It sounds insane to have a term like flu vaccine season! Yet we hear about it every year. Getting a flu vaccination is a dangerous and unnecessary risk that profits big pharmaceutical companies. I will never have one because I have nutrition on my side and the risks outweigh the benefits for me! 😉
There are some fascinating aspects of the flu vaccination drive around the world. Not least of which is the evidence pointing to their ineffectiveness. However these vaccines also represent huge cash cows for the pharmaceutical companies. It is estimated that annual flu vaccinations are worth $3 billion to the pharmaceutical industry. When there is a lot of money involved there is always the incentive for corruption!
As I look at this scam I can't help but wonder: how likely the pharmaceutical companies are to manipulate the situation for their financial advantage and out loss. I will explain my reasoning and let you decide...
Flu Season Vaccinations - What?
The vaccine narrative fails on so many levels when you look closely at it. Vaccine companies like Sanofi claim to spend billions of dollars and decades developing vaccines that in the end cause misery and death. This for a start doesn't make sense but then how are pharmaceutical companies spending just one year developing a vaccination for what they predict will come next year. I have never been able to make these figures and timelines stack up in my mind.
So every year we have flu vaccination season and the push to get these yearly vaccinations is intensifying. The more people who take these vaccinations the more profit for big pharma - that much is clear! Why would people put something in their bodies that they know has only been developed for one year without any real testing? It's insane!
Truly if people want to avoid the flu they just need to have strong immune systems. A decent understanding of nutrition, exercise and the way your body works is far more beneficial for you than the flu shot. That knowledge is for life not just a year!
Yet our media, schools and societies are woefully lacking in good nutritional education. Whats worse is that much of our food is polluted and modified so that it is no longer healthy. The same goes for our water supplies. This sadly means that nutritional information and access to clean healthy food is hugely restricted and accessible only to those who have money.
Same old story!
They have to cover themselves so they tell you there have been no effective trials!
Problems With Flu Vaccination
We understand that these yearly vaccinations are profitable for big pharma but do they work? The evidence of their efficacy is not there. In fact when you take into account the risks, costs and lack of efficacy, to me they seem like a dangerous risk to take. Life is full of risks and this is not one I fancy...
There is a lot of information surrounding this discussion on other channels online however it is important to mention here that there are studies which talk of the flu vaccination having 10%-60% efficacy. Yet this is not the worst of it. Some of these vaccines still contain mercury which is extremely toxic to the human body. There is one other worrying aspect to all of this. The doctors who are administering these vaccinates didn't make them themselves and the track record of vaccine injury is so significant that I don't trust the people who really made them.
I am particularly concerned for pregnant women who are getting flu shots. The truth is that we should be taught nutrition and have access to healthy food then we will be healthier and live longer. However this approach flies completely in the face of the eugenicists who represent the 1% of people who control this world!
A $3 Billion Annual Conflict Of Interest For Big Pharma!
Big Pharma pushes these flu vaccinations all over the world. Leaflets are printed, buntings are raised in doctor's offices and chemists, tv advertisements run rife. This all costs a lot of money but then this is just business. The marketing campaign is just a small amount for big pharma to spend for an annual revenue stream which is estimated at $3 billion dollars!
This stupendous sum is in itself a reason to push yearly flu vaccines. These corporations have the stated aim of improving earnings for their shareholders. Profit is the only motive. Trying to save lives and improve national productivity are only marketing terms used to achieve the yearly $3 billion in sales.
Here is where things get interesting though! Any reasonably well educated person knows that big money and corruption go hand in hand. The examples are everywhere in front of us in every country. When $3 billion dollars are involved then the incentive for corruption caused by conflicts of interest could be said to be worth $30 billion a decade! 🤔
I wish to tender two worrying thoughts I am concerned with and let you make your own mind up:
- With such a lot of money involved is there any real reason to create something truly useful or is the real drive just to get any old shot out the door each year to capitalize on the money generated from fear-mongering? How can you produce a vaccine in just 12 months anyway?
- This is the most worrying - big pharma spends decades working with the influenza virus. They have untold numbers of strains, manipulations and works in progress in their labs. With so much money involved is there not an incentive for big pharma to create influenza viruses and release them into the population every year? This would guarantee their revenue streams! Do you think this sounds insane? Large corporations have been caught doing similar things many, many times. Monsanto's blatant illegal spreading of their seed allowed them to use the law to pressurize farmers.
My point is who is checking on these vaccines, their efficacy and their storage? Why are big corporations allowed to make so much profit from what should be considered healing the sick? If these pharmaceutical companies and our governments were honorable this field of research would be a nonprofit field! After all it has the potential to effect all of us!
I will be interested to ready any comments on this post!
Rubbish! 😡
Jockey votes 4: @teamsteem, @ausbitbank & loves @canadian-coconut, @chron, @mammasitta, @samstonehill, @sift666, @v4vapid
Great post! Vaccines are definitely a scam and harming our children. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you very much for the compliment! You are most welcome buddy! 😀
Random thought - how come this virus always mutates? Couldn't they just say "oh, this year it's the same virus as the last year, if you' ve had a shot last year, no need to take another". But that would be a $3 billion loss, I guess.
Sadly I believe you are correct... 😢