Well it is good you are willing to see that adverse reactions do in fact occur. The rates are not given in the doctors office however and the information sheets we are given are CDC sponsored information which includes SOME of the adverse reactions but not all.
For the sake of this I will refer to the Dtap, a very common emergency room and childhood vaccine which was created to create immunity against diptheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough).
Here is a link from the FDA for the Dtap by Infanrix:
If you take a look you will see it says a number of things about the vaccine...
-Progressive neurologic disorders, including infantile spasms, uncontrolled epilepsy, or progressive encephalopathy is a contraindication aka adverse reaction to administration of any pertussis-containing vaccine, including INFANRIX
-afebrile seizures were reported at a rate of 13% for a sample of 2,457 individuals (pg 12)
-inconsolable unusual crying lasting more than 3 hours occurred 9%
-hypotonic-hyporesponsive occured non-responsive behavior occured 1% of the time
My first child went into one of these hypotonic non-responsive states after her 3rd Dtap. She wouldn't talk, eat or make eye contact and when she went to sleep she slept abnormally long and had neck spasms and twitches for many months after.
She also developed a severe respiratory infection a week later.
In addition, the rest of these adverse reactions are listed without a rate or percentage of occurrence listed.
-Respiratory tract infection
-Anaphylactic reaction
-Encephalopathy neurological brain damage (Declining ability to reason and concentrate, memory loss, personality change, seizures, and twitching are common symptoms)
- hypotonia (commonly known as floppy baby syndrome, is a state of low muscle strength sometimes causing and inability to stand or walk)
-syncope (Symptoms include paleness, nausea, sweating, a rapid heartbeat, and fainting)
-cyanosis ( a bluish discoloration to hands or feet, usually caused by low oxygen levels in the red blood cells or problems getting oxygenated blood to your body)
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (listed at the bottom of page 12)
And the big one for me is that in this manufacturer package insert is clearly states " studies have not been conducted with INFANRIX. It is also not known whether INFANRIX can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or can affect reproduction capacity." (pg 13)
Yet this year they have begun to pressure pregnant women in doctors offices and hospitals around the country to get this vaccine. I have discussed this with mother's who miscarried shortly after receiving this vaccine and it is very heartbreaking. Who has decided to push this on pregnant women?
The CDC states on their website as of July 2017 "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that pregnant women receive the whooping cough vaccine for adolescents and adults (called Tdap vaccine) during the third trimester of each pregnancy.Jul 24, 2017" yet there are no studies to support this decision.
In my opinion this is a very serious situation putting lives at risk and for what? For corporate gain? Many can speculate as to why but the why isn't as important as questioning everything coming from the CDC when they have clearly been corrupted by special interests.
But is it really surprising that sectors of our government have been corrupted by special interests?
I will admit, sometimes, vaccines do exactly as they were intended without causing an adverse reaction but for those who aren't so lucky they are chastised and ridiculed when they themselves were not informed and then left to deal with the life long consequences that can occur.
Chances are, if they were listed without a percentage it is because they occur so infrequently that a study did not need to be conducted. And while vaccines don't always work, their effects of counteracting things such as whooping cough much outweigh the risks.
"How does getting immunised during pregnancy protect my baby?
The immunity you get from the vaccine will be passed to your baby across the placenta. Getting immunised during pregnancy will help protect the baby in the first few vulnerable weeks of life, until he or she is old enough to have the routine immunisation at 2 months of age. " - http://www.immunisationscotland.org.uk/vaccines-and-diseases/whooping-cough.aspx#sideeffects
While it is unfortunate that mothers have miscarried, that could have been a coincidence as well and not a direct cause of the tdap vaccine.The possible adverse effects do not outweigh the protection that both the baby and mother receive, especially because the immune systems of infants are so weak. There does not need to be a study that supports this decision because there have been many studies that show that the immune systems of infants are weak, such as https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4707740/