerance of vaccinations.

Children who already suffer a toxic overload for lack of an optimally functioning immune system simply cannot handle the further poisoning. While children with known allergies can be immediately exempt from vaccines containing those ingredients, the latter group is likely to be unaware of this issue until it's too late and a vaccine makes them sick.

Vaccines, like religion cannot legally be forced upon you. Furthermore, your rights are not granted to you by the law makers. You were born free. So, many exemptions exist.

I have a medical exemption which states that my son was injured from vaccinations and cannot tolerate more of them

My exemption comes from a medical doctor - an educated human who decided to receive a degree that gave him the letters "MD" after his name. While these exemptions are set up for us, I still find many parents tell me that they are afraid to explore them. If you do fear this idea, that perhaps you shouldn't be vaccinating -- ask yourself why you have that fear. I found my answers in breaking through my fears. I simply wanted the government to be correct for my son. I wanted vaccines to work because I'd already invested my energy into that system. He had already been vaccinated. So, if the shots were responsible for him getting sick, that meant I could have prevented it. A hard thought to swallow. I could only change once I became conscious of this conditioning.

As you may already know, I'm in a place where I couldn't care less if the government wants me to vaccinate or not, provides me exemption or not -- I know I'm free to decide how to raise a thriving family. Nevertheless, exemptions exist as a reminder that it is our choice. And, if they did not exist, the government would have to assume responsibility for the adverse affects.

As it stands already, vaccine courts have dished out large sums of money for families who've proven vaccine damage and links to autism. The Hannah Polling case was a ground breaker in that. Hannah's dad was able to show brain scans of he before and after the vaccine injury. Not everyone has access t this. But, pre-vaccine injury, Hannah Polling was a healthy girl who participated in a brain study. This case opened my eyes to the fact that while they are all but forcing us to get vaccinated for work, school, and travel, they are also admitting damage.

So What Can We Really Do?

Simply put, if we took time to understand our bodies and minds, we would not be so duped by the authorities (people who claim to know more about us than ourselves). For some, it is expected and admired to hand over our personal power and wisdom to other humans who are "the professionals." The first thing I'd suggest doing is opening your mind to the possibility that there are better answers out there than injecting our children with heavy metals and formaldehyde (and other poisons) in order to prevent illness and create health.

Then begin asking questions like:

  • What is a vaccine?
  • Why do vaccinations still contain known toxins in this age of amazing medical advancement?
  • Why do we vaccinate with multiple doses of diseases that don't occur together in nature?
  • Why do we still believe that people are dying from the flu and measles? What is the truth behind that?
  • Why do so many children become ill directly after a vaccine (fever, cold, seizures etc)
  • Who is making money from this?
  • How are people who are not vaccinating keeping their kids well?
  • How can we naturally create immunity or aversion to contagious disease?
  • Why do so many children have developmental disorders, food allergies, chronic colds, learning problems and
    autoimmune issues?
  • What are the connections to metal poison behavioral manifestations and autism behavioral manifestations?
  • Why do children with autism present tox screenings with ingredients found in vaccines, and why do their symptoms and
    behaviors of autism begin to disappear after detoxification of those poisons?
  • Why would we need to vaccinate for dead diseases or supremely low risk illnesses?
  • Why would the government mandate vaccinations, knowing that they cannot legally mandate vaccinations?
  • Why would people, regular people argue so heatedly in favor of vaccinating if there wasn't some intentional mind-
    programming included in the marketing?
  • Why are so many medical doctors, scientists and representatives from pharmaceutical companies gathering and speaking
    out about the dangers of vaccinations?
  • Why is the science that blows the whistle on vaccines getting mocked as quackery?
  • Why is it that accepted science is one-sided, pre-determined science?
  • Why are so many doctors not vaccinating themselves or their children?
  • Why would the establishment create such a rigid, one-size-fits all approach to vaccination when individuality in health
    needs seems to be touted in other realms of the medical world?

I would expect that the accepted science of our society would have a pretty good answer to all of those questions.

Get Titered

You can find out if your child already has natural immunity to a given disease like measles by having a titer test. While I have heard mixed reviews (to be expected) of the efficacy of titers, they are easily available. You can also use a titer test to determine whether or not your child would need further immunization. For example, maybe you had her vaccinated and she is due for a booster shot, but you are weary of continuing on with the schedule. A titer can show you how well her shots worked by showing the presence of antibodies. We know that the presence of antibodies does not mean that one will actually be immune. However, it is a tool we have. So, if titer tests work as they were designed to, a parent can find out what illnesses their child is immune to and at the very least avoid over-immunization for that illness. Doctors should be cool with this right?

Get Heavy Metal Tests

Find out what toxins your child already has in his or her system. You may be surprised to know that many children are born with a host of toxins. Children will express reactions to these poisons differently. These tests are now becoming widely available. We simply sent hair and blood samples to the lab by mail and had them read by our doctor. Since our bodies naturally detoxify through our urine, poop, hair and blood, you can choose varying tests to determine the level of toxicity as well how well the natural detoxification pathways are flowing. If you discover that your child is already working to alleviate lead and cadmium, (two toxins in Dougie's system), you can then understand why it may be hard for them to release further toxins.

Test and Check for Digestion and Allergies

How is your child's digestion? So much can be told by understanding their poop. When a child is showing symptoms of indigestion of food, this very often leads to food sensitivities and allergies, and a child who is more susceptible to have adverse reactions to vaccinations.What we do not digest properly can leak from our gut ( gut lining is one-cell thick) into our bloodstream through a phenomenon called "leaky gut." Babies are born with a leaky gut so they can absorb their mama's healthy microflora, and create natural immunity. Vaccines cause and exasperate leaky gut. Again, this is only from my experience and research. By understanding the proper color, texture and yes even smell of their poop, you can identify digestive health.

Autoimmunity happens when the gut becomes leaky and the body begins to attack human cells that look a lot like the foreign proteins that have leaked through. This happens with gluten leaking into the bloodstream. And, it happens with any indigested proteins as well as foreign proteins that are directly injected into your blood via vaccination. Your Gut is Your First Line of Protection. Vaccines surpass that natural first responder.

Let's Talk about DIGESTION Just a Bit More

Healthy poop should be walnut brown in color. It should come out smooth, without pain, and have a smooth texture (no cracks, lumps or undigested food). It should be in one piece and break apart when flushed. If you are noticing constipation and little poop balls in the potty or diaper, this indicates a slower digestion. Undigested food particles means his or her body cannot break down those foods. I find that poop colored green means that they're not receiving all the nutrients from their food. Really stinky poop or frothy poop indicates yeast, parasites or bacteria depending on the stink. Yeast literally smells like bread or beer and a bacterial infection smells hot and pungent. You can smell chemicals and metals too. Gross? Knowing this can save your life.

Autism moms usually know way too much about poop because we understand that what happens in the gut really determines what happens in the immune system and brain (the whole body really). If your child has digestive problems, this can lead to developmental delay, and can lead to autism symptoms… especially if triggered by other toxic factors like vaccinations.


If your child has already been vaccinated, look back at your last experience. How did he/she react? Was there pain or bruising at the site of injection? Do some research about what other countries practice when a child has an adverse reaction like this to vaccinations.

Does your child have hyper activity or hyper sensitivity? Most of the children I meet have some of these symptoms, and they are not labeled with autism or seeking help for detoxification because their families think this is normal. It is somehow normal and fine to not feel amazing. Does your child crave sugar or processed foods? Does your child have allergies? Get sick often? If so, was she always this way? How many vaccines has she had? What were the brands and ingredients in them? Get a sense of her health and any details related to vaccinating and write it down for your objective review.

Know the Ingredients You're Agreeing to Inject

Ask your doctor for the vaccine ingredient list. Then cross-reference that with lists that you discover though your own research. And, very carefully read the consent form. Take a look at the problems associated with aluminum toxicity and the other toxic ingredients you find. Not enough of us speak about this. A few years ago I shared a post called Vaccines Cause Microvascular Strokes which speaks to the problem with aluminum poisoning… something many of my clients have experienced. The doctor who shared this information was named Dr. Moulden. He worked closely with a family I coached in 2009. A doctor who was mysteriously found dead. Coincidence?

It's not enough to know the ingredients. Find out what they can do to our bodies and KNOW what they can do when blended and injected into your child's specific body through the bloodstream and then compounded with more vaccines over time.

After visiting many CVS and Walgreens pharmacies around the US in 2011, inquiring about their flu shots, I realized that more than half of the pharmacists I met did not know that mercury still in the shots -- and, they were also unaware of the other toxic ingredients (or so they claimed). After asking them if they would now share this new information with patients, I was told NO 100% of the time. One pharmacist told me he did not know what thimerosal was.

I asked: "May I see your flu shot insert?" and "Do you know if it contains Thimerisol?" He answered, "Thimerisol? What do you mean?"

Another pharmacist told me he didn't see a problem with not telling anyone about the thimerosal who wasn't asking about it. That was in Amarillo Texas.

Some Toxins in Common Vaccines and Their Side Effects


Aluminum: Calcifies the pineal Gland. The amount of aluminum in the Hepatitis B vaccine alone is almost 14 TIMES THE AMOUNT OF ALUMINUM THAT IS FDA-APPROVED.
Amino Acids: “When we eat protein it is broken down into its constituent amino acids…if a foreign animal protein makes it into our bloodstream without having being broken down this can set up an autoimmune type response…By injecting things never meant to be in the body we are not only bypassing body defenses but wrongly activating other defenses.” — Dr. Robyn Cosford
Formaldehyde (or Formalin): Causes Cancer
Benzethonium Chloride: Causes Seizures etc

You can see the above website for a complete list. There are countless other websites out there which share stories of the vaccine falsities being brought to the light.

Aborted Fetal Cells

Yes, these are in some vaccines. And, the way they are retrieved is chock-full of an agenda to control who gets born and who doesn't. Planned Parenthood was recently exposed through video, striking deals to retrieve a certain number of fetuses for big money and scientific purposes. That aside (but how can you put that aside when adding this up?) how do you think it effects our bodies when we inject manipulated human cells into your blood?

Add it Up

What is the result of multiple doses of toxic ingredients administered through the muscle tissue of a developing child? How can someone with an underdeveloped immune system, who is possibly at risk for actually catching a disease that we have a vaccine for, actually benefit from the vaccine? And, why would someone who already has a strong immune system need a vaccine?

A child under 2 still does not have a fully functioning immune/digestive system, and cannot incorporate potential vaccine benefits, if there are any. They do not produce antibodies, and rely on their mother's milk for immunity.

Do you think it's possible to delay vaccination and simply choose to vaccinate against what parents feel are the most potentially harmful diseases for their family? Do you think it's possible to test our children for how they might respond to vaccinations individually? Do you think it's possible that we are being asked to take too many vaccines --many of which we don't need, and that stopping this can strongly reduce the ill effects? I do. Think it's possible, that is. But, I won't gamble with my own children.

Do you think its possible that we can stop fighting each other as parents who want all of the best for our children, and create alternative immunizations, based on individuality? That's why I do for my children.

I see children falling into autism and severe vaccine reactions at very young ages. Yes, I have known of a grown child who became paralyzed after the HPV vaccine. But most severe reactions that I've seen occur when the immune system is underdeveloped and it is being intentionally overloaded.

And, that my friends is why I call vaccines attacks on our health. They are targeting our babies. Scientists know that our kids can't handle the toxic overload, and they mandate it anyway.

A New Way

My unvaccinated daughter has never had a booger. In 9 1/2 months of life, she's never let out a cough, never had diarrhea, never puked (only spit up a few times when she ate too much in her first month). Her skin is clear and always has been. She's never had a diaper rash. She had a spot of cradle cap which went away as soon as I stopped using coconut oil on her tiny little head. She's the perfect weight, shape and smell. She giggles and responds to her name. She has been walking for a month and a half. She says "hi" and waves. She shakes her head "no" when I say "yes." She is far more engaged than any of the vaccinated babies I know of her age and even older. This may just be anecdotal, but it is my story. And, it happens to be the same story I hear from clients who have stopped vaccinating their kids after having had vaccine injury in the family. I wonder what would happen if we didn't damage our kids' brains right from the start, and instead let them develop into THRIVING beings? My daughter will let us know.

My first child had documentable vaccine injury and an autism diagnosis. I received a heart-felt message from our original expensive Lincoln Park pediatricians who completely understood how my son became sick and offered their sincere support.

My story is not unique. I help families remove the toxic build-up and find their children again. I cringe every time I hear that a friend or family member has vaccinated their child. I pray their bodies can take the damage. I see the allergies, the inability to focus, and the patterns of getting sick too often and I get really upset. Good parents are being duped by a government with an agenda to keep us sick.

Vaccinating is our decision. And, I am saddened by the idea that so many of us are deciding based on a whole heap of falsehoods.

I want for you what I want for me. To Thrive. Whether you vaccinate or not, I want you to take control of your health. To make decisions for you based on what your body needs


You can really THRIVE. We are powerful beyond measure and if we can access health in our own bodies, then we can begin to scratch the surface of our capabilities.

Do your research. Take your time. Learn to build immunity for your family with the proper foods that work for you.

In the future we will continue to see proof that even more of their studies proving the efficacy of vaccinations have been falsified.

In Love and Health,

Gina LaVerde

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Helpful Resources: I double Dog Dare You to read all of them and find more of your own.

GC protein-derived macrophage-activating factor decreases α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase levels in advanced cancer patients.:

Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Microvascular Damage:

Do Salk Shots Really Prevent Polio?:

Anti-vaccine doctor behind ‘dangerous’ autism therapy found dead. Family cries foul:

REVEALED: Cancer industry profits 'locked in' by nagalase molecule injected into humans via vaccines... spurs tumor growth... explains aggressive vaccine push:

Merck Whistleblower Suit A Boon to Vaccine Foes Even As It Stresses Importance of Vaccines:

Bombshell: CDC destroyed vaccine documents, Congressman reveals:

Why The FDA is Warning Americans about Ibuprofen :

Neurologic adverse events following vaccination:
Study: Evidence that Acetaminophen, Especially in Conjunction with Vaccines, is a Major Cause of Autism and Asthma:

The infant gut microbiome: New studies on its origins and how it's knocked out of balance

Aluminum and Vaccine Ingredients:What Do We Know? What Don’t We Know?!


Welcome to Steemit!
I regularly write here about vaccination.
You sure put a lot of effort and research into this article.
Maybe you could break it down into several smaller articles,
and include pictures.

I look forward to what else you post here in the future,


I have been following your posts for months.

Thank you so much for reading and suggesting @Canadian-coocnut.. I'm catching up here with how Steemit works. Trying to reply directly to you and not sure if it's working correctly. I have so much more to share and will definitely be adding photos and more... I love that you also write about vaccination. I'll follow you too. Do you have experience with vaccine injury personally? I would never have known any of this if my son hadn't been injured, which sent me into the rabbit hole... of 11 years of research and experience. the good news is that we can heal from vaccine injury. it's possible. Much Love to you!

Can I say I am not sure? My son has acted autistic and I am a worried about that. He seems to be turning into a normal "tween."

I feel more confident writing tools for Steem. For example I am the author of, which allows you to buy and sell digital content. Maybe buy music or videos.

I wrote Steem Edit, which would allow you to save your posts, but you don't want that now. The web-editor in here does that now.

I have a bunch of other ideas that I will integrate when I get back from Brazil. You can follow me and you will get my posts in your "feed".

I have been getting sub-dollar payouts for months but that's to be expected. When you start, you will get nothing but as your followers grow people will see your post in their feed".

You might not be interested in checking out other tools for Steem and you can decide to not follow me in the future, and that's okay. I will still follow you if you unfollow me. The relation is not symmetric. You might not be interested in my posts but I can still be interested in yours.

Thanks, i'll follow and check it out. One thing I don't understand is that this post says $146.... I do not know what that actually means... is it money I can eventually get? I joined in order to spread my message of healing, and really love the interaction here.

The $146 is an approximate value in $US. It could drop or rise a bit before the 7 days is done and the payout is made.

You will only get about 75% of the $ amount shown, as the other 25% goes to curators (the people who voted for you.)

You can check your wallet 7 days after the post and 'claim' your rewards.
I don't know if you chose to "power up" or to do the 50/50.
Power up will put all the steem into your locked-in wallet, which you can't easily remove (there is a way but you can learn that later.)
And 50/50 will pay half in powered-up Steem and half in Steem Dollars, which are free to withdraw right aways if you want to.

Steem is a crypto-currency like Bitcoin.
It's a big learning curve to withdraw as cash. You would have to open up a Bitcoin wallet, etc.

But if you don't really need money right now, you are best to power up your steem, as that increases your influence on the Steem network, and makes your vote for others worth more.

That's a really good start. payout is 50/50. It is only estimated but so far $73 will be paid in a week in Steem backed dollars and the rest in influence power tokens (steem power) which you can remove only slowly over many weeks. It's a big can of worms here but there are often articles on Steem power vs. steem vs. Steem backed dollars.

got it!!! awesome!!!

That's great! Thanks for letting me know.

Looking forward to your posts. I'm very interested in those topics. Thanks!

Thank You. Let me know if there's something health-related that you'd like to see.

Thank you so much for reading and suggesting @Canadian-coocnut.. I'm catching up here with how Steemit works. Trying to reply directly to you and not sure if it's working correctly. I have so much more to share and will definitely be adding photos and more... I love that you also write about vaccination. I'll follow you too. Do you have experience with vaccine injury personally? I would never have known any of this if my son hadn't been injured, which sent me into the rabbit hole... of 11 years of research and experience. the good news is that we can heal from vaccine injury. it's possible. Much Love to you!

I learned about vaccines before I had children, so fortunately they are all vaccine-free.
Since deciding not to vaccinate my children, I have had several friends and acquaintances tell me of their vaccine injuries. One woman who is a good friend of mine now, almost died at 5 years old when her mother got her her very first vaccine to go to school, the MMR. She stopped breathing right aways and was resuscitated and hospitalized for 5 months, missing the first parts of Kindergarten.

My eldest is 12 (almost 13) so it's been almost 14 years of research for me. I can't stop researching vaccines so I figured that was what I would make my blog about here on Steemit.

I'm always honored to meet people who learned before. thank you for coming here and sharing your knowledge. That's right, we cannot stop researching and learning. There's so much to know. Do you know Dr. Susanne Humphries? Or have you see the doc. Vaccines Revealed or TheTruth about Vaccines? great resources.

Yes to both.
You can scroll down my page, and see some of my old articles if you want.
I've mentioned both before.

just did! Excellent stuff! We must stay connected. I cannot wait to finish my book as it's weighing heavy on me right now... so much more to read and learn when I'm done. Deadline s in 8 days :)

Wow! That must be stressful. All the best to you!

Thank you for your story and for this excellent piece of work. I will be following and resteeming. I also have a weekly internet show I do called Voluntary Japan LIVE! and I would be honored to have you on as a guest so you can reach more people with your story, if that is something you might be interested in. I am the father of a completely non-vaccinated child here in Japan, and I blog about the topic regularly. A fellow Steemian friend, @canadian-coconut, has also been on the show.

Please let me know, and either way, thanks for this great piece.


Graham, How exciting! I'd be honored to be on your show. I have a book being released in a a few months too that talk about manifesting great health after our vaccine injury. I'm going to follow you as well. And, please contact me at [email protected] to schedule the talk. I also reeeeally love your name, kahfkanachy. :) Congrats on raising a healthy non vaccinated child as well.

Thanks! I will be in contact soon!

Hi again! Are you by chance available next Tuesday morning, July 11th, at 10 AM EST (US) to do a panel show?

Absolutely. Let me know the details! My email is [email protected]

For me, it's very simple. I would never stab someone without their consent. If my daughter wants a vaccine for herself someday, she can go and get it but I'll never force one on her.

Exactly. I met a mother who never vaccinated, and then two of her kids became doctors and chose to vaccinate as adults.

As a pharmacist is South Africa where Vaccinations are pushed so much by the govt and Who, I find it appalling that children have to take mercury.

This is to say that God created us so inferior we need the help of Big Pharmacy to 'fix' us. This is bull honestly.

Another point I have to add, did anyone watch that movie how they got Osama bin laden? They used a fake vaccination drive of children to match DNA of Osama which is how they eventually confirmed where he is. This is scary because if they can do that, what other motives are behind vaccination drives? Could the WHO have been involved in vaccinating ppl in S. AFRICA and at the same time transfer the HIV virus?

When it's profit driven anything is possible.

i think it would be impossible to add up all the motives behind this, because thee are many layers. And, most people giving and receiving vaccinations are doing so for their health and the health of the greater good. There is so much confusion around the topic. I didn't see that film, but i have clients in India who have told me that some parents are attacking red cross workers due to this vaccination program... their kids are becoming ill straight after the vaccines. the best thing to do, in my opinion is just to slow down and allow the information to sink in. Always make a decision based on how you feel and what you know to be true. Never out of fear.

You are talking about thimerosal, right? FYI thimerosal is not mercury. Learn your chemistry, "pharmacist".

Of course it's mercury. Not going to argue with you. Do your research pls

Mercury (Hg) is a chemical element, while Thimerosal is a mercury based compound. This much should be apparent to any chemist, or a pharmacist.

YES! This is an excellent article and I will be sure to share it with my network of moms (at least the ones that are willing to listen). I live in a country where not vaccinating is such a taboo that it cannot even be conceived not to do it. At first I was going to give the ones with the greatest risks, but the more I investigated, the more my gut feeling was leaning towards not vaccinating at all, or at least looking for safe alternatives. In my country you cannot even get individual vaccines. Everything is government controlled, so I'm sure we'll be placed on a list and it may have future consequences of some kind. BUT at least it is still possible to avoid it, and I have a feeling that it won't be too many years until the whole thing is publicly exposed and uncovered.

Thank you so much for the work you do!

There are so many things you can do to protect yourself from infectious disease like Vitamin C, sanitation, pure water, raw organic foods, fermented foods full of probiotics. the world is changing and people are waking up, so visualize, if you will a place whee you and your children are healthy and free to make the choices for what goes into your body. thank you for joining the conversation. Much Love! Gina

Hi @blissedlife.

This is not only an informative and thought provoking piece of writing but it's also beautiful and uplifting too. I have in the past on other media written various opinions on the dangers of vaccines to hopefully open the minds of those who were following the official rhetoric. And it rarely goes down easy or well. But your article is especially unique to my mind and eyes as it comes from the experience of a parent and that perspective is particularly invaluable. I cannot fault a single thing you have written but I can say that what you have written is incredible, almost as incredible as the work you continue to do (to my mind) in helping saving lives. Now some may say I'm being hyperbolic in that last point. However lives can and are being irrevocably damaged and destroyed by a general lack of knowledge of these poisons we often blindly agree to give our kids. You have done and are doing astounding work, long may it continue.

I would like to both resteem this to spread it as far and wide as possible. But would you be ok if i took a hard copy of this for my brother and his family in order that they are informed? I myself am not a parent and this information coming from anothet parent may carry considerable more weight.

Anyway thank you for your colossal and heroic efforts so far. Please keep up the fight.

Much love.

Please do! Share it. This message is for everyone. I am merely a voice for truth.. so please do. There is so much more that I can and will share on this subject. I believe that most of us are good at heart and our intentions for taking care of our babies are pure. We have simply been misinformed. It is sad. Not everyone will wake up to this and not everyone needs to. Soon more info will come out publicly, and our kids will become healthier and safer. I'll be posting a lot more soon. I'm on the countdown to finishing my book which is about our journey out of vaccine injury.

All I can say is bless you. The world needs more people like you. ❤

Thanks, I feel all warm and fuzzy :)

That's one epic post on a very important topic!

Thank you! It is the truth and it must be shared. I know it came out long, and I plan to post a lot more in smaller doses . :)

Thank you for sharing your story. You are a welcome addition to the Steemit family for sure. It is only when people start speaking out and sharing the damage that has been done by the vaccine industry will the tide change! Upvoted resteemed and followed.

Absolutely, and for the amount of research I have done, I can see the ill agenda behind it all. Even though most doctors and families think they are doing something good, because they believe policy makers. I'll keep sharing! And, Yes, iI see people waking up all over the place.

It is reassuring when we know we are not alone.

Really good, well researched post. Like you I wish I'd been aware of dangers of vaccines before I had my two children vaccinated. I live in the UK which doesn't have such an aggressive vaccine schedule as the United States and both my children are ok but it's frustrating trying to get people to look into the subject because of the amount of effort that is put into discrediting people like Andrew Wakefield and others. Anyway thanks for the post.

You know why your children are ok after having been vaccinated? You know why overwhelmingly most of the children being vaccinated will always be ok? It's because the vaccines are actually safe.

Thanks for the reply.
I agree that vaccines are safe for the majority of those taking them but it is undeniable that they cause harm to some. The problem seems to be the sheer number of vaccines that are administered in a relatively short time (particularly in the USA). This isn't a black/white topic and declaring that vaccines are safe is lazy considering the amount of information there is out there about it now. At best the issue is undecided.

undeniable that they cause harm to some.

May be, there are people who have egg allergies, fair point.

This isn't a black/white topic and declaring that vaccines are safe

Declaring they are unsafe is not black and white thinking? We have to go by percentages. If a vaccine is 100 % effective in combating a deadly disease, but has a 1/1000 chance of triggering a complication, the math is simple: It is safe to use. It is not without a risk, but overall it is about 99.9 % safer than to get sick.

Here's a comparison, an analogy if you will:

A condom is about 100 % sure way to protect oneself from unwanted sexually transmitted diseases. Of course there is some chance of breakage, but we don't go saying condoms are hazardous because they give us a false sense of security and that it isn't a "black/white topic" because condoms are clearly not 100 % efficient, and "declaring them safe would be lazy" because they break and "cause harm to some".

But the vaccines are no 100% effective in combating diseases .During the first half of 2016, more than 40 students at Harvard University came down with mumps. All of the students had been fully vaccinated with two doses of the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine.
SCOURCE National vaccine information centre.

That all depends on the severity of the illness you would get if you got sick, no? Otherwise your math is missing a vital piece. Otherwise you are missing half of the equation. You are trying to draw a conclusion by only considering half of what you need to consider.

So let's imagine that you have a vaccine against the common cold. And 1/10,000 times (I made it 10 times less likely than your number) it is given it causes encephalitis and some degree of permanent brain damage. And, if left untreated, 1/10,000 times those who catch the common cold get pneumonia, and 1/100 of those people die.

And let's say that the cold vaccine reduces your chance of contracting the cold by 1/2 (about standard data for things like the flu shot.) So that means that without the shot you run a 1/ 1 million chance of dying from pneumonia, and getting the shot reduces that to 1/ 2 million.


You can get the shot, and run a 1/10,000 risk of encephalitis and brain damage in exchange for dropping your 1/ 1 million chance of pneumonia to 1/ 2 million.

Or, you can not get the shot and just stick with that 1/ 1 million chance of pneumonia.

That's how you figure it properly.

Your description was, unfortunately, how most non-medical vaccine advocates see it, they presume 100% effectiveness that isn't there, and presume no side effects, which also isn't there, and presume death if the vaccine isn't given, which also isn't accurate. Given that panoply of inaccurate information, not surprising that they are so adamantly pro vaccine and treat anyone who questions it as daft, no?

And taking this flu shot you described is generally recommended for those who are in the risk group where the chances for a flu developing into a pneumonia is much higher, like the elderly. It isn't practical for an otherwise healthy adult to take the flu shot, for the reasons you mentioned. But where the risk is higher, it will become more reasonable to consider taking the shot.

I feel that. I only came to MY conclusion after a lot of years of reading, asking, witnessing. They do not cause the same reactions in every person. for sure. And, like any other medication, there are inherent risks. thank you for you insight.

Thank you! I feel we can make our own choices. And, although I see the truth behind vaccination, anyone who doesn't look into it, would not see it. I'm so glad you children are healthy, and wee not affected in the way my son was. When i speak up about this, it really is for those who want to know more. who are looking for answers beyond what hey hear in the mainstream. If they are happy with how their lives are running and they choose vaccinations, that's awesome. I love that we live in a free society where we can celebrate the power to choose our experiences. And, by sharing what happened to us, and what i have learned since, helps maintain my right to choose something other than government mandated medicine.

I think if you add some photos so people get attracted more to your posts

Thanks, will do!!! Learning all about this Steem thing.

YES YES YES! No vaccinations please. and yessss add some photos to break up the text :)

Thanks Love! Will do!

I believe you. It is good that you expose the truth.

Thank you. It's a calling. I have to do it. :)

Thank you.



P.S. Your title says it all: "Your Decision"
Vaccination or not should always be the decision of those involved, never coerced...


Thanks for the informative about vaccine @blessedlife

Thank you! it's @Blissedlife <3

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Sweet! i'm loving it here already! Now, I have a badge? very cool! thank you!

Great job on the article. What would you say were your best detox methods that helped to get your son back?
Also, I just posted this on the country of France decision to force vaccines.

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