HPV Vaccine and Sterility?

in #vaccines7 years ago

This is a blog I wrote three years on my website janeknowitall.com I think I need to take a new look at the data and see if the trend has continued and write a part 2 soon.

This is an old story but I saw it pop up in my news feed recently and I wanted to have a little talk about Gardasil and sterility.

“The Japanese people are reporting side effects ranging from “long-term pain and numbness to infertility and paralysis.” In the wake of these complaints, the Japanese government has decided to withdraw its support for these widely pushed and controversial HPV inoculations.”

I started pondering the link between Gardasil and sterility when I saw this nugget back in 2012. U.S. Teen Pregnancy Rates at an all-time Low (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/us-teen-pregnancy-rates-at-an-all-time-low-across-all-ethnicities/). Hm. What caught my eye was the percentage decrease in the teen birth rate over one years time. From 2009 to 2010 it dropped 9% overall. I saw a more recent article that showed a 10% from 2012 to 2013 as well.

From 2005 to 2007 it actually went UP. From 2007 to 2009 it went down 3%. From 2009 to 2010 it went down 9% and is declining fast and steady since.

It’s quite a steep drop compared to the overall slow decline that’s been happening since the 90’s.
[There was a steep decline in the 90’s that leveled off to a slow decline in the early 2000’s. Which is probably part education, shifting attitudes and social roles –and partly… BPA and phthalates and other endocrine disruptors.
Watch The Disappearing Male for a clue on that. https://topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-disappearing-male/]

As for the sudden sharp decline in 2010… Some of it may be that the Plan B pill was made available without a prescription for those 17 and older (15 year old girls have 17 year old friends) in 2009 but two things pop into mind on that issue. Most teen pregnancies are unplanned, by the time the teen knows she’s pregnant it is too late for Plan B. Also, I recall a coworker buying it, it was pricey at $50 a pop. No teen girl is popping that pill every time she’s having unprotected sex.

Also from this page, you can see the rate started to take it’s turn in 2008. Right when the HPV vaccines were being pushed. By the end of 2007, 25% of the target age group had had at least 1 of the 3 shot series. The steep decline begins when the shots began. https://www.citylab.com/equity/2013/05/declining-teen-birth-rate-explained-3-charts/5635/


Seems to me that a study should be done. Let’s look at the girls having sex, the ones getting pregnant, the ones NOT getting pregnant –and their HPV vaccine status.

What are ‘the powers that be’ attributing the sudden sharp decline in teen pregnancies too? Well…. hold your hats!

Education programs. Condoms. And… the ECONOMY.
Try to not laugh when you read this from this page (https://www.boston.com/culture/health/2014/05/06/teen-pregnancy-rates-hit-historic-lows):
It says,

"Between 2005 and 2008, the teenage pregnancy rate decreased in 30 states and increased in 22 states. Then between 2008 and 2010, the teen pregnancy rate declined in all 50 states. Larger trends around fertility behaviors and economics, especially the recession in 2008, study authors wrote, may have played a larger role in the recent decline.”


So let me get this straight… Jack and Diane are fooling around in the back of his car and Diane is begging for some sweet sweet loving… and Jack says, “Baby… with the recession… I just don’t think this is a good idea!” Yeah. That happened. eye roll

So let’s cast that stupidity aside.

Better education?
What did they do that was SO different in 2007/8 that suddenly made teens see the light? I have googled. I can’t find anything life changing.

Can anyone find me numbers that show a sudden uptick in purchase and use of contraception… because I can’t find those numbers either.

The vaccine manufacturers are the ones who study and report the safety and efficacy of their products to the FDA in hopes of buying… er… gaining approval. Once approved they can never ever be sued for these products.

So, maybe Gardasil and Cervarix cause sterility. Maybe not. I think it calls for some real studies. I think it’s cause to NOT vaccinate your daughters AND SONS with this vaccine –since the manufacturer hasn’t even bothered to study the vaccines affects on reproduction. NOT STUDIED.

Add in the deaths associated with these vaccines? Toys get recalled after 2-3 deaths. Yet, Gardasil has been implicated in over 100 deaths last time I looked. But it’s still out there. After Merck made 3 billion off the girls they begin pushing it on boys.
Now they are pushing it on gay men and anyone with HIV/AIDS.
They are trying to kill you –while making a few more billion.

For a vaccine that isn’t even needed. Vaccines and mass vaccination programs ought to be analyzed on their benefits outweighing their risks. That doesn’t happen in this country anymore. Just like Hep B, HPV will clear on its own or not even go on to cause cancer in the vast majority of cases. –And I am not even getting into what is really causing cancer and how to avoid it, or cure it. Read this for starters.

There are a lot of experts out there saying this vaccine is safe and that the deaths aren’t related –but how can they make such bold statements when these perfectly healthy girls are suddenly dropping dead after their HPV vaccines and the autopsies are giving no answers.

You have to be smart enough to not fall for this bullshit. Doctors are now allowed to give the shot to kids as young as 9. There is talk of moving the shot up to the routine childhood immunization schedule. What will they say then when sudden infant deaths spike at that point? Coincidence…. again? After all, vaccines do appear to be the leading cause of coincidence in this country. I am sure they will figure out some new way to convince you there is no link.
