
Coldmonkey thanks for your concern. I too see a lot of fraud around vaccines and firmly believe we need to question everything we learned about these vaccines.

Also, people should not be making fun of you for your opinion. Instead they should present evidence or even subjective alternative. Teasing is a cheep trick we should not rely on. This is basically hate speech. Let me know if you feel verbally abused by any of these replies..

i didn't know steemit was a safe space...

he's posted on like, EVERY reply. he's not looking for discussion, he's looking for a fight.

yes, i was speaking about coldmonkey. he's been fucking with other things i'm a part of as well... maybe a paid troll?

And vaccinations are crippling children too. Here's just two of the stories that I have shared here:

HPV Vaccine Paralyzes Athletic 13-yr-old Colton of Utah


Matthew's VaxXed Story: Chickenpox Virus Infected Spinal Cord & Brain, Causing Permanent Brain Damage

Also, most cases of polio only appeared like sniffles or a cold. Vaccines actually contributed to Polio Paralysis. It was called "Provocation Polio." Read my article on that here:

Part II of Clues to the present-day "Polio-Like Illness" sweeping America -- History Shows that Shots/Needles Caused "Provocation Poliomyelitis"

Understanding history helps dispel some of the fear used to sell vaccines.

Don't you know polio was never cured just redefined in 1956. They split polio into two different groups. one of those groups is viral meningitis of which there's some 50,000 cases a year.

In reality, the charade was continuing right on schedule: Of the ‘35,000 cases of polio reported on average in the late 1940s and early 1950s’, only 15,000 were paralytic – the reduction to 2,500 cases of paralytic polio in 1957, and the complete disappearance of all the non-paralytic cases, was a direct result of the diagnostic changes. It’s smoke ‘n mirrors. source

I have to do an article on the history of how polio disappeared. There is so much information that it's hard to know what to share next. I've been focusing on the harm that vaccines can cause, but I should delve more into the real history of vaccines one of these days.Yes, thanks @wakeupnd

Polio has never been cured because it is a viral disease, that you prevent with vacation. Should you contract polio, then you will almost certainly be crippled by it. Vaccination prevents infection. That is why you seldom see cases today. And no, there never has been a reclassification of polio. Just another load of made up, anti-science propaganda.

That's funny because the CDC even recognizes meningitis as being related to polio.

I guess they are known to spread propaganda too huh?

That's funny because the CDC even recognizes meningitis as being related to polio.

I didn't see any mention of that in the link you provided. Is there a specific part of that page that you can point me to?

its in there Non-polio enteroviruses

Non-polio enteroviruses are the most common cause of viral meningitis in the United States, especially from late spring to fall when these viruses spread most often. However, only a small number of people who get infected with enteroviruses will actually develop meningitis.

What's a enterovirus?

Enteroviruses are a group of viruses that include the polioviruses (viruses that cause polio)source

The active word here is"RELATED."

The key is 1955 the same virus. 1956 different.

its in there Non-polio enterovirusis

Ah - so it's "related to polio" in the sense that it's specifically not polio? Sure, they fall into the same group, but they are not the same. Their "relation" does not mean that they will have the same effects or the same treatment/vaccination.

You can have Zika or West Nile. You can have leukemia or testicular cancer. There are differences.

I'm not quite sure what your point was about the "relation" between polio and meningitis. Are you comparing the effectiveness of treatment?

the point is they were the same in 1955 and different 1956

Your improper use of a flag will be noted in my little black book.

People should not use flags just because they disagree with someone else.Thanks @fulltimegeek. I appreciate it.

Why not. If you feel a post endangered children's lives, and amounts to fear mongering wouldn't you flag the post? I seldom flag, but when I do it is because I feel very strongly about the issue raised in the post. I did not mock you, nor called you names. I made a reasonable statement, and flagged a warning.

I understand the business of vaccinations, it cost not even pennies to employ trolls such as coldmonkey, it's not a far out assumption ...

Reading this.. you're more like a troll.

Don't take things personally.
People are entitled to view and express different points of opinion, it is called a discussion.
Chill out a little...

I now have 5 Flags!
Pretty ridiculous that revealing how healthy the unvaccinated are is what solicits such great fear in people.
I never had more than a single flag on a few occasions when I was writing about vaccine injury and vaccine death.

Little black book! How very McCarthyistic in style.

Sanitation and hygiene is what is needed. I have heard this excuse ad nauseum by people who are uninformed about disease and vaccines. Your improper use of the flag will not change reality.

The purpose of the flag is to mark items considered bad, and potentially harmful. I consider anti-vaccination propaganda harmful, and marked accordingly. I did not do it lightly. People are free to ignore the flag, and free to flag and downvote my comments too.

You believe this because you are ignorant. If you can post on Steemit, you have free access to the information to educate yourself sufficiently on this subject. The accumulation of data on this subject is growing out of all proportion to what should be necessary to demonstrate to the informed that vaccines are a failed experiment.

Abusing others because of your unwillingness or inability to develop an informed, up to date knowledge of this subject does not render the facts untrue or the people who do understand it, false.

It sounds to me as though you have developed a belief from the time that polio was a threat, and never changed it. Welcome to the future, where we can take advantage of the knowledge of the past, while not being trapped by it. Welcome to the future, where we are no longer at the whim of moneyed interests, who don't care if we are healthy as long as they make money.

Even if vaccines worked as advertised, the technology that created them has long been rendered obsolete. If I thought you would understand it enough to know how it works, I would explain it to you.

Have fun flagging things you don't understand. I hope your vaccines work for you. Good luck.

I do understand, and I am well educated. I and my entire family are fully vaccinated. I receive a vaccine against influenza every year. I get all the recommended vaccinations when travelling. I have never met anyone who has suffered consequences from a vaccine. Though I have read about them, in the same way I have read about people dying from a reaction to aspirin or peanut butter. I have, however, seen many people crippled by polio. I have read of the deaths of children whose parents chose not to vaccinate. I do fully understand the consequences of my statement. You are simply living in a cloud of self-delusion if you think infectious disease no longer exists.

I, have suffered vaccine damage.

I hope you do get every vaccine available to you.

My "cloud of delusion" has allowed me to find the technology necessary to go from chronically ill to healthier than I have ever been, while allowing me to fix what the vaccines did to me in the first place. I have not contracted any cold or flu or anything else, in the 5+ years since I discovered how to be healthy.

I do believe you've been fully educated, but that does not mean you are fully informed.

I do not believe infectious disease no longer exists. I know that the technology exists to make vaccines, even if they did work, obsolete.
I said this once already, perhaps your education left something behind in your ears.

I hope that you actually read the post before flagging. Because the post was about how to have the healthiest most vibrant children. My intention is to not have more children harmed.
If you still strongly disagree after reading and viewing the links and video then so be it. I just hope you didn't make soley a reflexive decision.

My best friend was crippled by polio in 1966 at the age of ten. His parents chose not to have him vaccinated.

I won't. After all I have you as a model to avoid.

And no, I am not easily offended.