I'm glad that it is your last post.
You should REALLY do some research.
Doctors in the old days knew that about measles. It was common knowledge.
But you are instead choosing the pharmaceutical view. They can't sell something until they make enough people afraid of it.
And it wasn't that long ago where it was published in medical journals how injecting measles vaccine straight into a tumor made it go away. Look it up!
Granted it didn't work for every patient, but it did work sometimes. These patients had exhausted all other means of treating their cancer before they tried this, so they were pretty close to death already.
This sounds great! I can be immune to the measles because I got vaccinated, so I don't risk complications and then if cancer afflicts me later in life, the tumor can be lysed by injecting a variety of the measles virus because my immune system will react to the measles-infected tumor cells and kill them off!