Save a Life from Whooping Cough -- Success? Inadvertently Cause 10 deaths from All Causes -- FAILURE!

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

Just because a vaccine may have a BENEFIT, does not mean the COSTS or RISKS should not be weighed.


What if you could prove that a vaccine saved 1 Million Lives -- but I could prove that the same vaccine took 10 Million Lives from other causes?

Should my evidence of harm be brushed aside as worthless?

Doesn't the big fat risk outweigh the benefit?

Does the benefit of saving one baby from Whooping Cough outweigh the harm of killing 10 babies from SIDS?

Here's the thing --


... Until Now!

FINALLY we have something starting to approach the VACCINATED vs. UNVACCINATED STUDY that parents have been demanding for years!

Parents have been recounting for years and years, of how they took in a healthy, normal child for vaccines, and then suddenly that child changed overnight in detrimental ways, and in many cases suddenly died. But we have been ridiculed and laughed at and SHAMED for speaking out.

They accuse us of killing kids by discouraging others from getting vaccinated, claiming that only a monster or an ignorant fool would would want their baby to have Whooping Cough or become ill from something preventable.

However, many loving parents, scientists and doctors have been saying that it just isn't worth the risk to vaccinate, because we have seen the damage that the vaccines themselves have done to people!

And besides, we have personally seen how unvaccinated children are usually much healthier than vaccinated children!

The circumstantial evidence seems abundant to those of us who have searched it out. But why haven't scientists been funded to study these issues in a properly done, scientific manner?

Well now we have a "BulletProof" study done by Danish Scientists studying African children.

The children in this study were all vaccinated, but some received the DTP (Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis) vaccine at a later age than others.

"The data suggest that, while the vaccine protects against infection from those three bacteria, it makes children more susceptible to dying from other causes."

"African children inoculated with the DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis) vaccine, during the early 1980s had a 5-10 times greater mortality than their unvaccinated peers."

Aha! Even though the vaccine claims to save people from contracting Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis (Whooping Cough) the other side of the coin is that the vaccine kills 5-10 times more children than would have otherwise died! This is terribly disturbing.

Should this not have been studied as a possibility right from the beginning -- after all EVERY VACCINE is a PHARMACEUTICAL DRUG. All pharmaceutical drugs have a list of potential side effects, and a benefit/risk analysis should be done for every drug before using it.

Why has it taken this long for a study of ALL-CAUSE MORTALITY to be done? Should overall safety not have been the priority before deciding that each and every infant in the world must be injected?

Robert F. Kennedy wrote this excellent piece outlining this Danish study which clearly shows that the DPT (Diptheria/Pertussis/Tetanus) vaccines kills more lives than it saves.

Click Below To Read Kennedy's Analysis of the Study


Though protective against the target disease, DTP may increase susceptibility to unrelated infections… DTP was associated with 5-fold higher mortality than being unvaccinated."

It should be of concern that the effect of routine vaccinations on all-cause mortality was not tested in randomized trials. All currently available evidence suggests that DTP vaccine may kill more children from other causes than it saves from diphtheria, tetanus or pertussis."

This study is certainly one step in the right direction.

Well before this new study, it had been observed that the Diptheria/Tetanus/Pertussis combination of vaccinations were associated with a big increase in SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) deaths.

Next we need studies comparing the long-term health outcomes of children who are COMPLETELY Unvaccinated, verses children who receive all vaccines on the childhood schedule.

I don't know if this study will ever be done. I've already observed enough unvaccinated children to know that they are usually healthier than the vaccinated. That's good enough for me for now. But I wish that the scientists would do the work so that other parents could be fully informed of the risks that they may be taking.

Please watch the video below to get a fuller understanding of this study and its importance on vaccine safety.

Read more articles like this one at my Blog:


Please Comment Below and Let's Have a Productive Conversation!

I know that this is a very controversial topic ...
but if you care about children as much as I care about children...
surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.

I do not vaccinate. I should correct that, I did vaccinate once and it was regrettable. My youngest son developed seizures from the very first vaccination for whooping cough. He was around 4 months when he had his first blackout. After almost 3 years, it was determined that it was caused from the pertussis shot. I stopped all vaccines and anything else that a doctor prescribed. Now, healthy, beautiful boys in their 20's and they also choose not to vaccinate. Great post. Thank you for the ton of information

I am so sorry to hear that your baby was affected by this dangerous vaccine.
Thank-you so much for sharing your story.
Good thing that your adult children learned from that and chose not to vaccinate their own.
This is more common than most people realize. Many, many people who don't vaccinate do so because of their own injury or injuries in their family that they do not want repeated with their own children.

It was a challenge but it really made me wake up to the vaccine epidemic. I am thankful for the past diseases that were eradicated by vaccine but things are different now..we don't need mercury or lead or arsenic or heavy metals in our bodies...not a good idea. Thank you again for great info!

I am so sorry to hear that! Poor boy! =(

I have mixed feelings on this. You should definitely get some vaccinations. But there seems to be way too many!

My parents never vaccinated me. I'm thankful because now as an adult I get to make that choice for myself.

My brother and sister weren't vaccinated either. My sister was unhappy with my parents choice, And she got vaccinated. All 3 of us, Are healthy and happy.

As a kid, I almost NEVER got sick. While the other students around me were consonantly sick. I don't know if my immune system is good. Or if it had something to do with the vaccines, Who knows.

I would love for them to do more research into this. I am open to getting some of the older vaccines that have been around a while, and don't seem to have any serious risks. But the newer ones I won't get. Until I see the potential repercussions from the people who got them.

I also worry about what kinds of things the government may be adding to these vaccines. I mean, In many countries we have FLUORIDE in our water. Which is extremely harmful. So it makes me wonder what the governments are thinking as far as the well being of their citizens.

Thanks for dropping by and commenting. It is certainly an issue that people need to give some thought too, and you are clearly doing that.

Many, many other people have noticed like you did, that the unvaccinated children are generally healthier. Most interesting is hearing stories from people who vaccinated the first child(ren) and then stopped after an adverse reaction or after learning more, and went on to have more children that were unvaccinated. They always seem to say that the first vaccinated children are sicker than the later unvaccinated children.

Waiting until later in life to vaccinate is somewhat safer than vaccinating while an infant with a still maturing immune system, but still carries a lot of risk.

I have personally chosen to forgo all vaccines for my children and have been happy with my decision.
They are free to choose differently when they are adults, although I doubt they will since they hear me talk about the issue all the time, and they hear the VaxXed Tour vaccine injury stories that I keep listening to live on Periscope or replaying. So my children are well aware of the issues and know that I am doing what I have researched to be best for them.

I love that you are also giving your kids an option. Giving such a small child so many different things seems a bit scary. I understand that they will need to go to school and be around other children. Which makes Vaccinating make more sense. I'm not sure exactly what we should do about this whole issue!

You were kept safe by heard immunity as the people around you were largely vaccinated. Vaccines are not harmful (outside of allergic reactions). Fluoride in the water isn't "extremely harmful" either, and its presence is by and large responsible for the drastic improvement in the quality of peoples teeth in the developed world.

Whether or not you never got sick as a child, has nothing to do with your vaccinations as those common sicknesses were not protected against by vaccination anyway.

"heard" [herd] immunity is just another way of admitting that vaccines are only maginally effective. If they're effective, you're protected. If not, then you can run around doing mental gymnastics blaming it on everyone else. Measles outbreaks routinely happen in 99% vaccinated populations.

Sodium Fluoride and fluorosilicates have been used as pesticide for over 100 years. But I'm sure it's just in the water for your teeth.... Kind of like you drink sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun.

My spelling needs work. Herd immunity is the mechanism by which vaccination attains its effectiveness, they are notably only truly effective when everyone is vaccinated. This is why people not vaccinating their children put everyone elses children at risk. It only takes one weak link to break the chain. The human immune system is only so good. Its not like one becomes a super hero against a foreign agent just because of some antibodies. Even in a fully vaccinated population it is possible to contract the disease you are vaccinated against, the likelihood will be small, and its spread will be minimal due to herd immunity. It's just how biology works.

Sure pesticides, okay. It's all a matter of concentrations. A lot of things could be used as pest control in the correct concentrations. Well what else is it in the water for? Mind control? Perhaps it convinces us all that the world in round.

How old are you?

This is an interesting piece of info about the polio vaccine. There are also interviews with Edward T. Haslam about the weaponization of virally induced cancer. This may not be palatable to the incredulous.

Here is Bill Gates openly admitting vaccines are important for aiding in depopulation. In case someone might not understand the definition of depopulation it means: To remove or reduce the population of, as by destruction or expulsion.

Gates is at the top of the scum chain

I totally agree... Upvoted and followed!

Thank you for posting this! Upvoted and followed! =)

Thank you for a very interesting and informative post! =) Upvoted!

@canadian-coconut I had never known that DPT is that dangerous.
Why don't they stop using it!!
Why not find an alternative!!