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RE: Do Vaccines Cause Cancer?

in #vaccines7 years ago

This is playing with lives, when a kid dies of a simple disease that can easily be countered by vaccines because mom and dad are against it, then comes the regret.

There is a reason life expectancy is getting higher, and that's because we can avoid being (terminally) ill or recover better from physical accidents. With the help of medicine and it's field of vaccines.

Just guessing, but i'd make sooner a correlation that the cancer rate is higher because we are just with more people on the planet. more people = bigger numbers in the statistics.

Oh and the ever increasing exposure to pollution. Just ask families living next to "clean" coal power plants and if there is cancer in the family...


What about when a kid dies from a vaccine?

If you watch the VAXXED youtube channel (link below) they are collecting many stories of "coincidences" where kids die fairly horrific deaths shortly after getting immunized. Especially if they are getting vaccinated when they are sick or receiving multiple jabs at a time. How many more coincidences have to happen before it is actually studied properly in a Vaxxed vs unvaxxed study of the entire vaccine schedule.