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RE: How the Measles Vaccination Program has Destroyed Herd Immunity

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

Many people have figured this out in one way or another usually in different subtle ways. I have seen far too much regarding vaccines and I always get attacked when I speak out but the cognitive dissonance attacks and silences me in fear of admitting they shouldn't trust their government. The amount of patterns and evidence I have gone through is mindblowing. I suggest that once you have figured this out you don't stop there, but keep going because it is important to know who we should and shouldn't trust. I can guarantee anyone if they are open to receive the information, I will do my part and provide as much as I can recover from my own research on a personal level. I assure anyone that these things are mostly not by accident, the medical mafias have been around for hundreds of years and are restlessly working on making people more and more dependent on their products. These people are without a doubt deliberately waging war on the people, I can't say or explain why and neither can anyone with a healthy mind or empathic heart explain how it is possible for such evil to exist and be in positions of power that are seemingly placed there by we the people. This idea that they are put there by us is not true, there is a massive infiltration by different orders that can all be linked back to the same people who have divided us through religion and even language. I think it might be better to not get caught up in the details unless it is requested of me, so I will be relevant. The things we should trust lie greatly in nature and those who have learned to live in harmony with it such as native tribes around the world. They all have something to teach us, and many of them were able to live in harmony without the need of money, religion, and laws/government. I think a very good reference is Michael Tellinger who is building a philosophy called Ubuntu Contributionism. The people we should trust are those who have transcended the tools of domination which are Religion, Money, and Laws/Government. People who aren't interested in making money off of you or imposing their beliefs onto you. A doctor who tells you that you have Thyroid cancer after diagnosing you -while he makes a very nice sum of commission money by selling things related to Thyroid cancer- should naturally be questioned especially if you don't know this doctor and you don't know if he loves you enough to not deceive you. The example I used can even applied to the commissions doctors gain from prescription medications. Similarly, in many cases nurses were told that they had a quota to meet to gain a bonu$. I don't remember the exact numbers but if for example a nurse did not meet the quota of 40 vaccines in a week, they would not receive the bonu$. This gave nurses an incentive to inject MULTIPLE SHOTS on the same visit which is outrageous and unnecessary and a lot more risky and harmful and painful to the baby. Incentive$ are what drives the world, it drives all sorts of criminals even those who wear suits and ties it is driving the human race to misery. Look at how much food is thrown away while millions are dying of hunger, all because nobody paid for that food so it got thrown away by policy. The point I am wanting to make here is that we need to begin to observe things in life as if there was no incentive to the things we do, then we can begin to question why we do them. If a doctor had no incentive to save lives but he did it out of the pleasure of compassion from of doing so, would you trust him? If he saved lives only because it will buy him some of the greatest luxuries offered to society would you trust him? This is what it means to transcend and see beyond the tools of domination. And when one has done this for many years, you will begin to realize everything that is wrong with our system. If you figure out just enough you will realize most of it is not by accident and we are in big trouble, war is being waged on us. That is a reality many people will not accept because of fear of being responsible to fight back against it, but I assure anyone this is the truth and I can provide information for this. I won't say this however without providing solutions and letting you all know that you DO have power and you really CAN do something about it and help fix our situation even by doing things that may seem petty.

  1. Grow your own food and if you can, grow some that you can give or sell to your neighbors, ensuring to remain loyal to nature and being organic. You can learn permaculture techniques that will require 1 hour of your day in a family of four to have all the food you need year round by reading "The One Straw Revolution" by Masanobu Fukuoka. Or simply do a youtube search on Masanobu Fukuoka.

  2. Learn to identify medicinal herbs, foods, plants, have faith that nature will provide cures for every sickness it creates.

  3. Research superfoods and nutrient rich foods. Remember that probiotics is the best way to raise children. I am witness to cases of people who have never once in their life been sick and they were raised on Goat Milk. Raw Cow Milk can be very beneficial as well especially yogurt which is a good dose of protein and probiotics. ALWAYS BREASTFEED WHEN POSSIBLE and Ideally for 2 years or more!

  4. Look into Essential Oils, you'll never need medicine once you have a good kit. I highly recommend Clove essential oil and Cinnamon essential oil and may you never be without Oregano essential oil. I have been using Oregano oil for more than 6 years and I am virtually immune, even have gone through many epidemics and being around sick people. The only time I got sick, the symptoms were almost not perceivable and I was able to go on about my daily life, and once with a fever the symptoms were once again so reduced I couldn't even complain.

  5. Learn Nonviolent communication. You will begin to see the many flaws in our language that have turned us all violent in different ways and have allowed us to be manipulated into wars and more violence.

  6. Let your kids play in the soil, with nature. The sole of our feet absorbs minerals and vitamins which can be found in soil, in fact when you have oregano oil you can apply it to your sole for better absorption and to avoid the spicy taste in your mouth if you aren't comfortable taking it orally. Remember that our skin absorbs things and bacteria is good as long as you can afford to help boost your kids immune system (in other words its ok to let them get sick if you can afford to look after them all day and night). Of course this does not go without saying that parents must be wise and also be familiar and responsible with the environment they are playing in.

This should suffice for now for those who are daring enough to go vaccine-free, if anyone has further questions please feel free to ask me :)


We got to be patient and CONTINUE MORE AND MORE as we continue to share this in creative ways in videos, posts, social networks, websites..... Info Wars, Drudge, Zero Hedge, Milo, Tomi, Fox, Stefan Molyneux, Mike Cernovich, Steven Crowder, etc..... and make our own networks.... and it is good when we share this stuff on Steemit too... thanks for sharing, everybody

Thank-you for your well-thought out comment!
The rabbit hole does go deep!

Yes, the rabbit hole does go deep! @canadian-coconut, thanks for coming up with such a well researched and thorough blog post that sparked off such a discussion! :)

Thanks for all the sound advice @gamagoro. :) Truly appreciate it!