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RE: Dengvaxia Cases Moving Forward - Charges For Sanofi Philippine Employees But Why Not For Executive Board?

in #vaccines6 years ago

Great post - personally I think vaccinations are 100% scam and do one thing only - kill off the masses - but either way, exposing the evil scum behind them helps reduce the number of children being poisoned by the things, so it's all good.


Yay! It's always lovely to see you commenting on my posts!

I agree with you completely but when I discuss this topic with people I have to admit that the concept of eradicating diseases is conceptually a good idea. However how many of those diseases are man made? Are we trying to reduce the impact of naturally balancing processes on our planet? The marketing material sounds good but the reality is a lot worse.

I personally agree with you and believe they are trying to reduce our population and vaccines are just one arrow in the quiver of approaches to population reduction they fire at us! I'm never getting another vaccine and I wouldn't vaccinate my children!

Lovely to see you commenting again thanks buddy! 😉

And it's great to see you posting. I am doing very little on Steemit these days and think the platform is in its death throws.

My friend @dreemit has been encouraging me to get on Palnet and thinks that is the future. I haven't done anything yet, but hope she is right.

I feel I am forced to remain here because of friends I do not want to lose, however, as soon as HF21 goes into effect and the curator/author rewards are altered to 50-50%, I will be setting all my story/poem posts to Deny Payment. I am also doing this because of the flagging. I have seen too many vicious flaggers who flagged small posters for the fun of it, for me to see any good in it as it works at this time. I do not know if refusing any upvote rewards also stop all downvote 'rewards' - I guess I will have to wait and see.

In the meantime, I signed up at PocketNet and I must admit I am impressed by the quality of posts there.

Just to flog a dead horse, I have made a number of posts about the evils of vaccinations (as they are used now - in my childhood, more than 60 years ago, they never seemed to harm anyone). The result of my posting? I got flagged - heavily flagged on some of them. Just as someone calling his account 'trashit' gleefully flags posters...but the person who does so is not a long-time member of steemit, has a low rep and sp, but has been delegated an SP of about 25,000

I can imagine what a miserable soul it must be, never rejoicing that it helped a poster (a human being) but that it did its share to destroy a few each day.

It might actually turn out to be good that steemit dies. Let the curators upvote/flag each other, while those of us who have something to say (whether we are good at it or not) carry on where the atmosphere is conducive to us growing as writers and people.