Reverse Transcriptase - Dirty Vaccines

in #vaccines7 years ago

I've been watching an interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits who was a researcher in the 80's and 90's I think in the National Cancer Institute. She basically uncovered some really bad shit to do with a virus called XMRV (Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus-Related Virus) and they found sequences of this virus in prostate cancer patients. They found this was a mouse related leukemia virus - found in mice. so that begs the question - how did a mouse related virus get it self in the human population? Answer - through dirty vaccines.

What they learned was these mouse derived fully functioning viruses were contaminating the vaccines including MMR. So from 1994 there is what they call Reverse Transcriptase activity in MMR vaccines.

So Reverse Transcriptase is an enzyme found in only retroviruses and it reverse transcribes the genome which is RNA, into DNA, meaning it inserts itself into your DNA and stays there for your lifetime and generations after that. Now in 1994 the US and UK governments, WHO (World Health Organisation) met to decide what to do about this, but because it was everywhere in so many people. They had unknowingly introduced into humans a new retrovirus for a long time associated with cancers, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Neuro immune diseases like Alzheimers and Parkinson's disease.

So in 2009 the authorities (National Institute of Health) decided that this information must not get out and tried to silence Judy Mikovits and Frank Ruscetti - the researchers who uncovered this, but they wouldn't sign any agreement, so they fired them, bankrupted Mikovits, threw her in jail to try to shut her up. ruscetti and is wife who worked for the Government were both fired too and had their lives destroyed.

To read more on the Medical Mafia and Judy Mikovits story go to: - she has written a book on it. Another great series to buy is The Truth About Vaccines - Ty Bollinger. I'm sure many of you will know about this.

We all need to be standing up to governments and spreading the truth about vaccines and the disease and suffering they are causing the population. Apparently a part of the Obamacare legislation is directed at adult vaccination - tying to make it compulsory for adults to be jabbed too, by 2020.

Glad I don't live in America, though I don't doubt our Government here in australia will be doing it's best at some stage to try the same ploy.

Peace to all.



I am afraid I don't share your opinion.
I know vaccines might seem bad and there might have been one or the other bad things caused by them....
But all this is by no means comparable to all the good vaccines have caused.
Just imagine a world completely free of vaccines . This woud be a paradise for viruses and bacteria...
Well here is a video I found quite interesting on that topic, you might enjoy watching it:

I hope you don't feel attacked or anything, this is just my opinion, I don't mind you having a different one,
Anyways, thanks for this article :)

No not at all. Everybody is free to have an opinion. it is important to know however, that we have bacteria in our bodies and it is important that we allow our immune system to deal with bacteria and viruses. there are a couple of things to consider here:

  1. I'm not against vaccination, but the use of "dirty" vaccines that unfortunately do cause harm.
  2. The use of Homeo prophylaxis to deal with viruses has been proven to provide even better results that standard vaccination in many cases.

I would encourage you to watch the series The Truth About Vaccines as this provides a lot od evidence from a range of medically qualified people from doctors to pediatricians and immunologists.

Thanks for your comments though as this is what Steemit is all about.

All the best!