You have some nail biting question there, there is quite a few studies showing clear association but the confusion come about that this isn't a black and white some subject vaccines actually help and in others vaccines cause serious harm...we have a dilemma as more research is needed in the matter....I am still of the belief that the patient must first understand the vaccine and its objectives, and if they agree to the vaccines then they understand the risk it may carry
Hi @daudimitch, more research is definitely needed. But unfortunately, as you probably know, research requires incentive, and typically the incentive is money. The vaccine companies also produce drugs and as the public is becoming more aware, these companies are heavily tied in government regulatory agencies. Studies are very expensive, and this is why there are still so many people without treatments or drugs suffering from lesser-known diseases. If a study were done that found vaccines to be harmful, however, there's still room to edit or pull them altogether.
This type of scenario was done in the Token study, which focused on the Hexavac vaccine. The English version contained 160 pages while the German version was just 7 pages. The more comprehensive English version mentioned 100s of deaths occurring after the vaccination but the German version simply stated the vaccines are safe and multiple vaccines pose no significant risk in the infant mortality rate.
I wish everyone did know the risks before they accepted vaccinations. But we are all up against an unfair fight. The people we trust, such as our doctors and government health agencies, they are not giving us the full disclosure on vaccines.
Vaccination is a billion dollar industry and the special interest are only seeking to full their pocket....the people capable of enacting change don't have the financial muscle to take on the job and they themselves find themselves taking orders when their jobs are under threat....this 'vaccine scheme' is apart of a much bigger problem under health, its has move away from being patient centered to what makes sense financially.....for-profit medical school is another pack of cards with special interest sucking blood all over it, you would soon realize this cancer cannot be contained
For the record that's my area of study, my degree and certification is in Medical Sciences and my area of interest is Immunology so I have an excellent grasp of the subject....I am just approaching the subject matter with a open mind and taking note of the points being made...vaccination is still a controversial topic within the community with many points for and against it...From the early days of Louis Pasteur to Edward Jenner, the subject has remain controversial...the experiment of Jenner would cause quite a stir today but its probably one of the single greatest discovery...I have work along with doctors who would not take vaccine for anything and others that are strong believers... I am certainly not barking the horn because I have a degree and , what I am saying that the financial incentive overrides the intention to do good of many of these vaccines, as vaccines distributed without going through the necessary rigorous testing....We cannot also be ignorant of the fact the vaccination help contained the Spanish flu and the very Polio you speak of....Nonetheless, there is what is known as idiosyncratic reaction to vaccines all of which are well documented and there are special interest groups that just pump the vaccination slogan to gain financial rewards often times some of the vaccines they back has shown no efficacy in dealing with the illness...Once again I would say, the big problem with Healthcare, we have moved away from the days of William Osler and now everything is financial and that's the problem.... to summarize vaccination remains a controversial topic with points for and points against, patients must first be educated and once they agree I see no problem with that but I cannot agree throwing everything down someone throat as I am aware of the special interest who seek financial gains without regard for anyone health....your erroneous statement "molecular biology propaganda books" is out of place as we rely on these very scientist to better understand the mechanism used by these viruses to evade the immune system....the understanding of these viruses are changing constantly and many of these viruses are quite ancient and play a more critical role than previous thought, so I certainly appreciate the hard work that these guys do...I certainly agree with your statement "there were still those that claimed to have isolated the Polio Virus" as that methodology wasn't develop but we cannot use that counter the work that is being done presently....
They got me, I ran away with their propaganda thinking that I am know better off than I was before...I have fallen victim to their indoctrination and I am believer that viruses exist