A Real Slaughter.

in #vaccines7 years ago

250,000 to 300,000 people die every year from medical error.
124,000 die every year from known side effects of properly taking their medication. Congress, it's time we do something about the pharma-med, allopathic-worship culture in this country. This is a slaughter.

585 people have died in mass shootings (4 or more shot at the same time/place) since Jun 2016, too. We ought to do something about that too. I have a feeling that addressing the main issue would resolve a lot of this.

If we're going to be outraged, let's get it straight, 59 people killed by a psycho with a gun just for being at a concert is shitty. But HALF A MILLION people dying a year because of our medical system failures ought to be a little more concerning.
Sick bodies have sick brains and do sick things. Adding chemicals to sick bodies does NOTHING --sure, it might be a much needed crutch at the time, but if you don't address the underlying cause you're killing yourself.

And Doctors --forced into 10 years of education and 200K in loan debt, only to be minted as pharma sales reps? Want to know why 300K are dying from med errors? Let's start there.

And that is just the ones they'll admit... EVERYONE knows that flu shot season is "bed clearing season" at nursing homes. SIDS. Vaccine deaths. Chronic pain patients turning to street drugs when their Doctors and pharma ruin them and then turn them away, OD and die. CANCER INDUSTRY... Chemo deaths because we won't admit that cancer rarely kills you, the treatment does... and we won't admit that multiple non-traditional cures for cancer already exist. I bet when you dust it off and add it up we're looking at 750K to 1 million deaths a year due to current medical system failure and pharma-culture.

http://www.businessinsider.com/pharmaceutical-spending-by-country-2015-11 https://www.cnbc.com/2016/04/27/americans-consume-almost-all-of-the-global-opioid-supply.html https://www.consumerreports.org/prescription-drugs/too-many-meds-americas-love-affair-with-prescription-medication/ https://www.webmd.com/drug-medication/news/20170803/americans-taking-more-prescription-drugs-than-ever-survey http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/08/30/chemotherapy-warning-as-hundreds-die-from-cancer-fighting-drugs/



This is fact, most of it through the government agencies' own figures. Things that anyone can check for themselves. However, most people are too busy doing everyday things to check it out and get a dose of reality. Your governments are the biggest terrorist's. THEY are the criminals. And yet, people think the government cares about them. It is so pitiful.

Great post! Yes, I too find these numbers and stats disturbing! Thanks for sharing