I never claimed to have or have not read that particular report. I am simply stating that there isnt a link. So that your readers and followers arent confused such as this one guy arckrai down below who stated " I found it a good read, I didn't know that vaccines have the potential to cause autism like symptoms"
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He is correct. The CDC says the same.
You claimed:
...about a study you have never read.
Again, i never claimed to have or have not read any particular article. For all you know i could have read it, i never claimed one way or another. What i am claiming is that the scientific community has disproved to this date any link between autism and vaccines. That is my only statement so that people are not confused about that .
Right. And yet you still claim the data was "forged." Which data?
You do realize that the peer-reviewed studies I listed in this post are part of that scientific community, right?
izmini you totally need to watch 'vaccines revealed'. There it shows very clearly that there is a definite link between vaccines and autism the evidence of which was destroyed by the CDC and exposed by the whistleblower Dr William Thomson. There are numerous other studes proving links as well. Recently there was a report on the news about the link that they have now conclusively found between heavy metals and autism. There are heavy metals in vaccines. Don't take my word for it, watch Vaccines Revealed, please!