Australian AI Computer Has Created A Flu Vaccine To Be Trialed In The US! Mind Boggling!

in #vaccines6 years ago

Australia's ABC news agency just announced that a computer running AI has created a flu vaccine which is to be trialed in the US. That's totally wild and almost sounds insane to me given what I know about vaccines and medical corruption.

As usual I will apply some analysis to the public documents and see what omissions we can see.


SAM - The New Creator Of Vaccines?

The ABC's article which can be found here states that:

"A "turbocharged" flu vaccine created by a computer with artificial intelligence in South Australia is set to be trialed in the United States."

The AI program has been given the name SAM and apparently created the new vaccine on its own. According to the professor Nikolai Petrovsky whose background we will dive into shortly SAM has the " theoretical ability to acquire knowledge and then make new ideas". I suppose that is the point of AI but Petrovsky has covered himself with the use of the word: "theoretically".

He goes onto say: "Obviously you have to train it or teach it."

So the ability to acquire knowledge and make new ideas is "theoretical" and that theoretical ability is based on what SAM is trained or taught. What he is saying here is that SAM's abilities are theoretical and that it can only work within the data sets that it has been taught to analyise.

The threads are beginning to unravel here. Theoretical? Has to be taught? Hmmm.....


The Flu Vaccinations

If you have read my posts before you will know I am extremely concerned with this massive global push to vaccinate people. Having witnessed first hand the way medical corruption works and the amount of money that is involved I have lost faith in most doctors and am beyond cautious when dealing with pharmaceuticals.

Flu vaccinations are another conundrum. How can they predict what viruses are going to be around next year? How can they develop the vaccines so quickly. Sanofi pasteur claimed to have spent 20 years developing the Dengvaxia vaccine that killed so many children in the Philippines. How are they able to create vaccines in a year? This narrative stinks!

Even if you get the flu vaccine it does not guarantee that you will not get the flu. I myself will never put that stuff in my body. The truth is the doctors who administer these substances don't even know what is in the vaccine themselves. Be careful of this stuff!


Professor Nikolai Petrovsky - Flinders University Australia

Who is this guy who has been working with AI and SAM to create this new flu vaccination. Here is his public profile on the Flinders University website. If you look at his profile from a position of ignorance it looks OK, however if you understand the way things really work there is a lot to be said.

His interests are listed as:

  • Diabetes
  • Influenza
  • Vaccines

Already I'm spotting problems. In Australia diabetes is a growing problem and I personally know many people suffering from the illness and have seen the numerous amputations, pills and injections they are prescribed by Australian doctors. All of this adds up to an enormous profit for the big pharma and the medical industry in general.

However nobody seems to be dealing with the root cause of diabetes - the diet. Without realizing it the medical establishment is working with the producers of poisonous food creating a tragic roundabout. People eat bad food which makes them ill and then they are prescribed expensive treatments which don't address the root cause of the illness. There is much more money in selling bandages than healing the wound.

I am incensed that this kind of horrendous practice is allowed to take place when the real cure for diabetes is our diet and this knowledge has been in the public domain for years. The American Diabetes Association has the sheer nerve to release statements like this:

"Diabetes is a chronic disease that has no cure."

What rubbish! It has been proven that diet can heal diabetes. In my research for this post I just re-watched the amazing documentary Simply Raw Reversing Diabetes In 30 Days which clearly shows that people with terrible diabetes can cure the condition in one month of raw nutritious food.

It may seem that I have gone off on a tangent here but this is relevant. Professor Petrovsky is part of this establishment. If he is not recommending that diabetics move towards a chemical free and raw diet to treat their illness then he is doing a disservice to the ill and dying. After all he is the director of the department of Diabetes and Endocrinology at Flinders Medical Center. This totally taints his reputation in my eyes and combined with his work with vaccines looks even more shady.

I don't like to think the worst of people but I know first hand how much money is involved with these industries and money corrupts in the most horrendous way! There is no money for big salaries and bonuses if you are teaching people to grow and eat natural food!

Who does Petrovsky really work for?


AI For Vaccinations?

Professor Petrovsky seems to have no training in AI based on his CV. However this doesn't seem to matter and maybe it doesn't. As he admits SAM has to be trained to do the work that it does. This means making human decisions on what is included in the "training" or data sets that the AI uses.

Scary! This guy does not seem to be involved in healing people otherwise he would be singing the praises of correct diet for Diabetes. Perhaps like so many of our healthcare "professionals" he himself is woefully uneducated and does not even know about this. Either way he seems compromised to me.

There is another factor here in this discussion. There is a global move towards automating processes and removing humans from the equation. We can see this in all sorts of industries but AI and self driving cars are great examples. The self driving vehicles are set to create massive unemployment. Conceivably self driving cars could be much safer but they will create massive unemployment. When people are unemployed where are these self driving cars going to drive them safely to? The park?

This new move towards using AI to create vaccines is another step in that direction. I don't know if Professor Petrovsky realizes this but this technology has the capacity to make people like him unemployed making it cheaper for big pharma to create these drugs.

The safety of these drugs will still be in question. AI is supposed to make better decisions than humans but those decisions are based on the data that is "taught" to the computer.

As usual the real questions we should be asking are:

  • Who profits?
  • Who chooses the information to input into the AI computer?

The chances are that the answers to those two questions reveal the same hand at play. I personally believe they are trying to reduce the population on the planet and vaccines are just one method they are using to do it. Another is poor food. They go hand in hand making huge profits for the industry while they kill us off.

I know this sounds terribly dystopian but that is honestly what I feel these days. I have seen the process of corruption at work from the inside and there is no other conclusion I can come to now.

Let us watch and see how this "flu vaccine" is trialed in the US and what results are publicized. Let us also not forget the words of the father of western medicine Hippocrates:

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food!"


Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

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In regards to Diabetes, you must distinguish between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. Yes, Type 2 Diabetes is a result of a bad diet and can often be fixed by a diet change.

However, Type 1 Diabetes is an auto-immune disease where one's own body is attacking its own pancreas. This can't be resolved by eating better. In fact, infants under the age of 1 are coming down with Type 2 Diabetes after their Vaccinations. Vaccinations are probably the major cause of increase in Type 2 Diabetes.

See my article about it here:

If there is a cure for Type 1 Diabetes, is would involved reversing auto-immunity, where the body can learn to stop attacking its own organs. Hopefully such a cure exists somewhere, but I don't know what it is.

Thank you so much! Your information is so valuable and seems to come always at the right time...

I am currently staying at a place where a young man with Diabetes lives and although I didn't refer to it in my post I was thinking about his condition when I was discussing Diabetes.

He has never been given any important information on his condition before so I was looking into the alternatives available for him. Wonderfully he is willing to approach his treatment with an open mind.

I hope if he can begin the process of healing he could inspire a lot of other people with the same problem as he is a good public speaker. Fascinating.

Thank you so much! I will read that post now! 😊


u may be interested to learn that type 1 diabetes can be improved and even sometimes reversed.. it is harder to do than type 2, but i know a lady and this is her speciality.. she holds retreats and helps people from all over the world.. her main approach is a Raw WHole Food VEgan Diet..

Worth knowing! U can read more on her webpage, amazing woman!
